Health Care Thread


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
do you have any idea how many times democrats on this board say things like "people are too stupid to vote their own interest", or "there's too many stupid people and they breed faster than smart people" and shit like that, they literally feel empowered to think they know better than most people.
Knowing better than most people is a pretty fucking low bar to meet, honestly.


Karazhan Raider
Forb's with the motherfucking headshot. This president is fast becoming the biggest fucking joke in the history of this country. And that's saying something.

Obama's Fix: "G'head. Re-Enroll In Your Still-Illegal Health Plans. I Won't Prosecute. Trust Me."

the president promised insurers and consumers that if they maintain their non-grandfathered health plans, then those plans ?will not be considered to be out of compliance? with those provisions of federal law for one year, even though everyone knows they are clearly out of compliance with federal law. In effect, the president tried to make good on his ? if you like your health plan? promise by telling insurers and consumers, ?These plans are clearly illegal. But if you want to keep buying and selling them, I promise not to prosecute or penalize you. Trust me.?

Set aside the president?s disregard for the U.S. Constitution, the separation of powers, and the rule of law generally. Here?s how his fix alters ? where it leaves ? his once-categorical ?if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan? promise:

If your insurer hasn?t already cancelled your plan prior to October 1, 2013, and

If you had coverage in effect on October 1, 2013, and

If your insurer wants to invest in re-issuing your already-cancelled plan for just one more year, and

If your state?s insurance commissioner wants to let your insurer re-issue that plan, and

If your insurer and your commissioner can get your old plan re-approved by January 1, and

If your insurer informs you how lousy your old plan was and how awesome ObamaCare plans are, even though they may charge you more for less coverage, and

If your insurance commissioner does not mind approving products that are clearly illegal under federal law, and

If you and your insurer don?t mind engaging in an economic transaction that is clearly illegal under federal law, and

If you trust me when I promise not to prosecute any of you for your clear violations of federal law,

Then you can keep your plan, for one more year.


Karazhan Raider
Seriously? Where are you fucktards to defend this shit? The way this is shaping up, the ACA may end up giving Bush's Iraq war a run for its money for the biggest political clusterfuckup in more than a generation. Hell, at least Bush had some Dem votes on the Iraq boondoggle. The Dem's OWN this shit lock stock and barrel!

More good insight into Obungler's "Fix":

The Legality of the Latest ObamaCare Fix

Does this make the renewal of non-compliant policies legal? No. The legal requirement remains on the books so the relevant health insurance plans remain illegal under federal law. The President's decision does not change relevant state laws either. So insurers will still need to obtain approval from state insurance commissioners. This typically requires submitting rates and plan specifications for approval. This can take some time, and is disruptive because most insurance companies have already set their offerings for the next year. It's no wonder that some insurance commissioners have already indicated they have no plans to approve non-compliant plans.

Yet even if state commissioners approve the plans, they will still be illegal under federal law. [See clarification below.] Given this fact, why would any insurance company agree to renew such a plan? It's nice that regulators may forbear enforcing the relevant regulatory requirements, but this is not the only source of potential legal jeopardy.So, for instance, what happens when there's a legal dispute under one of these policies? Say, for instance, an insurance company denies payment for something that is not covered under the policy but that would have been covered under the PPACA and the insured sues? Would an insurance company really want to have to defend this decision in court? After all, this would place the insurance company in the position of seeking judicial enforcement of an illegal insurance policy.If there's an answer to this, I haven't seen it [but see below].It's almost as if the Administration has not thought this through.As Sarah Kliff reports, this supposed "fix" creates a "big mess."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just hope that everyone is finally coming around to the idea that having a centralized, not-for-profit, healthcare system is really the only intelligent choice. How many of you conservatards would rather have your taxes go up $100 a month while simultaneously never paying a monthly premium ever again as long as you live, knowing that no matter what happens, you can never, ever, go broke or bankrupt because you get sick or hit by a bus?

Sounds pretty fucking great huh?
Lol, after all the bullshit and lies Obama has shoved up your willing behind you still spout this stupidity? Haha.... you will forever be a moron, and a useful idiot for anyone with a lie to sell.


Seriously? Where are you fucktards to defend this shit? The way this is shaping up, the ACA may end up giving Bush's Iraq war a run for its money for the biggest political clusterfuckup in more than a generation. Hell, at least Bush had some Dem votes on the Iraq boondoggle. The Dem's OWN this shit lock stock and barrel
I don't know how you could even type that shit with a straight face. Over 100,000 civilians died in the Iraq war.


EQOA Refugee
I don't know how you could even type that shit with a straight face. Over 100,000 civilians died in the Iraq war.
Because killing towelheads and invading sovereign nations on false premises is equal to national healthcare. Obviously.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Come on now, you cant blame Bush. He had no idea that would of happened. You couldnt of expected him to know crazies muslims would love to start making ieds.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
do you have any idea how many times democrats on this board say things like "people are too stupid to vote their own interest", or "there's too many stupid people and they breed faster than smart people" and shit like that, they literally feel empowered to think they know better than most people.
If I read a book on aca and debate it at length and come in here and tell Borzak, who I place about equal with Forrest Gump, that everything is going to be ok.. and he just keeps spewing retard about his doctor not taking Obamacare... it's frustrating.

Everyone just picks a side and takes it as this huge point of pride often when no real clue with what they're attacking/defending.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
If I read a book on aca and debate it at length and come in here and tell Borzak, who I place about equal with Forrest Gump, that everything is going to be ok.. and he just keeps spewing retard about his doctor not taking Obamacare... it's frustrating.

Everyone just picks a side and takes it as this huge point of pride often when no real clue with what they're attacking/defending.
Pretty much this. I will readily admit that I was guilty of this regarding the ACA. I just assumed that any change from our existing pile of shit, led by anyone other than Bush was going to be the change we could believe in. Lol, ooops.

Doesn't mean that the Teatards screaming about it for the past four years were right though either. When asked to explain why Obamacare was going to end civilization as we know it, not a single fucking one of them ever mentioned that the website was going to be a steaming pile of shit or that so many people's pre-existing insurance was so shitty that it would be illegal after 2014. They were just busy screaming "American Inventor, American Inventor, American Inventor!" A broken clock is right twice a day.

This country is absolutely doomed to be mired in mediocrity, always looking back to the good ole' days as long as the South is part of it. You just can't have California, New York, and Texas belonging to the same country. It doesn't work anymore.


I have the solution to hethcare. All the poor democrats should go get advanced degrees and obtain jobs at companies that offer premium healthcare packages.

It's so simple.;


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
They were just busy screaming "American Inventor, American Inventor, American Inventor!" A broken clock is right twice a day.
... that's an insane thing to say and mean. you guys have seriously brainwashed yourselves that all that is wrong with obama is that he's black and everyone hates him ONLY because he's black, and the fact that you blindly believe this is a big part of the reason how this turd sandwich was delivered.

alot of what's going on wrong now was said by the intelligencia of the opposition, but it was covered over by a smear of "racist racist racist"


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Pretty much this. I will readily admit that I was guilty of this regarding the ACA. I just assumed that any change from our existing pile of shit, led by anyone other than Bush was going to be the change we could believe in. Lol, ooops.

Doesn't mean that the Teatards screaming about it for the past four years were right though either. When asked to explain why Obamacare was going to end civilization as we know it, not a single fucking one of them ever mentioned that the website was going to be a steaming pile of shit or that so many people's pre-existing insurance was so shitty that it would be illegal after 2014. They were just busy screaming "American Inventor, American Inventor, American Inventor!" A broken clock is right twice a day.

This country is absolutely doomed to be mired in mediocrity, always looking back to the good ole' days as long as the South is part of it. You just can't have California, New York, and Texas belonging to the same country. It doesn't work anymore.
There was pretty extensive coverage of how this was going to play out by "conservative" news sources (WSJ) including concern about the defunding of Medicare Advantage.


Vyemm Raider
Not being confrontational here but who gets to decide what is valuable? That's like telling someone they have to have a $1000 NVIDIA 3DFX Voodoo Monster 3 graphics card because they wont have enough teraflops to run EQ when all they want is to play minesweeper.
It was just because my mom had called about her tv frozen up again and I had to tell her to unplug it and plug it back in again. And I say again because this happens once a week and somehow she has to ask me every time.

It was just a roundabout way of saying you do get what you pay for, usually.


Karazhan Raider
No surprise at all that you dumb asses focus on the Iraq comment and completely ignore the articles I posted. You simply can not defend this dumpster fire known as ACA so you distract, deflect, and divert.