You're all missing the point. If you care--or want to seem like you care--about picture quality, you're going to get an OLED. And with the tech still relatively young, you're going to get a 1080 knowing something better will be out by the time 4k content is mainstream and worthwhile because the tech for picture quality is hopefully going to be better by then too so you'll probably want to upgrade again on picture quality grounds.
Though, if you need a salesperson to talk your wife into letting you buy a TV you're probably wanting to hear about 4k and how you can access Netflix on the TV and watch 3D movies and how curved TVs are so damned curved!!! Isn't it exciting stuff? I mean, compared to 1,080, 4,000 has like 4 times as much better! ... and that's easier to justified a big TV purchase for a lot of people over "the picture quality is much better" and listen to the rubes in your life say TV in your living room looks just fine.
Remember when 3D was the big selling point? I'm SO glad 3D is mainstream and shows are being broadcast in 3D like the sales people promised, right? 3D is kinda cool, but most people only every pay for the access to something they still don't have much opportunity to use.
So, yeah, when 4k content is mainstream it'll be awesome, right? Mainstream. Not just available if you really want it, but mainstream. Until 4k is mainstream, it's not worth it. And even then, it still may not be.
But no, 1080p upscale to 4k isn't going to be that ah-hah moment that justifies to your wife it was a worthwhile purchase. The only reason it's going to look better is because you got suckered into buying a 4k TV to watch sources that are still often not even 1080 yet, so you've probably also left a bunch of filters and settings turned on that you don't realize actually degrade your picture quality, but look different, so that must be all the money you spent at work making your picture look great! Amazing how often people try to convince me their TVs look amazing because the brightness is melting my retinas or that the soap opera effect is just their amazing TV's top-dollar picture quality at work.
Most people aren't purists, though. If you were, you'd be buying OLED, and still probably not 4K. So, either look into an OLED, or just buy the biggest LED you can afford from a brand you personally trust that isn't curved, nor 4k, nor bloated with 'smart' features you aren't going to use, including 3D unless you're actually going to use it, and you're not, trust me.
4k TVs are dumb. 4k monitors and gaming will be awesome in a few years when it's more feasible for more people, though.