GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I hope when they do the pre-show summary leading up to the episode that they don't make it obvious where Stannis is going. Hopefully they can just avoid his recaps altogether and count on the TV show viewers to not be like "Who's that?!?!" when he shows up. Would make for an amazing surprise. My gut tells me though they'll show a recap of Melissandra saying "We must go north," ruining the surprise.


Killing Ygritte was lame, but having her die uttering a catch phrase was almost insulting!

Let's make a storylines check off the top of my head:

- Arya and Hound reached the end of their journey. ep10 could have some Stark family reunion.

- Stannis got money from the bankers (and as a result ships) and the red priestess has some human sacrifice in mind. ep10 could have some princess burning.

- Danny find it hard to be a leader. The only things in motion are the mercenaries back-tracking to previous cities and palace romance.

- Littlefinger and Sansa are planning their next move by the moondoor and are about to have a family reunion.

- The Boltons are fighting the Greyjoys but that's pretty much resolved for this season.

- Jon Snow is going to meet Mance, but that could very well be left for the next season (we don't want to overwork Ciaran Hinds, I think he already had a 5 seconds scene this season!)

- Ice Zombies. Lol. ep10 cameo could happen.

- Bran and crew are going 'somewhere'. ep10 could contain an undecipherable epiphany of some sort (that might involve Ice Zombies!).

- The Tyrell are pretty much out of the story until Cersei or Tommen marry (next season).

- The whole King's Landing conundrum has to be resolved, involving Tywin, Tyrion, The Mountain, The Viper's girlfriend and possibly Cersei and Jammie. Mostly likely the bulk of ep10.

- Brienne and Poddrick are on their way to the Vale. I doubt they'll reach it before next season.

Writing this, I realize that if some characters had a hard death (Oberyn, Ygritte, Joffrey, etc), but I fear some others had a 'soft death': they are still alive but in all likelihood left the story. Bron(!), Shae and possibly even Jorah.


Unelected Mod
Davos paid Sallador with braavos coins and said they had a trip together in the show. Get it together Tarrant!


I was unsure and checked the serie's wiki to remember how things happened: the Onion knight made a big speech about how Stannis was the one guy with a future as king that would allow him to pay Westeros' debts and the bankers agreed. That was followed by a scene in a bath house where the Onion Knight gives money to his old friend the mercenary captain.

EDIT: Also I never read the books. Only the three Dunk & Egg novellas that take place decades before!


<Prior Amod>
Ah, that's right. I'll have a hard time remembering details from last nights episode let alone an episode from over a week ago.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok so from the promo we see:

Bran and Co traveling, seems like they get to the cave maybe.
Tyrion with Crossbow walking to the shitter
Jon meets with Mance
Stannis's knight's arriving and routing the wildling army
some kind of scene with Arya and Hound, and I swear it almost looks like it's motherfucking Brienne of Tarth. (just noticed a split second of a tall person with blonde hair. Ok not really, only her shoulder but I swear that's her)
Dany chaining up 2 of her dragons

And from the Lena spoiler, we know LS makes her appearance.

That's atleast 3 major WTF moments for the tv only viewers.
What promo? Is this like a preview of next week's episode? If so, it sounds like the preview basically spoils everything.

As far as the reaction to this episode, my wife said after it ended how the show was so good. She doesn't normally say that, so I'm assuming she enjoyed it more than typical. Or maybe she was just reflecting on the last few episodes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
High hopes for a Brienne vs Hound fight! You know they're only going to let Brienne win because the Hound got bit, just like she aced Jaimie.


Scratching my head to remember storylines/characters that I might have missed:

- The bastard Gentry spent a whole season rowing to King's Landing (or sinking and drowning in the process).

- Osha spent a whole season bringing Rickon Stark to safety to a Stark banner-man's fort.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I thought the episode was great. Not too worried about next week. The episode is 75 minutes (or 66 when you take out credits or whatever someone said earlier) and I think that is plenty of time to finish things. The real question for me is will the season end with Tywin dying or Tyrion escaping (or a different scene), or will they open next season with Tyrion's escape? With the way the episode ended, I immediately thought that was it for Jon this season and they were pushing all the Mance/Stannis stuff to next season.

Hopefully they didn't kill off Thorne because he'll be important to Jon becoming Lord Commander storyline but there is so much they could do to make up for it that it will just sound like book reader butthurt.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I doubt they'll kill Thorne. Also I loved his performance. I've always liked him in the books even though he was a jonny rustler. Tormund smashing everybody was great too.


Toe Sucker
I highly doubt they're going to make jon lord commander like they do in the book, It's unnecessary and boring.
They're better off just using this battle, and following up with him and mance to elect him has lord commander.

I was pretty upset when tormund didn't make a joke about his big ol dong when they captured him


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah assuming Ser Alliser is fucked there's no question that Jon is the new Lord Commander. There's no need to whip votes since the leadership the viewers know are Ser Alliser and Janos Slynt.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Makes me wonder what they will do with Tormund now that he is captured. Had to refresh my memory but he is still with Mance in the books and then becomes the leader of the wildlings for a time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They'll keep him locked up so they can use him as the "face of the wildlings" after Stannis arrives.

And holy shit at that Brienne vs. Hound catch...we know Arya obviously doesn't go with with Brienne and she has to leave the hound, so I have no idea how that is going to be resolved. If the Hound dies, then that kind of sours viewers on Brienne a bit since the Hound is 1000x more likable paired with Arya.


Unelected Mod
At least if Samwell does what he does in the books, it will make sense. He has blackmail on Slynt, so convincing him to swing to Jon would be no problem.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Great episode! I especially loved the awesome 360 degree continuous shot they did of the battle inside Castle Black. That was very impressive.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They'll keep him locked up so they can use him as the "face of the wildlings" after Stannis arrives.
I'm sure they can use Mance or pick someone else, but I felt like Jon's dealings with Tormund played a major part in Jon being killed. If he just stays locked up that goes away.