You can say that about literally anything that makes us safer. That is a stupid argument.Those who would sacrifice security for liberty deserve neither. B. Franklin
There are lots of intelligent points in favor of gun control, but all of them involve significant tradeoffs of liberty for (alleged) security. In a world of Boston Bombers, early release criminals, and a government intent on bringing about a police state the tradeoff isn't worth it.
Edit: eh I just don't care.You can say that about literally anything that makes us safer. That is a stupid argument.
Did he say we should go out and randomly fire off guns into the air if we hear something again?I was just posting on regarding the Biden speech today.
I have to say, my fellow gun advocates are the reason why the gov will one day take our firearms away.
Even in the northeast, what a bunch of ignorant, tea party mother fuckers.
Such an attempt would split the country and lead to American Civil War II - pretty much along the same lines as the first, but this time the South would have the manufacturing advantage. Something I really would prefer not to see in my lifetime, so I really hope Democrats don't try anything that dumb.I have to say, my fellow gun advocates are the reason why the gov will one day take our firearms away.
When people say stupid shit like this it is just impossible to take them seriously. Yeah, sure, civil war.Such an attempt would split the country and lead to American Civil War II - pretty much along the same lines as the first, but this time the South would have the manufacturing advantage. Something I really would prefer not to see in my lifetime, so I really hope Democrats don't try anything that dumb.
Is this the comedian B. Franklin?Those who would sacrifice security for liberty deserve neither. B. Franklin
I'm pretty on board with this. Recall those fuckers.The recall effort in CO for a state senator was certified today. There will be a recall election. Another one is expected to be certified next week for a state rep. All in response to the recent gun law votes in CO.
Duppin what is your actual stance on gun ownership in America? for serious.Don't mind tad, he's just an idiot. The actual quote is "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
It's widely debated what Benjamin Franklin actually meant by the quote, but it pops up in various forms all the time among gun nuts who think it means Franklin would have approved of their basement stockpile of AK-47s.