

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I want to do the Malch druid deck but didn't have a Druid quest. I did run into one when rolling as the Hex/Lava Burst shaman that @elidib posted. Talk about getting countered, he couldn't do anything. Every minion got hexed and he died before I could fill his side with frogs.
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Molten Core Raider
Had Wrangler summon King Krush on two consecutive matches against hunter. Dat rng.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Damn, actually streaked from 10 all the way to 5 w/ n'zoth paladin.
Deck list: Paladin - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Mulligans: Always keep doomsayer/acolyte/loot hoarder
Hunter and warlock(always assume it is zoo) - Mulligan hard for doomsayer, w/coin keep pyro
Druid - keep equality (in case they ramp into something big)
Mage - keep truesilver (for 3/2's and more importantly flamewaker)
Shaman - w/coin keep pyro, depending on the mulligan may consider keeping equality (definitely keep if you get pyro/equal)because sometimes its the only way to get back into the game against a curved start by shaman, luckily for some reason the past couple of days I've run into mostly mid-range shaman, which is less common they'll curve out.
Warrior and paladin - standard mulligan, looking for doomsayer, acolyte, loot hoarder, can also possibly keep barnes against these often slower matchups
Priest - keep aldor/truesilver, if possible kill their first blademaster and aldor the full health rez'd one

Other tips I learned after a number of games:
1)Never be afraid to drop brann. Only card he combos well with in the deck is pony. Against aggresive decks you'll rarely get to combo them anyway and against slower decks dropping brann often fucks over your opponents turn because they feel they have to remove it.
2)Don't be afraid to forbidden heal for smaller amounts. Early on I was often holding on to forbidden heal trying to get high value, but often you'll want to use it as just an 8 point or so heal because you won't have the mana to cast it later anyway if you're not just dead. Likewise if your opponents board isn't very threatening and you're low health don't be afraid to heal for 16-20, I lost a number of games choosing to develop the board over healing when really had I just healed for a large amount I could not have lost the game.
3)When deciding on which big minion to drop usually you want to drop ragnaros to bait hex/poly/entomb so you have more threats come back w/ n'zoth.
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Molten Core Raider
Got Grommash from the Welcome Bundle. Pretty happy about that. Was hoping for either Tirion or Grommash.

Also got a Captain Greenskin and golden Ancient of War from one of the 10 packs.
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<Bronze Donator>
This brawl is a great idea with bad execution. The matches are way too lopsided to see your hard theorycraft put to any value. I played shaman hex/far sight/lava burst versus a rogue that was just continually shadowstepping a novice engineer. All I could think was that I was eventually going to eat a bunch of eviscerates before getting enough discounted lava bursts.

Nope, his third card was Van Cleef :confused:
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Trakanon Raider
Got the guaranteed lego from the welcome pack and then 2 more legendary cards while opening the packs. Best $5 ever.
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Trakanon Raider
Guaranteed was Jaraxxus, packs gave me King Krush and Malygos. Sadly I had Maly and Jaraxxus already but dust is always nice too.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Just opened Al'Akir from the guaranteed one and then got Malygos from the 10 packs, along with an earth elemental, none of which I had previously. Feelsgoodman.jpg
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
interesting, wonder if the put a gauranteed pity timer on the 10 packs
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I got Al'Akir which I already had and no Legendary in the packs. That being said I got a Legendary from the brawl pack last week so I can't complain.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
1270 dust, also opened a nat pagle, didn't even realize I had a nat pagle because I de'd him with the nerf. 1 golden common that is never played.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Archmage Antonidas + Malygos on 2 pack = 1340 dust
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I got 2x Jaraxxus and a King Crush.

I made a Midrange Hunter deck and it's 5 and 0 so far. Granted this is newbie levels still. Still it's good to get me to 15 and up hopefully.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Cenarios as the freebie, duplicate Alex in the packs. Not great, but fine for 5$.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Damn, actually streaked from 10 all the way to 5 w/ n'zoth paladin.
Deck list: Paladin - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Mulligans: Always keep doomsayer/acolyte/loot hoarder
Hunter and warlock(always assume it is zoo) - Mulligan hard for doomsayer, w/coin keep pyro
Druid - keep equality (in case they ramp into something big)
Mage - keep truesilver (for 3/2's and more importantly flamewaker)
Shaman - w/coin keep pyro, depending on the mulligan may consider keeping equality (definitely keep if you get pyro/equal)because sometimes its the only way to get back into the game against a curved start by shaman, luckily for some reason the past couple of days I've run into mostly mid-range shaman, which is less common they'll curve out.
Warrior and paladin - standard mulligan, looking for doomsayer, acolyte, loot hoarder, can also possibly keep barnes against these often slower matchups
Priest - keep aldor/truesilver, if possible kill their first blademaster and aldor the full health rez'd one

Other tips I learned after a number of games:
1)Never be afraid to drop brann. Only card he combos well with in the deck is pony. Against aggresive decks you'll rarely get to combo them anyway and against slower decks dropping brann often fucks over your opponents turn because they feel they have to remove it.
2)Don't be afraid to forbidden heal for smaller amounts. Early on I was often holding on to forbidden heal trying to get high value, but often you'll want to use it as just an 8 point or so heal because you won't have the mana to cast it later anyway if you're not just dead. Likewise if your opponents board isn't very threatening and you're low health don't be afraid to heal for 16-20, I lost a number of games choosing to develop the board over healing when really had I just healed for a large amount I could not have lost the game.
3)When deciding on which big minion to drop usually you want to drop ragnaros to bait hex/poly/entomb so you have more threats come back w/ n'zoth.

Seems like you're running way too much draw, or are you not running into many other control decks?


Another funny variant on Barnes/Ysaarj is using Deathwing as the third card.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Seems like you're running way too much draw, or are you not running into many other control decks?
In my experience I needed the draw so I have the right answer at the right time. But yeah, I don't think there is very much late game control decks on the ladder atm. I didn't run into any/many control warriors and double brawl is probably the hardest counter to this deck. The only time I'd go into fatigue is against priest after I play n'zoth, but without lightbomb, I always killed them before I died to fatigue or even needed to use a second forbidden healing. Its important that tirion doesn't get entombed because the ashbringers really help in that aspect. The only other real control deck out there is freeze mage, which is of course very winnable with all the heals, but its not impossible for the freeze mage.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Got !King Crush! in the welcome pack. Didn't have so feels pretty good. Got about 1 k dust and crafted Eadric so pretty fantastic value. Al Akir only one I don't have but the value may still be worth it.
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