

Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I mentioned that earlier. Warrior is the one class that has the tools needed to stall games out long enough to ensure they can close it out with C'Thun.

The other classes not so much.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm probably wrong but I think C'Thun will see play but not necessary as the focus or single win condition of the decks. Right now it seems that people are trying to win with C'thun, buff him so high that when you play him you either win that turn or the following.

I've seen a few games where C'thun was played with only 8-12 attack, not being the winning condition but being a big tempo swing, clearing most of the board if not all of it, and being a big threat that needs to be dealt with.

N'zoth seems to work that way too, there is some very good deathrattle decks for Rogue and Hunter right now that would work even without N'zoth, he just ends up being a huge tempo swing if you end up playing him.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm probably wrong but I think C'Thun will see play but not necessary as the focus or single win condition of the decks. Right now it seems that people are trying to win with C'thun, buff him so high that when you play him you either win that turn or the following.

I've seen a few games where C'thun was played with only 8-12 attack, not being the winning condition but being a big tempo swing, clearing most of the board if not all of it, and being a big threat that needs to be dealt with.

N'zoth seems to work that way too, there is some very good deathrattle decks for Rogue and Hunter right now that would work even without N'zoth, he just ends up being a huge tempo swing if you end up playing him.

I tend to think N'Zoth is the better of the two, but mainly cause all my decks have included him thus far. I think C'Thun has merit in Priest & Warrior specifically because getting him to 10/10 isn't hard and the Priest/Warrior C'Thun cards as well as Twin Emps are all very powerful control cards.

Before Old Gods a 10/10 for 10 that deals 10 random damage would be strong as fuck already.

I think my next C'Thun warrior attempt will be limiting it to 2x Beckoner, 2x Disciple, Twin Emps, 2x Shieldbearers, and C'Thun. The 4 buffers get him to 14/14 while providing a sturdy early game. 22 other warrior cards to fit in. Probably wouldn't include Doomcaller either simply because on 8 mana I could have Rag, Gromm, or any number of other powerful cards.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
N'zoth seems to work that way too, there is some very good deathrattle decks for Rogue and Hunter right now that would work even without N'zoth, he just ends up being a huge tempo swing if you end up playing him.
N'Zoth is a game ender though usually. Every single game I've played Nzoth, they concede the next turn. I've crushed quite a few C'Thun decks now though. I agree with C'Thun. C'Thun is a very good end game threat and he can win games solo but I've found NZoth to be better at that and you don't have to work as hard to work it in.


You have to find a way to work in Sylvanas. It is truly sickening when Huhu gets to use Sylvanas...and then Sylvanas uses Sylvanas. One of the few losses I've had with my pally N'Zoth is to a similar deck to yours. He pulled off that combo...and I just couldnt recover. Fun as hell when I reciprocated earlier on another poor Zoo deck.

Zoo is definitely good but I just haven't lost to one since Gods went live. Aggro Shammy shit? yeah...fuck them lol.


Registered Hutt
OK, some of my friends are really into this. I never got serious about it. I still won't now, but I would like to try and understand it better and build a decent deck so I can have a serious conversation about it. Any concise beginner guides to read and develop my understanding that y'all know of?

Can we duel? I'm totally open to getting my shit pushed in by y'all just for the education.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

You have to find a way to work in Sylvanas. It is truly sickening when Huhu gets to use Sylvanas...and then Sylvanas uses Sylvanas.
Edit: As FYI, if using deck I posted hereHearthstone - Page 1226
I'm currently testing it with -2 King's Elekk, +1 Infest,+1 Sylvanas.
Yea, I made the change but didn't play the deck much yesterday. I don't think I ever saw Sylvanas in my hand the few times I played it. I was fucking around with the Mage deck I posted yesterday evening which included Anomalus. Made it to 5 stars in rank 5 with it before I started backing up lol.

Trying Brand's Shaman list a bit today but will throw in some Hunter for sure. It's just too fun.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Had the Steward of Darkshire + Stand Against Darkness + Blood Knight dream. Of course he got Siphon Soul'd the next turn, but that's besides the point!



This has to be the biggest meta shake up since release, not many of the old decks seem to have survived. I suck at making new decks, so I've tried a few of the old ones and I found surprisingly that a modified freeze mage with 2x torches is pretty decent against the plethora of C'Thun decks out there. In a month or so things are going to settle and we'll have a clearer picture of what the meta will be.

Btw, the most cancerous deck I've played against was a druid hybrid C'Thun/mill one with Naturalize, Tree of Life etc. May be a gimmick deck but felt so bad losing against it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've been experimenting with running 4-5 c'thun "buffers" in evolve shaman just to get twin emps for the amusing "turn 8 double 8drop.". Being able to evolve the 2/3, 2/1, or 4/2 (4/2 being cut most of the time, too many good 4cost shaman duders) into something more impactful after you get the battlecry buff is nice.
Brann is such a sweet card, waffling between him and the 8drop as my fifth " buffer."


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Regarding C'Thun Warrior, here's where I'm going with it:

C'Thun Control Warrior

Cards that could fit in somewhere:
second Revenge
second Cruel Task
Blood Warriors


Blackwing Lair Raider
For Attog, my reno warrior list. Having mixed results with it so far, not sure if its better than my old reno/elise list, just experimenting. Took elise out in this version because it wasn't being used. Recently added sparring partner and tbk because I found I was lacking another hard removal and no more bouncing blade or crush.

Warrior - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn


Mr. Poopybutthole
Regarding C'Thun Warrior, here's where I'm going with it:

C'Thun Control Warrior

Cards that could fit in somewhere:
second Revenge
second Cruel Task
Blood Warriors
Brann has way too much potential value not to run in a c'thun deck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Consensus is its pretty good. Its practically a 2/2 for 1 that allows you to do another point of damage to a minion, activates execute, its a 1 mana 2/2 draw a card w/ acolyte, etc.


Just got the table run on me by Weapon Warrior with him playing zero minions and clearing none of mine. Now, he got a perfect starting hand and I had no taunts (and would have had lethal turn six) but still, I think I'm going to hate that deck. Just face damage every turn is fucking annoying when you can't outrace.


<Gold Donor>
Got myself a fun deck to play around with, if you have the cards and wanna have a go at some shoe dodging:

Journey Below
Undercity Huckster
Fan of Knives
Tomb Pillager
Xaril, Poisoned Mind
Dark Iron Skulker
Blade of C'Thun

Beckoner of Evil
Brann Bronzebeard
Disciple of C'Thun
Twilight Elder
C'Thun's Chosen
Refreshment Vendor
Crazed Worshipper
Emperor Thaurissan
Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Reno Jackson
Twin Emperor Vek'lor
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

Shoe Dodgers - Hearthstone Decks

Xaril is the one most probably don't have, but I think its a pretty good card overall and well worth the craft if you play rogue anyway.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just made an N'zoth/reno warrior and the first game went perfectly, played cairne/sylvanas + other deathrattles and baited out the brawl with weenie minions before playing N'zoth and getting a full board again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Regarding C'Thun Warrior, here's where I'm going with it:
Using your deck, having success, thanks. I did sub one Ancient Shieldbearer for Brann, but haven't had a big combo pay off yet with him. Brann does draw out removal cards though. The Black Knight is getting a lot of value right now.


Trakanon Raider
When I saw Kripp browsing his collection while in crafting mode, it showed him his golden cards as well as regulars. How do you make that happen? I have to click "show only golden cards" to see my golden cards when in crafting mode and I fucking hate it.

Anyone played around with Herald Volazj and Malkorok yet? I've still got 15,000 dust laying around and considering the next expansion is ages away and my collection is pretty darn complete, I have plenty to craft, even for fun purposes. Personally I think Malkorok is underrated and could prove to be pretty good. So far I've crafted:

Princess Huhuran
Xaril, Poisoned Mind
N'zoth, the Corruptor

And I have

Deathwing, Dragonlord
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
Golden Hallzael

Most of my dust has gone toward epics like Crazed Worshipper and Eternal Sentinel etc.

Healidin is so godly. Forbidden Healing + Reno + Lay on Hands + Ragnoros, + misc heals like Truesilver really add up. It's crazy. I wish Shifting Shade was good enough to make Priest decks, I get it ALL the time from Evolving my Tuskar Totemics and it's like a godsend. So much value. Anyone been using them? Fun stuff. I really wanna try Pirate Warrior but I don't wanna blow 3200 dust on Greenskin + Skycaptain Kragg.

Lots of pro players using Twilight Summoner for it being so horribly terribly bad Gavin.