Gun control isn't a real issue, it's people who can't control whatever insane urge they have to kill people. Anything automatic is illegal. Anything considered an "assault rifle" by most people, such as an AR-15, is semi-automatic and legal. Take away these "assault rifles" and there are still long rifles that are semi-automatic, and shotguns that are semi-automatic, along with every pistol. A person who is experienced handling their own firearm could kill more people with a single action revolver than some "angry at the world" teenager with an AR-15. The government can ban guns altogether to stop most people from using them for violence. They could also ban alcohol so people don't drink, drive, and kill someone in an accident. Or shit, they could outlaw cars, so not even sober people can cause accidents. Throw everyone on a bicycle. It would help with the severity of obesity in this country, and rising costs of health insurance while they're at it. Fact of the matter is no matter what, people will find a way to kill other people when they want. Random people getting knocked off will always happen no matter what regulations are put in place, or how life is enforced. I know it's easy to say this because I haven't been affected by any killings ever, but I really don't think putting anymore rules on citizens will truly change things the way people calling for gun control want them to change.
And Tyen did it.