GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Golden Baronet of the Realm
it's because the main driving force behind the whole show (the war for the iron throne) is now gone. Now we are just left with several side stories that, without the context of the war, all reach 'who cares?' level. Sam, girl and kid? Cripple Stark? Arya? Jon? Stannis and Melisandre? They all have zero impact on anything, so who cares? There are other forces (Danny, Mance, ice zombies), but all three are both monolithic and far away, so who cares? It's leaves us with King's Landing's soap opera, which has been great but lost 80% of its tension (no war preventing people to leave King's Landing and Joffery's asshatery behind, no war making the throne shaky, no war making treason in favor of a third party possible).

So yeah, the question for me is not 'Why should I keep watching if the characters I invest in are getting killed?' it's 'Why should I keep watching now that the story became almost totally uninteresting?'
The war for the Iron Throne is still going on. You still have Stannis brooding and plotting with Melisandre, and Dany building her army to retake what she considers her throne. I guess you could argue Dany is far away and Stannis has already been defeated once, but neither are out of the picture.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The thing is, Robb's army was never going to have a chance to completely win, because once there was time to deal with Stannis, Tywin could pull back to KL and force Robb to make all the moves.

Also something else I'm remembering about why he needed the Freys, can't forget the Iron Islands were rising up again and had taken Winterfell, along with Deepwood Motte for a time. Robb was pretty much fucked with shit to deal with at home after he marched south, and Tywin holding control of all the pieces in the south and KL. If Renly wasn't such a cocky asshole, and Stannis would have allied with Robb, they might have had a chance.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My jimmies are rustled, but it's not because I liked Robb or Cat, it's because the main driving force behind the whole show (the war for the iron throne) is now gone. Now we are just left with several side stories that, without the context of the war, all reach 'who cares?' level. Sam, girl and kid? Cripple Stark? Arya? Jon? Stannis and Melisandre? They all have zero impact on anything, so who cares? There are other forces (Danny, Mance, ice zombies), but all three are both monolithic and far away, so who cares? It's leaves us with King's Landing's soap opera, which has been great but lost 80% of its tension (no war preventing people to leave King's Landing and Joffery's asshatery behind, no war making the throne shaky, no war making treason in favor of a third party possible).

So yeah, the question for me is not 'Why should I keep watching if the characters I invest in are getting killed?' it's 'Why should I keep watching now that the story became almost totally uninteresting?'
I think part of the problem with the TV show is that they decided to name the entire series "Game of Thrones" as opposed to the books, where that was just the title of the first one. So you're confused because you've been led to believe it's a story about the Iron Throne where it's really about the entire world GRRM has created.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You fail at Marketing 101 if you think it's an awesome idea you rename your successful product once a year.

Besides, there are two core elements to the book series: Who rules Westeros and the coming winter.


I can accept the idea that the war was a chapter and that a new chapter will begin, but at this point there is nothing in sight that could make a new chapter with the same kind of scope and complexity (The three big potential invaders have the right scope but no complexity and the King's Landing conspiracies have the complexity but not the scope).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You mean if Robb had backed Stannis, which is what Ned would have done.
Catelyn did go to talk to Renly and Stannis, and it wasn't like Robb wanted to be more than King in the North. Stannis was as rigid as Ned though, and no matter what would not have supported splitting up the 7 Kingdoms like that since he feels he is the rightful king given Joffery's parentage (which he is, if you support the Baratheon claim).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I can accept the idea that the war was a chapter and that a new chapter will begin, but at this point there is nothing in sight that could make a new chapter with the same kind of scope and complexity (The three big potential invaders have the right scope but no complexity and the King's Landing conspiracies have the complexity but not the scope).
Guess you'll have to keep watching to see what happens.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I honestly am not trolling with Joff. Everyone seems to think a king needs to be some valiant knight riding into battle on his noble steed and vanquishing the foes on the battlefield. Joffery, at the very least, is surrounding himself with people that are allowing him to succeed. From all points of view it appears like the title of King is effectively his without question. The only remaining threats, as other have said, are not immediate. We have the king beyond the wall and Dany but when it comes to the actual seven kingdoms it seems pretty quiet at the moment. Maybe not the Iron Isles but they've said so little about that place this season who knows. I'm also unaware of this alleged cruelty. So he has Sansa beat on occassion. Yeah she's a bitch and it was a different time. He tries to puff up his chest a bit and is often times struck down by his betters. Well Tywin can talk down to basically anyone in the realm on any day he so chooses. He trolled the hell out of Sansa and Tyrion which I found hilarious since Tyrion is always has this attitude towards Joff so I can't blame him there. The Barathions are in shambles, the North is in shambles, the Lannisters remain. Last time I checked I didn't see King's Landing on fire and the plague spreading so that seems in check. I think that if a king like that ruled England he would be seen in the history books as "pretty decent."


Mr. Poopybutthole
You fail at Marketing 101 if you think it's an awesome idea you rename your successful product once a year.

Besides, there are two core elements to the book series: Who rules Westeros and the coming winter.
Erm, they could've named it "A Song of Ice and Fire." Or really anything, with a sub-title to go along with it to differentiate seasons.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Game of Thrones is such a better title for the series than A Song of Ice and Fire


I'll watch anyway, but they have just the finale to make me eagerly look forward to the next season like I did the previous two.


privileged excrementlord
You think that the Red Wedding is that much shorter than Robb's Wedding? To me the benefit of calling it the Purple Wedding is that it doesn't really spoil much. People were chanting "can't wait for the red wedding" this season and it still didn't give too much away. Though it was still retarded when the people were doing it.
wat, Robb's wedding wasn't the Red Wedding, and calling it Joffrey's wedding doesn't spoil anything. What the fuck is wrong with you? Besides chugging dick.


Unelected Mod
wat, Robb's wedding wasn't the Red Wedding, and calling it Joffrey's wedding doesn't spoil anything. What the fuck is wrong with you? Besides chugging dick.
Sorry, Edmure's wedding. Man, did you get dressed up in a purple nightie by your mommie or something? You really seem to have a hangup against purple.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I honestly am not trolling with Joff. Everyone seems to think a king needs to be some valiant knight riding into battle on his noble steed and vanquishing the foes on the battlefield. Joffery, at the very least, is surrounding himself with people that are allowing him to succeed. From all points of view it appears like the title of King is effectively his without question. The only remaining threats, as other have said, are not immediate. We have the king beyond the wall and Dany but when it comes to the actual seven kingdoms it seems pretty quiet at the moment. Maybe not the Iron Isles but they've said so little about that place this season who knows. I'm also unaware of this alleged cruelty. So he has Sansa beat on occassion. Yeah she's a bitch and it was a different time. He tries to puff up his chest a bit and is often times struck down by his betters. Well Tywin can talk down to basically anyone in the realm on any day he so chooses. He trolled the hell out of Sansa and Tyrion which I found hilarious since Tyrion is always has this attitude towards Joff so I can't blame him there. The Barathions are in shambles, the North is in shambles, the Lannisters remain. Last time I checked I didn't see King's Landing on fire and the plague spreading so that seems in check. I think that if a king like that ruled England he would be seen in the history books as "pretty decent."
You're out of your mind if you think you can owe anything positive to Joeffrey. Tywin and Tyrion are the only Lannisters who are doing shit that's helping the Lannisters.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Catelyn did go to talk to Renly and Stannis, and it wasn't like Robb wanted to be more than King in the North. Stannis was as rigid as Ned though, and no matter what would not have supported splitting up the 7 Kingdoms like that since he feels he is the rightful king given Joffery's parentage (which he is, if you support the Baratheon claim).
You're neglecting Kreugen's argument that Ned wouldn't have demanded splitting the 7 kingdoms. Kreugen is saying that Ned would've bent the knee to get Stannis' support. Whether that's true or not is unclear.