Grim Dawn


arcanist for cc/dmg reduce goes well with it, depends if you're trying to play a melee or not


Vyemm Raider
Since you're just starting I'd say either soldier or arcanist for survivability. Have fun, great game!
arcanist for cc/dmg reduce goes well with it, depends if you're trying to play a melee or not
Yeah, I do want to be melee, but I was thinking I also might want something to support my brother since he's playing pure Soldier. Is there a class with healing in this game or is not a big deal? I was thinking about maybe Nightblade/Occultist, but if not, then Nightblade/Arcanist sounds fun.

EDIT: Ended up going up with Shaman. The Savagery attack seemed too good to pass up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Shaman is a solid choice with the healing from wendigo totem and buffs from briarthorn


Yes shaman will do well for you with savagery and feral hunger.

No two chars of the same class have been the same in my experience.

Wendigo heal radius is a little small and sigil requires active usage. Both are amazing for constellation procs.

The arcanist bubble and CC is a little more of a faceroll and get out of jail free button setup. Sigil requires some vitality damage investment IMO or going over to destruction and getting fire/chaos. Sigil also grows in size with more points so its worth building whereas the flash freeze, invuln mirror and lightning pbaoe (with knockdown talent) are good 1 pointers.

We also found some kind of bug that causes auras to break and cant figure out what causes it. The aura giver also loses it. It seemed like the crow buff was doing it but I dismissed it and it still happened. This is off an aura tank who has like 6 auras.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Working my way through elite difficulty with my lvl 64 arcanist and the only complaint I really have is that the legendaries I can even get to drop are always for other classes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Does mob density increase with difficulty? Only level 17, and early in the game, but the best times I've had so far was when things were getting crazy on screen, and I was not sure if I'd live!


<Gold Donor>
I don't know if it specifically increases due to level, but later stages definitely have some crazy shit going on.

I'm level 42, playing a Conjurer (occultist + shaman) that summons pets and is supposed to let them do all the work. Unfortunately I'm still too much of a melee mentality and I get into the mix all the time, but eventually I hope to be tanky enough, and I can always run in circles. I have a serious problem though, I want too many skills so I've got just 1 point in the ones I want while I push to 50 in both masteries. Currently I'm at 50 in Occultist and 40 in Shaman, so almost there! But if I had 12 points in the shaman bramble pet and occultist hellhound, they'd probably be wrecking shit a lot more than currently. But then I wouldn't have all the cool shit!

I'm absolutely loving this game, and knew I would, as it was the game that popped my Kickstarter cherry. My only complaint is the vast amount of skills that I want to use, and could be using (including devotion skills and skills granted by gear and augments), but simply don't have the slots to use them, let alone the manual dexterity to hit all those different fucking keys. I already have most of my second toolbar filled as well, what with 3 pets and 4 passives I have to cast. Other games like this I can usually narrow it down to a few truly great abilities, but this game seems to have soooo many that are worth using. Not really something I usually find myself having an issue with, but this one is really noticeable. If I could tie multiple skills to the same key that would be a godsend, but I understand why they don't allow that. Still, that's the one thing I wish for with this game.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Mob density does increase as you go up in difficulty. As you're low level, you can do this now by turning veteran mode on in normal difficulty. It makes the mobs tougher too though so they might kick your ass a little if you're poorly geared.

You also increase named spawn rate as you gain negative faction against enemy types.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I assumed everyone would just start the game on Veteran, since we've all pretty much played these games countless times before. I'm really liking this one more than most though, just like Titan's Quest.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Mob density does increase as you go up in difficulty. As you're low level, you can do this now by turning veteran mode on in normal difficulty. It makes the mobs tougher too though so they might kick your ass a little if you're poorly geared.

You also increase named spawn rate as you gain negative faction against enemy types.
Oh yes, I only play on Veteran. Shit's great! Vvoid, I'm the same class, but rocking Devouring Swarm + Wendigo totem for my build. Only have the Curse of Frality so far out of the Occultist tree. Then for Devotion points, I'm heading down the Bat line so far! Picked up a main hand and magic off hand that both add to Vitality damage. Just wrecking shit so far! So fun!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Just hit 76 with my arcanist and slowly but surely the legendary items are adding up. Just started farming the undead nemesis on elite mode and I'd say he drops a legendary item about half the time....a recipe for sure each kill too. I've messed around here and there on ultimate mode but will probably need a lot more dps to really progress. Love this game!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I started my second character out and have almost maxed out his demolitionist tree and have not yet selected the secondary mastery. What pairs best with demolitionist?

Right now I have a point in the one that gives him +25% crit if he uses a 2h weapon, but I also just got a blue chest that allows him to dual wield pistols. Which is better?


<Gold Donor>
Oh yes, I only play on Veteran. Shit's great! Vvoid, I'm the same class, but rocking Devouring Swarm + Wendigo totem for my build. Only have the Curse of Frality so far out of the Occultist tree. Then for Devotion points, I'm heading down the Bat line so far! Picked up a main hand and magic off hand that both add to Vitality damage. Just wrecking shit so far! So fun!
Are you using pets, or not using them at all? I could see this class being played drastically differently depending upon that.

I'm obviously a lot further in terms of mastery points, but I've gone almost all pets. I even dropped a few skills I was using, and now I basically use Grasping Vines to proc the Shepherd's Crook ability (huge buff to pets for 4 seconds out of every 6) and slow them down so they don't even get to me, and Curse of Frailty to weaken them and let my pets hit harder. I use the Blood of Dreeg thing to give us all a damage shield and to help heal everyone a little once in awhile. And for shits and giggles I have my right click tied to the Eye poison thing. I rarely get into melee anymore since changing my skills around.

My devotions are the scorpion (tied to my briarthorn), the fiend thing (tied to hellhound), and the eye of the guardian (tied to revenant from Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh). I just cast vines on a group, then curse, and while they are running to me my pets run up and proc the shit out of their ae abilities and pretty much kill everyone. And I just unlocked the level 50 shaman pet that lasts for 20 seconds. That thing fucking shreds stuff. I only really remember to use it on bosses because normal trash dies so fast it typically doesn't matter.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I have 1 point in the Briarthorn pet, but about to respec out of I think, because it's pretty pointless. I face tank bosses though, even though I'm ranged, because of all the life leech stuff I have. Both Devouring Swarm, and Wendigo totem both give life back. It's pretty damn fun.

Just made an alt as well, that's Shaman + Soldier primal strike build. Shit's fun as hell so far!


<Gold Donor>
Briarthorn pet is pretty beastly, but if you are just face-tanking stuff, then yeah I'd say you probably don't care too much about pets. Like I said, pretty amazing how you can play the same class completely differently given the skills available. I'm loving the pet angle because shit just melts most of the time now.

Still need more hotkeys though! And an easier way to use them all!


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Briarthorn pet is pretty beastly, but if you are just face-tanking stuff, then yeah I'd say you probably don't care too much about pets. Like I said, pretty amazing how you can play the same class completely differently given the skills available. I'm loving the pet angle because shit just melts most of the time now.

Still need more hotkeys though! And an easier way to use them all!
You may already know this but the Y key toggles a second bar. It's useful for putting your auras and summons on. Mod tools should be out fairly soon, I imagine another bar or two wouldn't be too hard for someone to implement.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You may already know this but the Y key toggles a second bar. It's useful for putting your auras and summons on. Mod tools should be out fairly soon, I imagine another bar or two wouldn't be too hard for someone to implement.
Didn't know it, but needed it, thanks.


<Gold Donor>
You may already know this but the Y key toggles a second bar. It's useful for putting your auras and summons on. Mod tools should be out fairly soon, I imagine another bar or two wouldn't be too hard for someone to implement.
Yeah I was aware of that and put all of them there. It sort of sucks when all my pets die to some ae boss though and I have to toggle it while running around in circles like a little bitch (druid), but better than filling up my main bar.

I'm 47 or 48 now I think, and just did Steps of Torment, the part that uses the Skeleton Key. Breezed through everything until the final boss, who fucking anally violated me in about 10 seconds even though I was aware he was an assbeater. I'm assuming this is another of those dungeons where everything levels up every time you zone into it. Not a big fan of those to be honest, and not sure how I'll ever beat that guy with my current build if he keeps gaining levels as I do. Unless there is a cap for Veteran difficulty and I eventually surpass it. Probably not even worth the effort for whatever loot he drops anyway, but you know I'm going to have to do it eventually just to say I did.


Avatar of War Slayer
pretty much everywhere levels as you do. however, most places have caps on max level. where they have your level +/- 1-5 levels. Additionally, areas will level with you, but resist reduction stays the same, within a difficulty. so you will outlevel/gear it.

This is kindof one of the games problems at the end. no reason to do ultimate. slightly higher drop rates do not justify the resist penalties, higher npc damage/hp, making runs slower. you can do ultimate for 40% more drops, or do elite and do runs 4 times faster...

Skeleton key areas do have great drop/time ratios. But, the inventory space issue and roguelike die and your out, does make them less desirable then a standard loot run.