No the initial shots were Dexamethasone, Rocephin and something else then all the pill stuff.
Friday the swelling in my leg had all but vanished and returned to normal. I worked pretty standard days thurs/friday laying tile and such so not just relaxed work.
All weekend I started having issues again and now my leg is swollen as is my arms somewhat now.
I can't remember what happened last night while I was sleeping but I remember getting up and running into Shelly's room in case I blacked out before I could call 911. I did this twice but never woke her up and I just remember doing it and not really the why I felt needed at the time.
I think I was having chest pain and other stuff, I just don't really know.
I noticed after shower last night another odd thing, my skin feels much more leathery and I have a TON of elevated pores on my face, not like pimples just small bumps. Also I can wash my face and in 5 minutes literally see and feel oil again on the pores. Always had oily skin, but never as extreme as it's been the past month.