GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Sam's shit was kind of disappointing to me. He let his cunt of a father get under his skin instead of just actually manning up and not giving a shit about what his dad thinks. I don't know what the fuck the plan is supposed to be with taking fucking Heartsbane. He takes it as a "gotcha" to dear old dad and then what? Goes back to Castle Black with 1 extra weapon that can hurt WW even though he still sucks at fighting? Totally worth that trip. He'd also be disobeying Jon's order to him and for what reason?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What is Sam going to do with Heartsbane? John already has Longclaw? Brienne Oathkeeper?
Tyrion will wield it.

It'll be pimp as shit, this little midget on a dragon wielding a two handed broad sword twice as long as he is tall, punking out white walkers and their bitch boys like Yoda in the Star Wars prequels.

You know you want to see that shit.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
What is Sam going to do with Heartsbane? John already has Longclaw? Brienne Oathkeeper?
Well Brienne is headed back to the Riverlands. I'm assuming that Sam will hear either that Jon was killed or that he is moving against Ramsay and will decide to go back north before ever making it to Oldtown.

And that closing scene with Dany was bad all around. It didn't advance anything plot wise and seems like it was just an excuse for dragon time.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Speaking of Brienne, they've got her headed into a pickle. She's gonna get there to find Jaime laying siege to Riverrun. Provided he gets there unhindered at all. I noticed they name dropped The Brotherhood with the Freys so she might have her rendezvous with you-know-who after all.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The main thing I took from the Dany scene was "Drogon is finally starting to look like a badass dragon". He seemed easily twice as large as the previous season.

It wouldn't surprise me if Benjen shows up in the book like he does in the show, except the readers will think it is Coldhands. The Bran flashbacks were badass. Need moar!

Arya decided she didn't want to be a faceless man because I think she finally understood Cersei, and then understood she was acting the same way. She always saw it as a means to an end, but it wouldn't surprise me if she isn't feeling the bloodlust anymore and decided that killing innocent people that seem pretty cool isn't the path she wants to go down. She changed her mind about the Hound, after all.

I noticed they name dropped The Brotherhood with the Freys so she might have her rendezvous with you-know-who after all.
God I hope not. No Lady Stoneheart please ;/


Avatar of War Slayer
Sam also now off path of his "orders" - cant they say he is a deserter and lop his head off. Sam should have taken the sword - busted into pop's room and is like "I am reclaiming my birth right!" and drove it straight through dear ol dads heart.

so are book readers QQing bout dat Benjen?


Sam will still head to Oldtown, his father will follow, they'll probably have a showdown where Sam grows some balls and his father begrudgingly lets him leave with the sword. Sam's season ends with him learning some horrible truth from the Maesters at the Citadel.


Registered Hodor
Benjen = Coldhands = fucking rofl

The answer is Syrio.

Not today.
The waif is going to attack Ayra, disarm Needle and right before she goes for the kill she'll get knocked out by a wooden sword. The camera will pan around to Jaqen changing his face, revealing that he's Syrio, and he will say "Not today."


FPS noob
that dragon is swole and roided out as fuck. I wonder where she sits though, wouldn't all the spikes turn into a massive dildo

really enjoying the season so far, I will likely rewatch the entire season once it finishes which I didn't expect going in. Sam stuff kinda meh, I assume its gonna have some lore payoff in the Citadel

The number of times Cersei mentions her trial by combat pretty much confirms Cleganebowl 2016


The Scientific Shitlord
Tyrion will wield it.

It'll be pimp as shit, this little midget on a dragon wielding a two handed broad sword twice as long as he is tall, punking out white walkers and their bitch boys like Yoda in the Star Wars prequels.

You know you want to see that shit.
Tyrioda? I could get behind that.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The number of times Cersei mentions her trial by combat pretty much confirms Cleganebowl 2016
Im really looking forward to the Mountain Fucking up all the Sparrows children. Sucks that Jaimes redemption story was lost in the Show but im totally up for him and Bronn going on more adventures


Millie's Staff Member
I am not sure if its the same, but King aerys was in the original unaired pilot for this show. the pilot was not well received so it was scrapped and redone with new actors and such. this might be king aerys footage from that pilot.

the dany scene was shit, even though drogon looks fucking pimpin.

the facepalming jaime did over his son becoming a scientologist had me cracking up.

omg lady stoneheart possibilities!

sam scenes was silly, i kept thinking sam stole his dad's sword to sell. i kept imagining him walking into the GoT version of Pawn Stars and Lord Rickard telling him he would have to get an expert on valyrian weapons before he could quote a price.

Benjen was anti climactic

arya's scene broke my heart when i realized one of the actors was the villain from Hudson Hawk. i love that guy.

overall ok episode for a memorial day show. i expected some filler, but dany's scene took the fucking cake.

some screencaps from this episode in regards to king arys.
(Spoilers Everything) Screenshots of an event from Episode 6

screencap from the unaired pilot. brandon stark getting tortured.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So, Benjen confirmed Coldhands after all? (edit: Saw the other posts regarding him. Fuck GRRM for saying it wasn't)

The Arya stuff confused me. Why was she so empathetic towards the Cersei actress? We all knew she wasn't really a Faceless Man, but the way that went about was just...not even remotely what I would've expected.

I agree with the Dany shit. We get it, just get on with the fucking story already. I will say the dragon CGI was way better than the arena scene though!


Chances are Coldhands is not Benjen in the books and it's just another case of the show condensing multiple characters into one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wonder if there was any particular significance to Bran seeing King Aerys, the wildfire, and Jaime killing him. IIRC all those scenes have already been mentioned at some point or another during the show. My best guess is the mad king's wildfire stockpile detonates, causing the the destruction you see in king's landing.

And the shit with Margaery getting Tommen to back the High Sparrow makes no fucking sense, whether she legitimately got brainwashed between episodes or is working an angle. Terrible episode.