Woops, counted the chosen as 4 health instead of 2 lols.2 over but yea close enough![]()
Pretty aggressive for "mid-range"Just hit Legend again...Played the my mid-range Shaman for the last 20 games.
2 Rockbiter
2 Abusive
2 Argent
2 Troggs
2 Eternal Sentinel
2 Flametongue
2 Totem Golem
2 Feral Spirit
2 Lava Burst
2 Argent Horsemen
2 Tuskarr Totemic
2 Flamewreathed
1 Master of Evolution (this was a floating spot)
2 Doomhammer
2 Thing from Below - This wins the Tempo race
Yeah...The earlier version was REALLY low cost...but I found taking out the bolts, knife jugglers, etc made it gel and work.Pretty aggressive for "mid-range"
Grats on legend.
And you would be wrong. Finley allows flexibility on a crappy hero power. You get totem counts from tuskar and totem golems...And frankly, if you get 1 or 2 discount thats plenty. This is tempo and play based.Doesn't seem like Finley works too well with Thing from Below.
I had pretty much completely stopped playing arenas, but I'm probably going to start again with it always being OG pack and chance at another. That makes it more worth than just using gold for packsAnyone know if they reduced the gold(and maybe dust?) reward in arena to compensate for the increase pack chance? A popular streamer theorized that this would incentivize people to play more arena because the packs/gold noticeably higher than just straight gold.
I know a lot of people here have written off arena. They fixed the shitty random pack part. How much more packs/gold(compared to 1 pack per 100g) would you have to get in arena to spend your gold there?
If this turns out to be true, I definitely support it. More cards is better than more gold. And more people playing arena means competition is weaker overall and you might be able to make your gold back.