Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Well DC definitely has that problem, but most of the earthbound Marvel heroes aren't too out of control other then obvious ones like Mr Fantastic, Hulk etc.
The galactic wing of the Marvel Universe needs strong heroes just because of what is out there such as the Celestials, The watchers ,and many more.

I have a feeling James will work the Nova Force into the next movie, just have to be patient.


Molten Core Raider
Can't say i'm a hardcore comic book nerd, I haven't read any since I was little and Spawn was a thing. I still think seeing maybe not a super powerful Nova Corps, but still keeping the integrity of them flying in like Rocketeers would of made a better scene, or just awesome. But either or is fine, would of just been cool to see an army of Iron Man's fly in and do what they did instead of the starcrafts they came in. Though, it might of diminished the scale of the battle, or at least what they may have thought. Given my friend actually really liked their ships, and she has had no prior knowledge of anything Nova, any of it but still.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I thought it was incredible, possibly even better than the Avengers. Definitely a betteroverallmovie (writing, cinematography, pacing, music, etc.), I'm just not sure it's a bettercomic bookmovie.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Keg acknowledged it. I asked Column what he was gonna give Keg for an avatar and he dodged the question.

I feel it's pretty clear they are the same person.


Vyemm Raider
I hope the studio learns the right lesson from this. The lesson that after you've established a franchise it's safe to test the waters with B list material. Please, Marvel, don't fuck this up by rushing a GotG 2 out the door.

I don't want to see Iron Man 4 or Thor 3. Bring new shit to the table.


Bronze Squire
I'm pretty sure Marvel has their movie release schedule planned out up until like 2021 or some shit like that.

*edit, here is what I found. Some stuff is locked in already, some stuff is rumored and/or flexible.
Full Marvel Movie Release Calendar

May 1st, 2015: Avengers: Age of Ultron
July 17th, 2015: Ant-Man
May 6th, 2016: Captain America 3
July 8th, 2016 Most Likely Candidate: Doctor Strange
May 5th, 2017 Most Likely Candidate: Thor 3
July 28th, 2017: Guardians of the Galaxy 2
November 3rd, 2017 Possible Candidates: Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Nova
May 4th, 2018 Possible Candidates: Black Panther, ???
July 6th, 2018 Most Likely Candidate: Avengers 3

I think that is the end of phase 3, but they have plans for a phase 4 lasting through 2021 from what I can tell.


Trakanon Raider
Seen it twice now, and I've really enjoyed everything about it, ya the actual nova corps would have been nice, but ehh maybe eventually.


The Big Mod
when the fuck are they gonna do a new Hulk movie? i'd rather see that than any of that other shit


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've been wondering when the Hulk movies will be coming out as well. We can assume that 3 of the 5 movies Ruffalo signed on for will be Avengers, but what about the other two? I doubt we'll see an origin movie (that would be stupid).


Trakanon Raider
Aren't we getting a Planet Hulk? I thought someone confirmed that, but maybe it was just someone guessing. Easy to see Hulk doing something during Avengers 2 that leads everyone to decide he's too dangerous to be kept on Earth. Then that could lead to World War Hulk later if they decide to go that way.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think Edward Norton fit the style of the rest of the characters/actors' portrayals in the MCU.

He's also a dick.

Planet Hulk into World War Hulk would be amazing.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Aren't we getting a Planet Hulk? I thought someone confirmed that, but maybe it was just someone guessing. Easy to see Hulk doing something during Avengers 2 that leads everyone to decide he's too dangerous to be kept on Earth. Then that could lead to World War Hulk later if they decide to go that way.
Pretty sure Marvel has stated they have no plans for Planet Hulk. Something to the effect that the movie would be all Hulk and none of the actual actor that plays Bruce Banner. Which I guess they don't want.


Hulk is an awesome character, just not in a stand alone movie. He isn't a hero, he isn't a villain. It's really hard to build a good hulk story. Planet hulk won't happen. Period. No Banner, and they will never go with a smart, speaking in full centences hulk. They need hulk to be a weapon dumb enough to be delpoyed in case they really run out of options and just need shit smashed...and after that, wonder how to deal with the hulk himself.