GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
They did, and I watched it, but it didn't click that fast apparently.

Should be interesting to see how it plays out.

And I do agree, I want to start reading the books! Thanks!
I read the books after season one because I was having a terrible time keeping track of who everyone is. You really get a lot more out of the show if you can understand everyone's relationships and motivations. It's been 3 years now since I read the books though and I'm already having trouble remembering a lot of stuff. I hear people talking about show all the time saying things like "I love this show but I have no idea what's going on half the time".


<Prior Amod>
I think Jamie doesn't tell people that because he himself values honor as well and sees the Iron Throne something to respect as well as whoever sits upon it. It was his job to protect the king and even though he's the one that killed him that by taking 100% of the brunt of the blame and not giving his reasons that he is still protecting the king.

I think that's why it was so important for him to return to the Kings Guard, not so much because his psycho kid sits upon it but because that's what he sees as the right thing to do.


<Prior Amod>
Also, "I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room." could very well be one of my favorite quotes now.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Something the show didn't highlight is what kind of badass Dorne is. Everyone bent the knee to the Targs; all but Dorne. They guerrilla warfare'd the fuck out of the Targs until they said no more. They tried again several generations later and won, only to get kicked out with a rebellion and then later finally said let's marry instead. I realize it's still early in the Dorne introduction in the show, but I hope some character actually take the 2min it takes to spell out that going to war with the goat fuckers is bad for your life expectancy.


Only like three people knew of the plan to burn KL I thought, and two of them are dead. I guess you don't get a sense of how widely known it was from Jamie's monologue.
This. To everyone else from the outside it looked like he backed the king until all was lost then back stabbed the king to join the winning side. Ned rolls in just after Jaime kills the king and is like...really you join us.


Musty Nester
It makes sense to me no matter who knows what. The Mad King was mad sure, and he needed to be done did, but it was not Jaime's place to dun do him.

So that's why he gets such shit over doing something that everyone wanted done. Something that they were actively fighting a war to DO. Everyone is just afraid for their own necks. If they are tolerant of what Jaime did it is a crack in the social order. The only surprising thing is that he was not immediately executed, no matter who his daddy is. That part feels more contrived than any of the scorn and hate he gets for the act itself. After seeing his cold blooded daddy in action you'd almost think that it would be the Tywin himself who ordered the execution.

Even if not, and Tywin wanted to save his son to continue the dominance of his clan, you would think that there would have been a much stronger campaign of propaganda at least among the aristocracy to clear Jaime. As it is it was like, "No... we can't kill Jaime cause that'll piss his daddy off and his daddy has his army parked right outside the gates." In this culture/context... it doesn't seem like temporary blackmail would be effective for that long term of a goal. There are a hundred ways to kill Jaime privately (and without trace) after his life has been spared publicly. The assassin gets assassinated. We've seen THAT in the show just plenty.

It's a pivot for a very large part of the plot... and it really doesn't hold up under scrutiny if you stop to consider motivations. At least in the show. I'm sure there's like 200 pages devoted to it in the books... explaining how it is not inconsistent.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The Hound will probably die in the next few episodes, too. That wound in his back has to be infected from all that rolling around on the nasty inn floor. The timing would be alright since she enters Braavos by the end of the season, if the trailer with the Titan of Braavos is any indication.

Something the show didn't highlight is what kind of badass Dorne is. Everyone bent the knee to the Targs; all but Dorne. They guerrilla warfare'd the fuck out of the Targs until they said no more. They tried again several generations later and won, only to get kicked out with a rebellion and then later finally said let's marry instead. I realize it's still early in the Dorne introduction in the show, but I hope some character actually take the 2min it takes to spell out that going to war with the goat fuckers is bad for your life expectancy.
We'll probably get it in bits and pieces from Oberyn throughout the season. They already had him clearly spell out the history of his motivation for wanting revenge.


Molten Core Raider
The hound hasn't died in the books yet, so doubt he's going to die in the next few episodes.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You're referring to the theory that Sandor Clegane is on the Quiet Isle? Then you should know that my prediction that The Hound dies is still valid.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I got the impression that the story he told to Brienne hasn't been widely publicized either, so maybe not many people knew quite how looney toons the king had gone at that point. I'm sure Robert called him that just to annoy him though.
That is what i think.only a few (maybe only brienne and jamie today) really know what happened and why he killed the mad king


Pure speculation: maybe it was the small council that had to decide on Jaime's fate after he broke his oath and killed the king and they might have been in the know about the whole situation. Did we see any member of the small council nagging Jaime about him being the king slayer?

EDIT: I checked a wiki about the small council during the mad king's reign:
Varys and Pycelle already had their current position then.


<Bronze Donator>
The way Arya kills Polliver is content straight out of Winds of Winter if you guys didn't notice.
That was rast the sweetling or however you spell his name, in Winds, not polliver. polliver dies in the inn and arya gets needle back, it just happens much later on in the book than it did on the show.

Also for the 2+ pages of arguing about dany/barristan/jorah shit, they already explained it on the show. Barristan was NOT on king roberts small council so he had no idea that Varys had a spy in her camp. They made this blatantly obvious in Season 3 right after they introduced his character. They even had Sir Friendzone obviously probing to find out what barristan knew, and to see if he was going to rat him out to Dany.

Also for the people who think that AFFC/Dance is getting 2+ seasons and that the last 2 unwritten books are getting only 1 season, lol?

Season 4 will be the end of SOS and beginning of AFFC/Dance

Season 5 will finish AFFC/Dance and most likely begin Winds

Season 6 will be winds

Season 7 will be Dream. they have the option of doing a split final season and film extra episodes, in case they need it, while still technically being only 7 seasons and not having to renegotiate everyone's contracts.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You're referring to the theory that Sandor Clegane is on the Quiet Isle? Then you should know that my prediction that The Hound dies is still valid.
You'rereferring to the theory that "the Hound" is dead and Sandor has given up that part of his life to be a giant mud shoveling monk and won't come back with Jaime to fight Zombie Mountain=P

The Hound is dead, long live The Hound.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That was rast the sweetling or however you spell his name, in Winds, not polliver. polliver dies in the inn and arya gets needle back, it just happens much later on in the book than it did on the show.

Also for the 2+ pages of arguing about dany/barristan/jorah shit, they already explained it on the show. Barristan was NOT on king roberts small council so he had no idea that Varys had a spy in her camp. They made this blatantly obvious in Season 3 right after they introduced his character. They even had Sir Friendzone obviously probing to find out what barristan knew, and to see if he was going to rat him out to Dany.

Also for the people who think that AFFC/Dance is getting 2+ seasons and that the last 2 unwritten books are getting only 1 season, lol?

Season 4 will be the end of SOS and beginning of AFFC/Dance

Season 5 will finish AFFC/Dance and most likely begin Winds

Season 6 will be winds

Season 7 will be Dream. they have the option of doing a split final season and film extra episodes, in case they need it, while still technically being only 7 seasons and not having to renegotiate everyone's contracts.
One season that's only 10 episodes to cover the entirety of two books (season 5) means a shitload of stuff is going to left out. I mean, I understand it but it's disappointing.


A Mod Real Quick
Crone read the books! Get out of this thread! You'll get shit spoiled like Aegon Targaryen wasn't actually killed and is still alive! oops


<Bronze Donator>
another thing, this thread is getting annoying.

The book and the show are different things. One is based on the other. All this silly nitpicking about this scene or that scene making it into the show is retarded.

Why would Loras and Jaime have that scene in the context of this show? Why would you think that? Ok its a fan fave for you, you'd like it to happen, but I guarantee you it will not.

Understand that the show, with only 1 exception I can think of, is coherent with itself, not with the novels or with your favorite theory based on the novels or any other dumb shit. ALso it varies from slightly to completely different from the novel it is based on.

For example, the reason why that scene with Jaime and Loras will not happen on the show:

In the books, Sir Loras is a disposable character, a 3rd son, who happens to be gay for renly 4 life. He is also an idiot, and blames Brienne for Renly's death, and demands that she is arrested when she arrives in KL with Jaime. He ends up being a king's guard to protect his sister until they can dispose of Joffrey. for all intents and purposes not another word could be written involving this character and nothing would change. he's a throwaway character, his last major bit of importance was his "injuries" which happen off page and is merely filler leading up to Cersei getting undeadMountain into the Kings guard to defend her at her trial

In the show, Sir Loras is the only son and Heir to High Garden. He is not disposable. He was Renly's lover, but not 4 life, he has and will continue to be used as more than a throwaway plot device character. He's not as dumb a character as he is in the books. He immediately absolved Brienne of Guilt and blamed Stannis for Renly's death. That, and margery becoming queen was the 2 primary motivators for the Tyrells to join the Lannisters to repel Stannis' siege. Brienne has been in KL for Weeks now and has yet to be imprisoned for Renly's death.

The show runners, in a not so subtle fashion, explained this to you fags by having Brienne visit margery and trying to explain what had happened, and margery made it obvious that a) nobody held her responsible and b) nobody gives a fuck about renly any longer.

There's a million examples of where they've changed something from the book to the show. some for better some for worse. the Sansa story line for example, with dropping Sir Donto's and having littlefinger interact directly with sansa, was dumb. But it's still internally coherent with the TV series. Littlefinger still left on his boat (perhaps not very far, as in the books). He still needs an Agent to deliver the amethyst's to the tyrell's for the wedding, and he still needs someone to bring sansa out of the red keep during the aftermath. So yeah, it was obvious they were trying to cut down on characters and dropped dontos in favor of having LF do it himself, but again, the story is coherent, he can't magically show back up in KL and do it, they may as well use Dontos. Sure, it basically ruins the surprise later when you learn that LF is basically behindeverything, but the TV show's story is still consistent with itself.

There is really only 1 fuck up I can think of where the showrunners have ended up retconning something within the TV show itself (the reason for going to the twins leading up to the RW)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
TV viewers might think Dontos is up to something, but I can almost guarantee they won't realize the true nature of the plan and will still be surprised when it plays out as it does.


Blackwing Lair Raider
TV viewers might think Dontos is up to something, but I can almost guarantee they won't realize the true nature of the plan and will still be surprised when it plays out as it does.
If it plays out the same way as in the books, it just won't have the same impact as it did in the books. When Dontos gets shot up with arrows, it was a little bit of a 'that's fucked up' moment since you knew he worshipped Sansa and would do anything to get her out but it cost him his life in the end. Then finding out it was Littlefinger....