Forcing kids to eat certain foods or the "clear you plate" mentality may just causes more issues. Same with appeasing them with always providing other choices or too much attention over not eating or praise when they do eat. Just make dinner, put it in front of them, don't give them too much attention one way or the other. If they're hungry they'll eat.
When dinner is over pick up plates and move on. If they didn't want to eat, they aren't going to starve to death by breakfast. If they are starving or having issues, probably other medical issues happening than being picky that need to be addressed.
Keeping in mind children's sense of taste is extra sensitive, so anything bitter or sour or fermented etc is going to be heightened, so don't be a bad, asshole parent wondering why your kids never eat sauerkraut or kimchee.
Also keeping in mind sweets and junk food and fast food will confuse a kid's pallate and they'll start to find anything without tons of sodium, sugar or artificial flavoring bland and uninteresting. Hard to compete with the sugar burgers from McDonald's.
Between coddle-culture and fake-food-diets it seems most kids are retarded spazzes about food these days, sadly. Don't want them to be that way? Then don't poison their body with that shit food, nor mind with worse culture.
Feed a kid real food, decently prepared, like poor people used to do, and ironically your kid will grow up with a refined, curious pallate and broad tastes, or at least tolerance and an ability to better cope, more capable to function in what little pockets of worthwhile society that may still exist when they're entering the job market or starting to go on dinner dates.
Of course even good eaters will have their bugaboos. I refused to eat corn beef hash and Chex cereal as a kid and still hate them to this day. But I had credibility and rapport with my mom so she just let me not eat the rare things I genuinely didn't like because fuss or disruption over being picky just wasn't a part of dinner.
Let's be honest, 99% of the time the real problem is the wife/mom is obsessing and coddling and giving a ton of attention to eating. The same way they do with water bottles as if every kid and dog dehydrated to death when we were kids because mom wasn't there with water bottles every waking hour.
My girlfriend does the same thing with our dog. We make him real food. Ground beef and chicken and beef roasts with veggies and barley or rice. Fucker eats like a king. But every few months he starts getting picky because my girlfriend obsesses over his eating, pumps him full of high quality treats, and lives how happy he gets with (appropriate) bits from the table.
And I have to correct it by picking up his full food bowl a few times before he is magically not picky anymore. And she worries about that missed meal like he's gonna starve. And we have a talk, things improve, And a few months later the dog is made picky again and I'm having to correct my girlfriend's behavior.
My guess is most of the times picky kids are caused by the same female dynamics that can be fixed with a little bit of common sense "enough of this" approach from the father. Which is why strong fathers are so important and fatherless homes are so dysfunctional for both kids and pets.