tell us more about chicken butchering day.
Did you raise the chicken? Will you kill it yourself? Details.
Butchering chickens happens about every 9-10 weeks. It happens on my wife's cousin's farm. It used to be 200 chickens per butchering, now it's down to 100.
You basically stick the chickens in a big funnel, cut the heads off and let them bleed out. Then you run them through the feather mother-plucker. It's a drum with rubber paddles on it that beats the feathers off.
Then comes the fun stuff. You cut the chicken's feet off, then start to em-bowel the bird, saving the hearts, gizzards, and livers. Then you scrape the lungs out. It's basically done then, just a finish cleaning and plucking any strays, then let them air dry, then into the freezer. Sometimes we save the feet, which involves peeling and is a pain in the ass. Then you cut the gizzards apart, scrape out all the nasty shit (whatever they've been eating) and peel a membrane off. A lot of work for the crappiest piece of the chicken, imo.
We had about 5 kids and 5 adults, and it took about 4 hours. Out of the 100, we butchered 73. A cold night a few weeks ago killed 11. Coyotes and dogs got the rest.
Fuck all that, I want Adebisi's rib goodness.