Health Problems


> Than U
17 days Olebass, if you're trolling your doing a good job.

Anyone know his RL name and care to do a search or two?


The Pollock posted in the Chinese are trying to steal my account but not here.
I figured from my last post it was clear that there is little to report. Trust me, if I kicked over you guys would know, probably within a few days as per my wishes. I mean I literally made a list of 20 or so websites/places/people to inform and placed it in the fire safe and Shelly is well aware that note is there ( but not read it ).

I worked 14 hours/20.5 hours and 17 hours the past 3 weeks.not exactly idea at all for the situation I am in, and that massive $20 Gofundme run I did that I didn't really promote didn't help either but I am making due. Still got a few bills I not been able to pay that were very vital and still have a few medications I haven't filled I need but I have power and making partial payments on rent and getting by best I can. Currently TRYING to do a bathroom remodel but it is tough. I start out the day excited and energized. 2 hours in I and getting tired and by 4-5 hours in I am done for the day exhausted. Still working at all is getting stuff done. I literally needed $2000 weeks ago to keep from being homeless, to needing ~$200 more than I will make this week to meet my goals. If I can pull that off, I should be ok as long as I am able to continue onwards. I have high hopes!

My right leg doesn't swell much anymore, but now I've been having pain in my left leg( but no swelling ). I am breathing well and trying to watch what I eat more. I can definitely tell something is wrong with my heart and at times it either hurts in my chest, feels weird in my chest or causes odd side effects.

They still have not figured out my INR and I am due for another test Tuesday. Currently I am down to 7.5 5 days a week and 3.75 Monday and Friday. This is probably due to several things why it is still not level after a month now, including not working before and working now along with the heat/fluids change from one extreme to other, diet and variance in pain medication I take which was much lower when I was home but increased I am out trying to do hard stuff.

I have 4 family members that take blood thinners and 3 IRL friends/people I've done work for I've talked too and I still take more a day in doses than any of them. Been meaning to ask my doctor what that means. Not sure if it is due to me being younger, or if my heart is that far gone or what/why I take so much more than most.

Other than that, nothing really to report.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Well heading into Boston now for my surgery today. They'll be removing 12cm desmoid tumor from my abdominal area. Should be a fairly straightforward procedure and I should be out in a few days.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Well I was due for 1:30 but now they're saying 4:30 because the previius surgery isn't finished. The fact that no one thought to give us a heads up and I've had to ask repeatedly for updates has me vehemently pissed off.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Everything went great with the surgery. There was concern they'd have to resect some bowel to but thankfully they didn't have to do that.


Bronze Squire
Good news, bubba. I'd post some get well tits, but they frown on that here in the big boys forum.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Yes indeed she does!!
I was finally able fo take a shit so I should be heading home later today. Had to go so damn bad and had awful awful gas pains. That shit is no joke. I ended up dry heaving while shitting and goddamn is that one of the most painful things you could do.


Bronze Squire
Yep, no discharge until you discharge. I try and start walking as soon as I can, that anesthesia really slows down the poop chute mechanisms.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I was out of recovery for a couple hours when I got to my room around 6pm and by 8 I was asking to walk. They suggested I just rest for the night. I just wanted to get to work so I could gtfo asap.
Turns out my roomie is a detoxing alcoholic that got his ass beat by someone. Clocked him with a flower pot in the back of the head. Demolished one side of his face. Many stitches around that eye. Then the guy chomped so hard on his finger he almost bit it off.
This fuck wakes up raging every morning. He was just cussing out a nurse because "it's fucking Sunday goddamn it!!" after being told it's Saturday. He then he'll fucking prove it!! So he flips his phone open. Oh it is Saturday. Then mumbles a cuss at her. This fucking guy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
When I was in the emergency room for appendicitis, I was sharing the room with some dude with kidney stones. The dude wouldn't shut up and it was all I could do not to yell at him. He's whining and crying nonstop about the pain, and I'm sitting here with appendicitis and a fucked up IV pumping way too much fluid directly into my arm and I'm not making a sound of protest. FUCK YOUR KIDNEY STONES YOU WHINY FUCK.

I mean, I know kidney stones are a horrific pain, but appendicitis isn't exactly a walk in the park either. I think the pain receptors in my brain are just wired wrong and I have an inhumanly high pain tolerance.


I have had appendicitis twice and kidney stones twice and kidney stones were worse by a factor of ten.

With the appendix you can get into a comfortable position and then not move. Not so with kidney stones.


Just a Nurse
When I was in the emergency room for appendicitis, I was sharing the room with some dude with kidney stones. The dude wouldn't shut up and it was all I could do not to yell at him. He's whining and crying nonstop about the pain, and I'm sitting here with appendicitis and a fucked up IV pumping way too much fluid directly into my arm and I'm not making a sound of protest. FUCK YOUR KIDNEY STONES YOU WHINY FUCK.

I mean, I know kidney stones are a horrific pain, but appendicitis isn't exactly a walk in the park either. I think the pain receptors in my brain are just wired wrong and I have an inhumanly high pain tolerance.
It depends if your appendix has already burst or not. Yes, appendicitis is painful, but...kidney stones. Ugh. -.-


Mr. Poopybutthole
The fucked up IV hurt more than the appendicitis did.

Also I'm generally lacking in empathy for my fellow man, so fuck that guy. I was trying to relax and he was nonstop groaning in pain and whining about the terrible agony he was in.


Musty Nester
Yeah, probably high tolerance bunking with low tolerance.

Although, I've never had a kidney stone. Supposedly they do hurt an insane amount.

I think I had hepatitis once. Not the virus, I don't have that, I think literally my liver got infected somehow. I did get a little bit jaundiced. Talk about 3 days of just wanting to die.


Musty Nester
That experience sort of changed my mind about Death with Dignity tbh. If you were staring at that for every day for the rest of your life. Yeah...