GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Bronze Donator>
You also don't create an elite army of eunuchs. You can create a perfectly good elite army of scribes and harem guards out of eunuchs, but you don't create a fighting force when the mode of technology relies purely on raw physical strength.
Sorry to interject here. Unsullied are so highly prized because of their discipline, not their strength. I think they did a good job on casting, they are all very lithe, lacking pure muscle mass you'd expect from someone who does physical training every day of their lives from the time they can walk, because they lacked testosterone/puperty/noballs/etc.

Not sure if the show included it or not in the explanation, but they also feed them something called "wine of courage" which basically dulls their sense of pain, it is fed to them every meal throughout their training until they eventually no longer feel pain.

so complete discipline, unswerving obedience and they don't feel pain or fear death.


Off topic, but I can't fucking believe these faggot ass motherfuckers that are complaining the show has too much rape, violence etc...

And these bitch ass media pieces of shit that love to knock down anything that is doing well are starting to run tons of stories on it. So that means the people making the show are getting interviewed about it.
The producers claim it's not going to effect anything, but I know how this shit works.

Get enough public outrage, and they start second guessing what they will put in the show.

Am I mad bro? YES, I'm LIVID!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dany's storyline feels like an RPG that ran out of budget halfway through and just had to recycle the lands and textures to fill content


I'm not even sure why Dany want's to even bother with the rest of the 7 kingdoms. According to the map she has the best continent, that is difficult to invade.

I would just keep that, and not worry about the white walker bullshit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not even sure why Dany want's to even bother with the rest of the 7 kingdoms. According to the map she has the best continent, that is difficult to invade.

I would just keep that, and not worry about the white walker bullshit.
I don't know if she is aware of the whites and she has that whole pride of "I deserve the 7 kingdoms" thing


She might not know the whites are back, but I bet she knows of the white walker history, and why they built the wall.

But yeah she is an idiot like all women.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Meh there have been plenty of males in this show do fucked up retarded things. I'd say Robb is the biggest dumbass in all the 7 kingdoms.

The Ancient_sl

Had nothing on his Dad. Or Theon for that matter.

In fact, I don't think Robb was really that stupid. He made one CRUCIAL mistake, but who can blame him cause fuck Walder Frey and his ugly ass daughters. Not killing Jaime to please his bannermen wasn't a stupid decision, Jaime was a military asset beyond their petty needs for revenge.


One of those daughters was surprisingly hot if I'm remembering that correctly. She was wed to the guy that killed Rob?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'd say losing the Freys, and ultimately your life, because you have some aversion to a woman who will be your wife in name alone for some chick you could find prettier at the local brothel isn't anything short of the most fucked up retarded decision.

Not to mention Frey's daughter ended up being smokin


Gunnar Durden
I'm not even sure why Dany want's to even bother with the rest of the 7 kingdoms. According to the map she has the best continent, that is difficult to invade.

I would just keep that, and not worry about the white walker bullshit.
I think the chip on her shoulder about her entire family being murdered, raped, babies killed etc is a good reason


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Robb was 100% an idiot for not marrying the Frey girl like he promised. The GoT universe is pretty clear about how high nobility must marry pragmatically. I mean shit, his own mother was promised to his uncle and got passed to his dad after his uncle died.

I can't think of any highborne who weren't married off to other highborne for functional reasons and didn't end up getting fucked.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Queen of Thorns kind of married who she wanted. Or at least the better of two halves.


Didn't Tywin marry a girl who was somewhat "beneath" him as well?


Trump's Staff
I mean crucifying slave children as mile markers. You think that the "masters" did that? Or do you think that there might have been 1 slavedriver whipping slaves into crucifying their own children?
You honestly think that 140-some crucified slave children was the doing of a single slavedriver? No, man.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Queen of Thorns kind of married who she wanted. Or at least the better of two halves.


Didn't Tywin marry a girl who was somewhat "beneath" him as well?
and an imp killed her during child birth. Serves him right.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You honestly think that 140-some crucified slave children was the doing of a single slavedriver? No, man.
I think the point was that not only did they crucify the children, they probably made the children's parents do it.

The queen of thorns married into one of the most powerful houses and probably picked right given what happened to the Targaryens. Tywin married his cousin, I don't remember any drama associated with him not marrying into a different house hold. I do remember that Tywin thought his father was weak and damaged their reputation, and it's usually the father who arranges the marriages in GoT anyway.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Robb was 100% an idiot for not marrying the Frey girl like he promised. The GoT universe is pretty clear about how high nobility must marry pragmatically. I mean shit, his own mother was promised to his uncle and got passed to his dad after his uncle died.

I can't think of any highborne who weren't married off to other highborne for functional reasons and didn't end up getting fucked.
That's what he should have done, while keeping the hot babe ( sorry can't remember her name - running late as is ) and be screwing her on the side - I'd screw her on all sides!!

Have her as part of the palace staff, or some shit like Tyrion did with Shae ( that nearly worked out )


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think the issue is (not 100% sure if they did this in the show or not with her) that she was high born but to a lesser house. So a bit more than your standard issue brothel worker.