I like my kitchen toys as much as anyone, and if I had more space, I might have a rice cooker. But I don't, and I don't really miss it. Rice is just too simple; you almost have to work at it to fuck it up.
white rice: measure rice and water into pot. turn on high till the start of a high boil, then cover and turn the burner off. Come back in 30-40 minutes.
Brown rice. Same idea but turn burner to very low and let it go for an hour.
Brown rice method 2 (my preference). Measure water, put into the electric kettle. Measure rice into thick bottom pot. Turn burner to high, and stir or toss the dry rice until you get as much browning as you want. Turn burner to low, by now your kettle should have boiled or be damn close. pour just enough water into rice to cover, it will boil VIGOROUSLY for a min or two. Once it calms down enough that you won't get rice all over the kitchen and end up in the emergency room; put the rest of the water in, cover, and come back in an hour.