General Antony
Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Their goal is to enact as many of the frivolous things that won't prevent future events as possible. That way at the end they can throw up their hands and declare that everything has been tried and failed so the only thing left is to outright ban them.the worst part about the gun debate is that the anti-gun lobbyists on majority don't know anything about how guns physically operate, and what they're capable of.
even if you think you do, unless you have operated one to the point where you feel educated and safe you don't.
there are so many reasonable and logical laws that could be enforced, but the entire argument steers head first into a wall of unreasonable & backwards PRO GUN lobbyists. stop pretending like limiting clip size to under 30 rounds will stop a Sandy Hook from happening again, get that bullshit uneducated argument away from the VALID ARGUMENT of background checks @ gun shows.
These are fucking snakes we're dealing with, not men.