Well he kind of has too if they are going to do any kind of story related to the Infinity Gems and keep it somewhat Marvel. Adam Warlock was the instrumental being both times Thanos brought together the Infinity Gems.Much like Sutekh and Richard Rider, I will literally jizz in my pants if Adam Warlock is the post-credits scene of Avengers 2. Well, or if he shows up in any other way, but that would be extra awesome if done that way. I'd expect him to show up (even if only briefly) in GotG2 at that point as well.
I know they can change these stories around just about any way they want, but if they want to stick to even just a little bit of authenticity, Warlock needs to be a significant part of how they defeat Thanos.
I wonder who they would get to play him if they did?
Accurate enough for me given the ones involved are non humans and or heavily modified cybernetically.I am not sure how Marvel Deep Space works but isn't the angle they took close to scientifically accurate?
Let's not forget the best part of the movie:
[/spoiler]Groot spearing those dudes and slamming them around for 5 minutes.
Ya, they tried to balance feels with laughs and it worked. The part at the end especially, when you find out reason the mix tape and the name "Starlord" were so important to him is because both were given to him by his mother.My brother and I were laughing when he was going ape shit but we absolutely lost it when he turned around and smiled. I haven't laughed like that since First Class when Wolverine tells the two to go fuck themselves.
The tone of the movie was set really well. They gut punch you in the beginning and then immediately make the movie fun and upbeat with him dancing, followed by action etc. Like others have said, the movie just flowed right. I tend to get bored at times when watching movies (Hello Transformers 4) but I never once felt that way.
yeah. volume is basically the "definitive" version of Guardians.james gunn, the director, definitely has made some interesting movies in the past. you can see where his sense of humor comes from
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also i started reading some of the GoTG comics and the early (70s?) ones are goofy as FUCK. Groot is a fully talking, evil tree. Racoon, completely separate, teams up with Hulk and lives on some Alice in Wonderland style planet. Its crazy to see how far apart the original ideas and the movie version is.
I might see this again this weekend, last movie i saw twice in theaters was like... the matrix
Was worried about this too until I saw him in Riddick.I was actually worried about Bautista, didn't really think he'd be a good fit but I wound up loving his performance.