

<Gold Donor>
ehhhhhhhhhhh, dont play monkey turn 6 lol. Yea, you need to get board under control first, and you probably never want to do it before turn 10 still. When I've done Monkey it's won me the game 2x now and both were against very late game control decks.
Yeah, I only played it cause I felt like it was a once in a lifetime event to get the map and the monkey on the very next draws, I did it knowing that it would most likely cost me the game.

On the second one it was way late, already under 10 cards left on the deck and I had board control, but vs priest, he stole a circle of healing from me and managed to clear a nasty board after the monkey with auchenai, power word shields and the second and third(from me) circle of healings of his.

*Edit: I feel like the last example illustrates what I mean, when you drop elise you trade in all your tools for chance, so its either a hail mary because you are already mostly without any tools left or you are so in control that you can afford to give them up.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
*Edit: I feel like the last example illustrates what I mean, when you drop elise you trade in all your tools for chance, so its either a hail mary because you are already mostly without any tools left or you are so in control that you can afford to give them up.
You just need to play it intelligently. If I know im against a control deck ill try to avoid playing clerics/eeries/circles/pws. Of course you'll want some card draw so maybe 1 cleric/pws but late game usually means fatigue so you dont wanna draw much. Replacing all those types of cards with Legendaries is nice.

Edit: Also sunfury/argus are great to save since arent needed in control matches, but argus is good for trading up still. Honestly, like 1/2 the deck is better as Legendaries when in control match


Still a Music Elitist
Last game was against a weird druid. He had double combo but he was playing Ancient Watchers and lots of Silences.
That deck uses the mass silence in combo with Eerie Statues and Ancient Watchers. I've played against a few times and have lost almost every one.


Molten Core Raider
This brawl is aids. Warlocks with the health swap 2/2, corruption, shadowbolt, the gayness is endless.


In the spirit of sharing, I'm 7-1 so far with this dragon list that I put together myself. It's fairly standard but with Bran and no Lightbombs (also no BGH targets). It seems to have enough early game minions to stand up to aggro and enough threats for control. The Dark Cultist or Justicar could be swapped out for something else... maybe another Entomb or a Lightbomb. Might just be getting lucky with match ups - haven't faced a mage yet. 3 games were casual and 5 were at ranks 8 and 9.

Let's see if my old man skills can figure out how to attach...



Poet Warrior
I thought the brawl was kinda fun this week. Still not going to play more than 1, but fun nonetheless. This week rewards a card back instead of a pack.
It gives both.Bzzzt. I was wrong. It gives a card back. It's a cool card back though!

Here. Pop crates on both sides and ride 1-mana Coldarra Drakes to the promised land!

EDIT* Add 2x Crazed Alchemists in place of Sea Giants or Imp Gang Bosses.



<Bronze Donator>
I loaded up the Tavern Brawl because why not. Made a pretty standard mid range Paladin. Very first game matched up against what looked like another Mid Range Paladin. I played 3 of those cards it gives you for breaking the things, each one of them was discover something and it will be reduced cost, and all 3 of them gave me Tirion for 3 mana. At 9 mana I played Tirion Tirion Muster. He responded with Eadric Shredder. I then played Quartermaster and another Tirion and he conceded lol. 3 3 mana Tirions just too much


Yeah, it is incredibly unbalanced on top of that. Forget about anything and everything but that which can kill the crates on your side or the other. Warlock is the uncontested master of course but the whole thing is pretty damned stupid.

Made a mage deck, lost to a warlock. Noticed the actual mechanics and made a 'lock deck. Won npnp. Got a stupid card back... Wasted time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I stay nice and calm when I'm playing except when I lose to fucking shredders and boom bots. Just lost to a druid because his first shredder popped a stealth creature that fucked my cone of cold and his second shredder popped a cho.

fuck this game of faggots


Mr. Poopybutthole
In the spirit of sharing, I'm 7-1 so far with this dragon list that I put together myself. It's fairly standard but with Bran and no Lightbombs (also no BGH targets). It seems to have enough early game minions to stand up to aggro and enough threats for control. The Dark Cultist or Justicar could be swapped out for something else... maybe another Entomb or a Lightbomb. Might just be getting lucky with match ups - haven't faced a mage yet. 3 games were casual and 5 were at ranks 8 and 9.
That is a really greedy deck. I know nobody asked, but here's my dragon priest list for reference. Win rate ~60% in games rank 5 and lower.


To be blunt, Curator sucks in dragon priest. It works in control priest because the deck is generally built around winning the value game. Dragon Priest wants to win the tempo game and put your opponent away before it goes super late. Yes, you have a couple late game tools but the deck excels in the early to midgame with undercosted creatures and big tempo plays like velen's chosen and blackwing corrupter. Justicar also doesn't belong in dragon priest, since you don't have the big fat asses of blademaster/deathlord to heal or auchenai to use it offensively. Vol'jin could be a second entomb if you don't have him, but I definitely prefer Chromaggus over Chillmaw.


I used to like the idea of running no BGH targets, but Boom just has too much goddamn value even if he gets BGHed immediately.


Thanks for the feedback. I already had replaced Justicar with a Lightbomb. I'll have to consider your points about Curator and Velen's, etc.

Though I am loving the Bran interaction with whelp, wyrmrest, blackwing tech, twilight guard, and blackwing corruptor. So many battlecries to capitalize on.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I have a completely perfect draw to fucking destroy zoo. Until he one-shots my doomsayer with gormok because of brann. who plays this retarded faggoty bullshit.


So I have a completely perfect draw to fucking destroy zoo. Until he one-shots my doomsayer with gormok because of brann. who plays this retarded faggoty bullshit.
That seems like a pretty awesome combo for zoo. Not hard to get 4 minions on board by 7 mana and then 8 damage from the hand + a 3/4 and 4/4. If it's any consolation, it's a fairly unlikely scenario since they're both legendaries? Which is probably why you're raging...


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm raging because no other deck but freeze mage would leave that Brann up, and then my very next match was against a warrior which is an auto loss. Now I'm playing another warrior. What kind of fucking retard plays warrior in this meta?