Health Problems


A Mod Real Quick
I took Ativan in highschool for anxiety, that stuff fucked me up and I kept falling asleep during school. Never worked for me, but glad it is working for you Suibro.


Glad to hear, but be careful with that shit. Friend of mine picked up a bit of a habit with that stuff while traveling in Asia.
Yeah I will be one week on, two weeks off of it so I think I should be ok. It's the ambien I have a harder time weaning off of each cycle.


Got something right about marriage
That's strange. Ambien isn't habit forming. I mean, you can get addicted to anything but there are no actual chemical receptors craving that shit.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
That's strange. Ambien isn't habit forming. I mean, you can get addicted to anything but there are no actual chemical receptors craving that shit.
I took it for quite some time while trying to get a hold on my insomnia, and it was only addictive in the sense that after you take it for awhile, you can't fall asleep without it. After I decided to stop taking it (my problem was staying asleep, not falling asleep) because it wasn't stopping me from waking at 3-4am I probably spent three to four days utterly unable to fall asleep.. Doc told me that was pretty normal for someone that had been taking it nightly for a month straight.


Yeah it's not habit forming but I don't sleep well as it is and all these chemicals in my body mess me up and make me restless at night.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, this is wrong. 500 calories of pure sugar all at once isn't healthy even if that's the only carbs you consume in a day.
First of all, health is a spectrum. Pure cane sugar will never be "as healthy" as some paleo shit. That being said, its not a huge fucking deal if I go lift heavy for 45 minutes and jog for 20 then come back and gutbomb 500 calories of sugar. My muscles NEED that glucose; its not going to be stored as fat. My insulin response will be appropriate; insulin is going to say ("Hey muscles you need this shit or should I store it? Oh? You need it? Rgr that, on route!") Do you think there is any fucking difference between a cup of sugar or a pound of red potatoes post-workout? Nutrient profile minimal -- its solely a source of energy.

Now -- someone who doesn't exercise shouldn't do that... their insulin resistance is already fucked up due to the sedentary life style... and minimizing hormone fluctuations is their best strategy.

And my point overall was that Americans are consuming too much bullshit calories (in the form of soda), but calling it a drink instead of a dessert... So they drink a few sodas during the day (600 calories), and they're totally fucked when it comes to Calories in Calories out. Good fucking luck incorporating a soda-habit into a sedentary lifestyle without being weak/sick/fat.


Got something right about marriage
First of all, health is a spectrum. Pure cane sugar will never be "as healthy" as some paleo shit. That being said, its not a huge fucking deal if I go lift heavy for 45 minutes and jog for 20 then come back and gutbomb 500 calories of sugar. My muscles NEED that glucose; its not going to be stored as fat. My insulin response will be appropriate; insulin is going to say ("Hey muscles you need this shit or should I store it? Oh? You need it? Rgr that, on route!") Do you think there is any fucking difference between a cup of sugar or a pound of red potatoes post-workout? Nutrient profile minimal -- its solely a source of energy.

Now -- someone who doesn't exercise shouldn't do that... their insulin resistance is already fucked up due to the sedentary life style... and minimizing hormone fluctuations is their best strategy.

And my point overall was that Americans are consuming too much bullshit calories (in the form of soda), but calling it a drink instead of a dessert... So they drink a few sodas during the day (600 calories), and they're totally fucked when it comes to Calories in Calories out. Good fucking luck incorporating a soda-habit into a sedentary lifestyle without being weak/sick/fat.
Sounds like you're falling victim to the calorie is a calorie is a calorie mantra. You shouldn't eat 500 calories worth of pure sugar regardless of your physical activity. It has other effects on your health. Even if you burn 3000 calories a day with vigorous exercise you'll still be at risk for kidney stones if you're drinking a ton of soda. Just because it isn't making you fat doesn't mean it's healthy.


Molten Core Raider
Sounds like you're falling victim to the calorie is a calorie is a calorie mantra. You shouldn't eat 500 calories worth of pure sugar regardless of your physical activity. It has other effects on your health. Even if you burn 3000 calories a day with vigorous exercise you'll still be at risk for kidney stones if you're drinking a ton of soda. Just because it isn't making you fat doesn't mean it's healthy.
You guys are taking shit too seriously, and no, I understand where CICO breaks down.

You shouldn't eat ANY pure sugar -- but we live in a world where we make reasonable health sacrifices for enjoyment. An athelete burning 3k calories can eat 500 in sugar spread throughout the day and it's not going to play a large part in his health.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm a diabetec and have been for 38 years. I don't count calories. But I also am one of the people who burn 3k calories a day or whatever. If my blood sugar gets really low from working or whatever I've found the best way to pick it up quickly that doesn't stick with you for 8 hour is half a coke or smarties lol.


Got something right about marriage
You guys are taking shit too seriously, and no, I understand where CICO breaks down.

You shouldn't eat ANY pure sugar -- but we live in a world where we make reasonable health sacrifices for enjoyment. An athelete burning 3k calories can eat 500 in sugar spread throughout the day and it's not going to play a large part in his health.
Again, Kidney Stones. Also, there has been some research done that links high consumption of sugar to heart disease, though I'm still not completely sold on those studies so I'm wary of the results.

What you're essentially saying is if you exercise it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're at or under your maintenance calories. But that's simply not true.


Bronze Squire
Thanks, man. I feel like I've been beat with a bag of hammers though, and I lost count at 10 puncture sites.

Highly recommend a healthy lifestyle.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Again, Kidney Stones. Also, there has been some research done that links high consumption of sugar to heart disease, though I'm still not completely sold on those studies so I'm wary of the results.

What you're essentially saying is if you exercise it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're at or under your maintenance calories. But that's simply not true.
I haven't read the studies but I wonder how much genetics have to play in it. My grandfather went out to plow one day and died in his mid 80's. He ate biscuits everyday for breakfast, like half a dozen. On top of each one he used steens cane syrup which is so thick you have to cut it with a knife and had been doing it every day since he got married in his teens. My grandmother on that side died in her early 80's and had a similar diet.

My grandmother on the other side eats even worse and she's now 93. She goes thru a couple of pounds of butter a week and eats it on everything. My grandfather on that side died early in his late 70's due to long term helth problems related to a steel door falling on him during the war during destroyer construction.


Got something right about marriage
It's been three days. It really makes me wonder what the hell non-smokers do all day?
That was the hardest part of quitting for me. Removing the ritual. Boredom was the reason I started in the first place.

But lately I've been like a fucking snicker's commercial. "Somebody get Khane a Marlboro, he's such a diva when he's craving nicotine"


I quit smoking after having a 1/2 pack a day habit for 10 years or so. I tried several times unsuccessfully but what finally did the trick for me was that every time my mind started to think about how bad I wanted a cigarette, I would go for a walk/jog. It worked perfectly because it very quickly occupies your mind and you forget all about that cigarette and before you know it the craving is gone. Now if you still want to smoke after taking a jog and being winded/feeling healthier (endorphins and shit...they work) then there might not be any hope for you. =P