

I just lost to one of the greediest Reno Pally lists I've ever seen. Sylvanas, Boom, KT, Rag, ARch thief, etc. He must get crushed by aggro. Too bad I was still dicking around with dragon priest.

Edit: I should have entombed Reno, but I kept waiting for Tirion.

Edit2: I think I'm trying to play this too much like control.


<Bronze Donator>
I get that you're mad, everyone gets mad at hearthstone. I was just curious if your attempt at legend was successful since I saw you were at 1.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I've been sitting at rank 8 for awhile now. Using Renolock at the moment. Holy shit does it piss me off to have a commanding lead against freeze mage. Just to get comboed with fucking Alex/Frostbolt. Fireball fireball. There was absolutely Nothing I could do about it. Bitch was at 1 hp and no ice block too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played like 7 games of the brawl to clean up some quests. Lost first as Mage cause I didn't know what to expect. Won next 2 on Priest then next 3 on Shaman, beat mostly Warlocks on the way (one Shaman vs. Shaman match which was a fucking orgy of 1-mana fire elementals and Mistcallers). Shaman seemed surprisingly decent and clearing crates: Worgen Infiltrators and Cave Trogs both great one drops, Stormforged Axe + either kills crate on turn 2, plus you still have Crazed Alchemist. You can Reincarnate crates on either side for a card, cast it on your opponents for 2 cards if you can kill it normally, too. Flametongue Totem also does work. Rockbiter mostly did nothing except pressure lethal. Can (and should) run Bloodlust and Elemental Destruction too, Elemental Destruction is perfect for clearing out everything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Does everyone else get multiples of rare shit? Got my 3rd golden shield maiden the other day and today I got a second varian when I have just a few tgt legendaries
, this shit is so not random.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It really annoys me that we can't get Golden Adventure cards without crafting, and now that there are 3 Adventures out and tons of good cards from each Adventure, it irks me that the main reason my decks aren't full golden are due to these being missing.

So that said, I can either finish my collection or start crafting golds. A golden common is the same price as a non-gold epic (400 dust). And Im still missing a bunch of worthless epics.

1x Bestial Wrath
1x Stablemaster
1x Pyroblast
Eadric the Pure
2x Shadowbomber
2x Shadowform
1x Mindgames
1x Siltfin Spiritwalker
1x Dark Bargain
1x Magnataur Alpha
1x Hungry Crab
Nat Pagle
1x Blood Knight
Fjola Lightbane
1x Crowd Favorite
1x Junkbot
Mimiron's Head
Bolf Ramshield
1x Grand Crusader
1x Kodorider
Mogor the Ogre
The Skeleton Knight
Skycap'n Kragg
Mekgineer Thermaplugg

12 Legends (19,200), 19 Epics (7,600): 26,800 Dust to have complete collection.

Cards I should probably craft would be Eadric and 2nd Elemental Destruction.

Or for the same price I can craft 67 golden commons

There are approx 17 unique (34 total) commons I'd craft from the Adventures


Mr. Poopybutthole
eh, there are some fun and viable priest decks that use shadowform, i wouldn't quite call it worthless. I wish I had a second one.


and I really wish golden adventure cards were the reward to hardmodes instead of the card back.


Trakanon Raider
eh, there are some fun and viable priest decks that use shadowform, i wouldn't quite call it worthless. I wish I had a second one.


and I really wish golden adventure cards were the reward to hardmodes instead of the card back.
That would be awesome and make complete sense. It's a shame they never did that. I did Hard Naxxramas and after that I never did a single Hard boss again. It's just stupidly pointless and almost every single hard boss requires some niche deck with a perfect draw. It's dumb. Goldens would rock though. It's stupid you have to craft them, even though they aren't a regular kind of card.

Does everyone else get multiples of rare shit? Got my 3rd golden shield maiden the other day and today I got a second varian when I have just a few tgt legendaries
, this shit is so not random.
I've gotten 5 golden Knight of the Wild and various others around 3 copies. During my first 100 packs of GvG I opened 5 golden Powermaces.


Poet Warrior
I have a deck that uses 2 Elemental Destructions that can be fun. Or at least it was pre Entomb anyway. I've used Fjola for tempo/syngery but she was never key to anything. Other than that I'd say Eadric or just sit on it and use it to plug in holes where you need them later for the next normal style expansion.


Can anyone share a competitive secret pally deck? Pally is going to be my next golden. I've been using the deck Gav posted to much success except for getting destroyed by hunters.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I went from 4 to 10 playing miracle rogue. Not even a little upset, fully expected as I normally lose a ton of games after dropping one because of a silly mistake. Tried oil rogue instead and it was more of the same. Three days ago I felt like I was unstoppable, last two days I feel like I can't do a damn thing.

Losing to lots and lots of aggro so just switched to watcher druid, back up to 8.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This has happened every single time I've pushed for legend. Go on a major winning tear, get within a star or two of legend, then go on an inexplicable losing streak. The shit that pisses me off the most is that I'm not losing any of these matches to misplays or close fought matches. Every single fucking match I either draw complete shit or my opponent god draws me and I'm wasting my time playing out the game. Just had a zombie chow opener against aggro shaman, which is the absolute strongest opening priest can have without the coin. He responds with trogg coin lightning bolt and I can never recover from that fucking retarded tempo loss.


Or another aggro shaman whose opening was leper coin leper, rockbiter abusive, flametongue trogg. fuck these braindead faggots.


Or when I use soulfire against a warrior and out of the 9 cards in my hand, it discards jaraxxus.


Molten Core Raider
Holy fucking Tempo Mage. Mages everywhere.

I just hate Tempo Mage...Its basically like just throwing your hands in the air and saying, "I like to flip coins...Fuck skill." It makes getting a streak to break out of the 7-10 range almost impossible without a slogging grind.