GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The Arya stuff confused me. Why was she so empathetic towards the Cersei actress? We all knew she wasn't really a Faceless Man, but the way that went about was just...not even remotely what I would've expected.
I don't know what the Arya stuff really means, but I think there may have been some actual deep philosophical subtext.

Varys traveled with actors too, correct? I think Arya, in that moment, realized the same thing Varys realized long ago, that everyone is just an actor playing their part in the game. Cersei is just playing her part as the angry, vengeful mother. The Sansa actress is just playing the part of the usurper. Arya is just playing the part as a pawn of the Faceless Men, etc. I think this is Arya seeing the actors in the game, and realizing she needs to flip the script.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think yall are reading too much into it. She decided she wasn't willing to murder an innocent woman over the jealousy of another actress, and probably finally understood the fundamental truth of the faceless men in the show. They really are nothing but a group of nutjob death cultists, who will just kill anyone for any petty reason at all.


Millie's Staff Member
why couldnt it just be the actress humanized cersei in that scene and caused arya to rethink her entire revenge list goals?


<Bronze Donator>
Looking forward to next episode, "The Broken Man".

Sometimes the titles don't make sense until you've finished the episode, for example, "The Door". moon door? oh it's about robin arryn, littlefinger storyline. Oh shit, it's about Hodor.

Then sometimes like this episode "Blood of My Blood" it's obviously dothraki/dany story.

I'm guessing that "The Broken Man" is a double entendre. The obvious meaning being what was shown in the preview, Jaime at riverrun, the freys threatening to execute Edmure who is the broken man. But another obvious meaning is Septon Meribold's speech about broken men, the aftermath of war, and re-introducing the hound.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Because that would be even dumber writing than the Dorne shit. She isn't going back to Westeros for tea and crumpets, she's going back to kill people.


privileged excrementlord
So, Benjen confirmed Coldhands after all? (edit: Saw the other posts regarding him. Fuck GRRM for saying it wasn't)
As much shit talk as I'll direct at Gurrm I don't think he's Coldhands in the books. Seems like some shit DnD came up with for the show, to just combine the characters. The CotF straight up said Coldhands has been dead for a long time, ruling Benjen out. Also, the over-posted editor picture confirming Coldhands is not Benjen.


Trakanon Raider
I think yall are reading too much into it. She decided she wasn't willing to murder an innocent woman over the jealousy of another actress, and probably finally understood the fundamental truth of the faceless men in the show. They really are nothing but a group of nutjob death cultists, who will just kill anyone for any petty reason at all.
Not for any petty reason, for a price! I'm interested in seeing where this goes with Arya. I really don't think she has the skills to defend herself against the Faceless men, So either she gets whacked (which I doubt) or Jaqen intervenes. Remember, Arya spared his life when he asked her which life she wanted him to take, and she said his name. Benjen coming to the rescue was kind of anticlimactic. I don't know why, but the suspense that was built up from last week's episode didn't really come out when they were being attacked in the forest. Glad to see Benjen return, however. The Sparrow throwing another monkey wrench into everyone's plans was pretty cool, albeit I'm a bit confused by the queen's sudden transformation from the last time we saw her. I thought the part with Sam and his father was very well done. Sam returned, hoping that his father would feel proud of him now that he had been part of the Night's Watch, but instead, he's just as ashamed of him as he was the day he sent him off. Glad Sam grew some balls and took his sword. Not sure where his character goes from here, he's still not a very good fighter. All in all, not nearly as good as the previous two episodes, but a lot of stuff has been put into place and should make for some great upcoming episodes. This season has been outstanding overall, after not expecting too much going in.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not for any petty reason, for a price! I'm interested in seeing where this goes with Arya. I really don't think she has the skills to defend herself against the Faceless men, So either she gets whacked (which I doubt) or Jaqen intervenes. Remember, Arya spared his life when he asked her which life she wanted him to take, and she said his name.
Well there has been zero subtlety in the show this season, which means every little tidbit is significant. Jaqen said not to let her suffer, so I think it's pretty clear that the Waif beats Arya intending to let her suffer. For her disobedience Jaqen decides to let Arya go, offering the Waif to the many faced god in her place. Or something along those lines.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm kinda hoping Arya kills her and takes her face, but she's not badass enough for that yet.


privileged excrementlord
I like how Arya had no idea the waif was just chilling there with the rest of the cast the whole time.


Trakanon Raider
Well there has been zero subtlety in the show this season, which means every little tidbit is significant. Jaqen said not to let her suffer, so I think it's pretty clear that the Waif beats Arya intending to let her suffer. For her disobedience Jaqen decides to let Arya go, offering the Waif to the many faced god in her place. Or something along those lines.
That would be pretty badass. I agree with you, though. I think jaqen probably winds up killing the waif and allowing Arya to go free. Arya killing the waif herself would be cool, but like I said before, I just don't think she has the skills to kill one of the faceless.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So Arya has crossed the faceless god for the last time and stands no chance against the girl.

My take is the girl will kill someone on Arya list likely the hound to pay Arya's debt to the faceless god ether that are cross another dire wolf off the list..

But at least the Stark clan all seem to heading back in the same direction now.

Oh and king Tommen confirmed stupid incest baby.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I also think Queen Margaery is working a scam. Get her and her brother to safety and let Tommen be the hostage when the final confrontation with the sparrows happens.


Millie's Staff Member
so now that tommen has a holy king's guard. what happens to the regular kingsguard? tommen already tossed jaime (Captain) out of KL to wipe some asses in the riverlands, whats gonna happen to the rest? if they kill tommen off this season where does that leave the kingdom?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I get the feeling Arya is going to lay a trap for the waif. She's not dumb, she knows that bitch is going to come after her. She also knows that she can't beat her in a fair fight.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I think watching the play made Arya realize that she couldn't become no one in order to be one of the Faceless Men. That her love for her family and her desire to avenge them are things she simply can't let go of. Telling Lady Crane she should write for the play was a way of saying "be true to yourself, be who you are". Ned Stark didn't raise his children to kill those who did not deserve death simply because someone was willing to pay a price for them to do so.


Sam will somehow unlock the secrets of his fathers sword and show back up at the wall and arm his brothers will moreof those type of blades.


The comet is long gone though and it's kind of theorized that the Others bring the long winters and not the other way around.
This is what I thought also, but I think it has more to do with magic and the shit going on. Red priests getting more powerful, Dany's dragons being born, more people with warging/green dream abilities, etc. I can't really remember the exact mentions, but I know Melisandre mentions she is having an easier time doing her magic, especially at the wall.

On the other hand, the white walkers bringing the winter might not be quite so literal. Whenever the wights/others are around, the air gets noticeably colder; just about every character has commented on it in the presence of the race.

So them bringing the cold might only be when in direct presence - winter could just be naturally coming, which makes it a good time for the WW to invade. Since the summer was the longest on record, the winter is assumed to be very long and bitter.

I sort of thought that the world getting colder would essentially mean that the magic and the WW would have the ability to spread. Kind of like starcraft zerg creep or some shit.

I assume it all has something to do with each other though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think watching the play made Arya realize that she couldn't become no one in order to be one of the Faceless Men. That her love for her family and her desire to avenge them are things she simply can't let go of. Telling Lady Crane she should write for the play was a way of saying "be true to yourself, be who you are". Ned Stark didn't raise his children to kill those who did not deserve death simply because someone was willing to pay a price for them to do so.
To a degree. I do honestly think that watching the play, being put on the spot by the actress, then actually understanding the motivations behind the real Cersei was sort of a lightswitch moment. I doubt she forgives Cersei and wants to be BFFs, but I think she had a moment of introspection and realized that people do things for a reason. Kind of like the actors playing the role/part, people will act in certain ways and it is hard to flip the script. Kind of like the Hound. She viewed his actions and wanted him dead. Then she understood he basically had his role and had to fulfill that role and she ultimately didn't hate him in the end.

I do wonder where Arya's story will bring her now, though. There are only a few possible options currently:

1) She actually dies and the Waif takes her place (unlikely, but you never know!)
2) She beats the Waif somehow (Arnold vs. Predator style?)
3) The Waif ends up defeating herself. Arya isn't no one yet and still a trainee, but the Waif is supposed to be no one. If the Waif displays traits that show she is not no one (ie, desires), then the Waif is actually committing a much more grave offense than Arya. I actually think this option is the most likely. Jaqueen will basically take out the Waif, thank Arya for helping weed out the unworthy, but then tell her she needs to go because she clearly will not become a true faceless.

As for what happens post Bravos, my guess is she either meets up with Sam n' Crew (Old Town is near Bravos, isn't it?) or she decides to just go back to Westeros and look for her family on her own.


Next episode, they showed Yara and Theon at the long bridge in Volantis. I think it's likely that Arya runs into them there and they travel to Mereen to find Daenerys.