GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, without them being a POV character, I find it hard to even put the Boltons in the running for most well written. I like them, but (in the books) they are not very fleshed out like others.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Tyrion ending up alone in Mereen will prolly be Jorah's only way out of the pits, assuming he even lives after the arena.
I predict Jorah dies a heroes death in the pits protecting Daenarys.

Maybe it's just naive hope to think he'll meet a good end. Maybe he'll just roll up uninvited and Drogon lands on him, lol.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It would be epic if he saves her life, gets back into the friendzone, then gets sent to the exile zone yet again because he has greyscale.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I too believe Ramsay will betray Roose, especially after the news of a boy on the way
Are we saying this because the show won't have Ramsay kill off a pregnant (and fat) character? That may be a bit too heat from the SJW crowd.

And the Greyscale must play SOME part in the grand scheme of things right? Or is it just a plot device to get Jorah to sacrifice himself for Dany in some way? Which would also make sense since Tyrion outright said, "better for them to just die than to live in such a way" when the stonemen attacked them in Valyria.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Isn't the main fighting pit in the city? He'll be publicly disobeying Dany yet again but on a much larger stage when he fights there. He's got about four different flavors of death hanging over his head.


Millie's Staff Member
I didn't say it would make a lot of sense, it would pretty obviously be a stretch. Maybe a spy at Castle Black sent a raven with the relevant info before the snowstorm got too bad for ravens, and Ramsay is only now acting on it.

I'm just saying, they could come up with basically anything.

Maybe the show will end up different, but I think that's been the whole point of the books (and the series so far) is that there IS no big bad. Everybody is bad.

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. If you are playing, you will do anything to win because if you don't win, you die. If you aren't playing the game, you either aren't an important part of the story, or you get used and discarded by people who are playing the game.
sounds like a copout to me, there is alway a protagonist and an antagonist, otherwise its just a bunch of shit that happens. martin's point was that there is good and bad but depending on your point of view. this show is from the pov that the lannisters, boltons, freys, harpies, WW etc are bad. stannis isnt really a good guy, he only thinks that he is because he is fair, which he goddamn isnt. vagina monstering his own brother ruined any chance of that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You know protagonist just means leading or major character in a story right? It doesn't mean good guy.

As to your example of Stannis, Renly was a usurper. Stannis actually made him a pretty incredible offer if he would yield, his spot back on the small council and to be named as his heir if his probably barren wife didn't have a son. If Melisandre didn't use a vagina monster to kill him, it would have meant war between Stannis and Renly, so how exactly is that not fair?

Jon Snow, Daenerys, and maybe Stannis are the closest thing GoT has to major characters being good guys, and in Daenerys' case it's largely due to her youth and naivete. I suspect she will quickly find herself faced with the hard choices you have to make if you play the game, and she will either die or reveal herself to be just as bad as all the other 'bad guys' from the show.


<Bronze Donator>
Well we already know what jorah does since the screens leaked while filming and we discussed it to death nearly a year ago. You guys speculate on the dumbest shit btw.

Just catching up on wifi traveling. Few points:
Syrio is dead, ssm
Cold hands is a wight, not a white walker
Faegon is fake, it was always about dany. Reread the arya chapter in got or rewatch the episode with her under the red keep, illyrio and varys schemers gonna scheme. Before the narrative got away from grrm and it was a simpler story, and red herrings get added in later.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Faegon is fake
I'm not saying this is impossible, but it would make absolutely no sense. Tyrion deduces that Young Griff is Aegon without any outside prompting, and Varys monologues to the dying Kevan Lannister about Aegon with no other witnesses. When someone reveals things to a dying character in a story, it's usually either the absolute truth, or a lie that is very obvious to the reader intended to make the dying character suffer worse. Varys actually apologized to Kevan for killing him, explaining it was necessary, so it doesn't follow that he would then lie about Aegon just to fuck with Kevan.

So yeah, it is possible that Aegon is fake, but it would be nonsense if he were. Him being excluded from the show does suggest that he may end up not being that important in the books though.


<Bronze Donator>
Read my edit (was catching a cab and had to post before losing wifi).

You can read grrms original plan before he decided to fluff it up. It makes even less sense for the two schemers with this master plan to talk in secret about this viserys/dany plan when all their eggs were in some aegon basket. Unless of course grrm decides to add a character way later to extend the books and there was no aegon when he wrote the original trilogy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Read my edit (was catching a cab and had to post before losing wifi).

You can read grrms original plan before he decided to fluff it up. It makes even less sense for the two schemers with this master plan to talk in secret about this viserys/dany plan when all their eggs were in some aegon basket. Unless of course grrm decides to add a character way later to extend the books and there was no aegon when he wrote the original trilogy.
I agree that Aegon being real makes some of the things Varys and Illyrio have done early in the series seem kind of inconsistent. Maybe they just assumed that Daenerys would do all the work and then either yield to or marry Aegon. I don't think Aegon every really stood a chance without Daenerys, no matter how much chaos Varys caused in Westeros.

Either way it's very bad writing if Aegon is a fake, whether he ends up being important or not. I


Molten Core Raider
Can't see Ramsay betraying Roose but I suppose it's plausible since he has no idea what Stannis is about. Seems like we may find out the origins of the pink letter either way depending on how this seal team six raid turns out. I'd like to have an actual book spoiler before the end of the season. I almost wonder if they'll not let any out in the very slim chance Grrm can beat them to the punch and release the book before the next season. There are a shitload of people who would buy the book to find out what happens and a lot of them, me included, who won't if the show gets there first.

The right thing to do, and the ultimate troll would be to have the book and show end differently, just to hear the screams.


Trump's Staff
The right thing to do, and the ultimate troll would be to have the book and show end differently, just to hear the screams.
Both Martin and D&D have said the endings are going to be basically the same, the journey will be different.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Coldhands isn't a wight unless you want to believe against everything we've seen and read that wight's can act on their own. We actually don't know what Coldhands is since he's described as having dark eyes and hands which again doesn't go with what wights and then White Walkers are with their blue eyes. He's somehow in league with Bloodraven as how else would he know that Bran was approaching? Guess we'll see.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
What I don't get (or what hasn't been explained to us yet) is that if White Walkers reproduce via child transformation. Who are the original White Walkers?


Log Wizard
What I don't get (or what hasn't been explained to us yet) is that if White Walkers reproduce via child transformation. Who are the original White Walkers?
Think they say that The Others lived in the North way before the First Men showed up. So they've just been around forever and just recently decided to amass an army and go actually do stuff.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I could see them omitting Dany riding off on Drogon for the simple fact that Tyrion is already there and they don't have to meet. I could also see Jorah being killed by Drogon in order to protect Dany. Drogon could fly to the pits and fuck shit up and then just leave. Either way kind of exciting to speculate about this for once instead of knowing exactly what's going to happen.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Well we know about 8000 years ago the White Walkers tried to destroy all of Westeros and possibly other areas of the world so this wouldn't be the first time. We know that Craster sacrificed male babies to them, we don't know what that means.


Trump's Staff
I could see them omitting Dany riding off on Drogon for the simple fact that Tyrion is already there and they don't have to meet.
Riding off on Drogon is a really powerful moment in Dany's story, I really hope they don't remove it after how weak her screen time has been. Chicks would love it and it'd keep some watching after their boy toy Jon Snu gets killed by a child.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Powerful moment? As I remember it she's completely powerless, stuck on Drogon's back with no ability to control him, just along for the ride.