Health Care Thread


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
the buck stops with the Director - if Obama wanted it and the Director was opposed it wouldn't happen, and v.v. if the Director wanted it and Obama didn't it would still happen.

bagdad bob gunna bagdad bob.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

bagdad bob gunna bagdad bob.
Learn the powers of the President if you think the President makes the final decision on such things - he can make suggestions, and the suggestions are generally heeded - but that's not where the decision must finally be made.

Is "Bagdad Bob'ing" (PS - It's Baghdad) now a sign of trying to teach the powers of the Presidency and explaining how he's one step removed from something you try to place exclusively at his feet?

Obama made a suggestion, that's the end of what he could do. Period. Just like I can suggest that you opt to check how gunsteel tastes in your mouth, but it's ultimately your decision if you choose to think that is a good idea.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
He didn't, the Director of the division did. Obama just put his stamp of approval on it (not that it was needed, but Directors often do like the President to agree since he's the one that can replace them...).

And apparently they didn't like how the numbers were going to work out, that's a large part of what the Director is supposed to do - adjust things as needed to make the numbers work best.
So they had 4 years to work this thing out before it went into effect and still need an extra year because they "didnt like how the numbers were going to work out"? Lol how much did they pay you to post that? You cant seriously believe that.

WW2 took less than four years
Developing the Atomic bomb took less than four years
5 years will be half the time it took us to get to the damn moon from not even sending a man into space

"didnt like how the numbers were going to work out" rofl

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So they had 4 years to work this thing out before it went into effect and still need an extra year because they "didnt like how the numbers were going to work out"? Lol how much did they pay you to post that? You cant seriously believe that.

WW2 took less than four years
Developing the Atomic bomb took less than four years
5 years will be half the time it took us to get to the damn moon from not even sending a man into space

"didnt like how the numbers were going to work out" rofl
Social Security took a decade to work out the issues.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So they had 4 years to work this thing out before it went into effect and still need an extra year because they "didnt like how the numbers were going to work out"? Lol how much did they pay you to post that? You cant seriously believe that.

WW2 took less than four years
Developing the Atomic bomb took less than four years
5 years will be half the time it took us to get to the damn moon from not even sending a man into space

"didnt like how the numbers were going to work out" rofl
Our WW2 involvement changed quite a bit from initial reaction (in fact at least a half dozen times).
The Manhattan Project was originally projected to take SEVEN YEARS for what they asked to get to be able to post results.

Space Race I'm not so versed on, but I'd bet it had some schedule slips as well.

Schedules change in any sort of big thing, it's pretty goddamn normal. Last time I checked for recent legislation I think it was 2012 I went over - something around 80% of things had one or more start dates adjusted - most by a smaller figure than full years, but most don't involve the IRS that has set dates for when filing is due by either. IRS filings being annually assessed rather forces it to be in full year increments even if they only feel they need a week.

PS - One such one you could recall getting big airplay was delaying some of the tax cuts expiring - they didn't like how those numbers were working out either. (Although note in its case, since it had a sunset date it was not a Directors call - they can't start or end things just do small tweaks that don't contradict the bill(s) involved)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Except the government already manages 45% of the healthcare market and their idea of "changes/adjustments" to it isnt exactly akin to inventing the wheel so there really isnt any legitimate excuse outside of gross incompetence for this to be happening

The only numbers that didnt work out for them were the number of seats Democrats would lose this coming election had it gone into effect.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not really, the numbers were clearly not going to work out because employer's weren't adopting the measure and were by and far claiming they were just going to eat the penalty rather than provide any benefit.

Frankly it would look best for political purposes to either say "Hey it's costed only X to get here" (which would be less with the penalty in effect since it generates revenue) or "Hey we got X more people covered" (which the penalty is meant to encourage) - versus trying to pander to the less than 2% of the electorate that the penalty actually applies to, and largely votes Republican already in overwhelming numbers.

If their goal was to politic it's completely the wrong way to do it.

And "45% being controlled" is an abstract - literally there had been nothing in place to track to make sure every employee has an insurance policy provided by their employer previously. There were systems tracking what policies are provided to whom, but not the other way around.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Yea I'm sure Obama didn't know. Poor guy. He's the most misinformed president of out time. He never knows anything until he hears it in the news.

IRS, didn't know.
Benghazi, didn't know
Fast and Furious, didn't know
General Services Administration, had no idea
Solyndra, no idea green companies not going so well
How do those rank up there with not knowing about giving weapons to Iran?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
of course they did, they are betting it will increase their profit which was what was designed when you force millions of people to buy into the program.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How do those rank up there with not knowing about giving weapons to Iran?
of course the lesson learned there is that the president definitely knew, the lesson is not to excuse future behavior because you can point a finger and go "they did it so can I!"


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How do those rank up there with not knowing about giving weapons to Iran?
of course the lesson learned there is that the presidents lie and he definitely knew, the lesson is not to excuse future behavior because you can point a finger and go "they did it so can I!"


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
of course they did, they are betting it will increase their profit which was what was designed when you force millions of people to buy into the program.
You might want to read the article before responding - it's about something like how InTrade and stuff worked with betting on concepts. Your response smacks of not even reading the article because it's really not in reference to that. (Although I will acknowledge before reading the link that was my expectation as well - but it's not)

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
of course the lesson learned there is that the presidents lie and he definitely knew, the lesson is not to excuse future behavior because you can point a finger and go "they did it so can I!"
Context mother fucker, do you understand it? He claimed all those things made Obama the worst in our time, so when you make a claim like that and someone is pointing to something like Iran Contra I am not excusing anything you fucking idiot.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Context mother fucker, do you understand it? He claimed all those things made Obama the worst in our time, so when you make a claim like that and someone is pointing to something like Iran Contra I am not excusing anything you fucking idiot.
Indeed - even if you just break it down to lying vs lying (which is retarded) at the very least it would be a tie for worst, not worst alone. No sane person could give them full responsibility and say O is worse on such though.


2 Minutes Hate
I appreciate the interesting responses Vaclav, they were very informative and calm. Unfortunately idiots like Merlin don't know how to respond to an interesting discussion.


Learn the powers of the President if you think the President makes the final decision on such things - he can make suggestions, and the suggestions are generally heeded - but that's not where the decision must finally be made.

Is "Bagdad Bob'ing" (PS - It's Baghdad) now a sign of trying to teach the powers of the Presidency and explaining how he's one step removed from something you try to place exclusively at his feet?

Obama made a suggestion, that's the end of what he could do. Period. Just like I can suggest that you opt to check how gunsteel tastes in your mouth, but it's ultimately your decision if you choose to think that is a good idea.
Unless it will benefit him politically or cater to his voting base, then he will just write an executive order.

I appreciate the interesting responses Vaclav, they were very informative and calm. Unfortunately idiots like Merlin don't know how to respond to an interesting discussion.
Hey, I like Vaclav's responses however, the problem I have with them is no matter what subject he is responding to, he will spin it to make Democrats/Obama good, Republicans bad. Every single time. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to spin "If you like your doctor/healthplan you can keep your doctor/healthplan" to show how Obama really didn't say that. I might have missed it though. He probably blames the insurance companies.
I have yet to see him even ONE TIME support a Republican point of view or legislation. Not one time in the entire time I've seen him post. He is 100% a Democrat yet claims to be moderate.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Hey, I like Vaclav's responses however, the problem I have with them is no matter what subject he is responding to, he will spin it to make Democrats/Obama good, Republicans bad. Every single time.
Yeah, goddamn, Vaclav! Quit using your "fact sorcery" to "spin" the real truth! You're making Republicans look bad. There's no need to use the collected facts. Just make up random bullshit and regurgitate it, ad nauseam.