eh s1 wasn't that great; s2 is. just manage expectations for those interested in starting.
didn't see that abigale/scully twist coming.
another season with largely the same set pieces / characters would be drawn out. next season/'the chase' should be refreshing.
Best fucking show I've had the privilege to watch in a long time. That "I let you see me" speech...great delivery.
Both my girl and I whispered YES as Alana fell out the window.
Season 3 should be tons of fun.
Wow didnt expect any of that honestly at the end, holy shit lol.
@catnip I understand its not good to you, just my opinion the show is awesome. My girl hates it too and thinks vampire diaries and scandal are the best shows ever.
This show keeps getting better and better, definitely in my top 5 shows of all time. I dont think a lot of people have the patience to put up with the dialogue they need one-liners and snappy scene changes, It took me 3-4 episodes before Mads grew on me.
Did anyone else think Mason Verger would have played an excellent Joker? I felt like he was channeling Heath Ledgers version with his speech inflection.
The majority of the score for this episode sounding like a ticking clock really amped up the tension for me. I am wondering if the popularity of this will have a Breaking Bad type pattern i.e. the first couple seasons weren't huge but hitting major momentum towards the end. This show is so good it's almost criminal how few people are watching it right now and I really hope it makes it to the 7 season arc the show's creator has described.
I thought it was superb. Even two characters sitting in a room talking feels like a subtextual chess game, and then the bloody payoff. Please take this show out of the Friday night death slot so we are ensured a Season four and beyond. #sixseasonsandatleastthreemovies.
Just caught up with this, full s2 in a couple of days and jesus what a fantastic series ending.
I could feel myself getting wound up with the tension as the eps went on wondering what the outcome of the eventual clash would be but I did not expect the outcome that finally came. Fantastically brutal and perfectly executed.
I remember watching the start of S1 and i really though Mads Mikkelsen wasn't right for the part but after 4 or 5 shows I was converted and i think he went through S2 brilliantly portraying Hannibal, changing effortless and convincingly between sauve host to brutally powerful killer and all the various facets inbetween.