I was disabled being unable to walk for a number of years - in part due to bad doctors that diagnosed me as having neurological issues when it wasn't and putting me on treatments that actually made the problem worse in the longrun. So I had plenty of time to post before. I've had maybe 1k posts in the 18 months I've been well and doing real work rather than running online shops and such where I was at the keys 18 hrs a day for both work and play. (And besides the leg issue, likely a lifestyle that you'd envy - tied down happily with my woman for 22 yrs, live on a canal, no financial worries [I work to entertain myself more than for the $$ - I could retire tomorrow with our passive income])
And Nobel Prize's mean jack shit. Obama - need more be said.
So you've experienced first hand how doctors can be a bunch of fuck ups and yet still think that naturalistic cures are bullshit? You know that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, only ever prescribed naturalistic cures? The three main things that Hippocrates prescribed to patients was honey, apple cider vinegar and garlic.
"Hippocrates, the revered physician, prescribed garlic for a variety of conditions. Garlic was given to the original Olympic athletes in Greece, as perhaps one of the earliest "performance enhancing" agents. It is of interest that cultures that developed without contact with one another came to similar conclusions about the efficacy of garlic. Modern science is tending to confirm many of the beliefs of ancient cultures regarding garlic, defining mechanisms of action and exploring garlic's potential for disease prevention and treatment."
"One of my favorite studies was published in
Food Chemistry, January 2009 called,
“The antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of common vegetables: A comparative study”
Researchers studied the inhibitory (cancer-stopping) effects of 34 vegetable extracts on 8 different tumor cell lines.
They basically just ran vegetables through a juicer and then dripped the extracted juice on different cancer cells to see what would happen. Here are the top 10 anti-cancer vegetables from this study…
The #1 most powerful anti-cancer food was Garlic.
Garlic stopped cancer growth COMPLETELY against these tumor cell lines:
- Breast cancer
- Brain cancer
- Lung cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Childhood brain cancer
- and stomach cancer"
Yep, total bullshit, clearly!
"And Nobel Prize's mean jack shit. Obama - need more be said."
Well, Obama was merely given an honorary Nobel prize and didn't actually earn it just like many famous people are given honorary degrees at Universities for publicity or because they helped that college tremendously with donations or whatever. The dude that discovered autophagy actually earned it.
"That's not to say fasting can't have some benefits now and again - but expecting extreme results is laughable. Based on that theorem - my entire batch of in-laws would be the healthiest people on Earth (they're Jewish, and a few long fasts are part of Jewish tradition) - and trust me, no one is giving them any awards for good health."
Well for starters, most people who fast don't do it correctly and tend to cheat quite often and just because it's part of tradition doesn't mean they're actually doing it. Even a small caloric intake or anything that triggers a metabolic response essentially restarts the fast. Also, they might not be eating very healthily when they're not fasting or perhaps don't exercise much or at all. While fasting is indeed miraculous in what it can do, it's not the only step necessary for supreme states of health. You also need to do cardio and weight resistance exercises to build muscle and cycle blood and therefor oxygen/nutrients throughout the body more properly and efficiently.
Not to mention that in order for a true prolonged fast to have a dramatic effect you generally have to go at least 4 days without any food whatsoever whereas most religious fasts generally only last for a day at most. Autophagy does not truly begin until after 3 days of fasting. It's at this point that your organs will begin to shrink and your white blood cells will die off en masse and then your body will focus all effort into regeneration/healing and begin to recycle all of the unhealthiest cells consuming them for energy and turning them back into healthy cells. You'll then completely reset your immune system with a fresh batch of newly formed white blood cells that are superior to the old ones in every way. Then when you reintroduce food back into your diet your organs will begin to grow back to their normal size and be much stronger than they were before. It's a similar process to what happens to bears when they hibernate.
"And please, tell me how to overcome "poor genetics" like
oculodentodigital dysplasia"
Well, that's more of an extreme example and a birth defect caused by severely compromised health within the parents. When I say poor genetics I'm referring more to relatively normal people that have a family history of certain/specific illnesses. Like if your father, grand father & great grand faster all had heart disease/heart attacks or something etc, you can overcome that through specific diets/life style choices quite easily. The real reason it appears to be genetics has more to do with the fact that you tend to adopt your parents life styles since you grow up eating the food that they served you and therefor were eating themselves.