I've been playing quite a bit of Slippery's Druid list. Some observations:
-It is quite good, most people are expecting a token or maly play, and it just doesn't come.
-It is also quite slow it seems, I seem to end up going to close to the end of my deck a lot of games.
-The survivability is quite good, with feral rages and moonglade portals, and the potential to get more of them with raven idols.
-The amount of card draw is excellent, and so good in fact I have to sometimes be careful about drawing too much.
-Vs control lists, it could maybe use some more threats, however, I think that could just be I hate playing vs control decks like straight control warrior, fatigue warrior, control paladin, etc. It just takes fooooorrrreeeevvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeer.
All that said, I've got a very favorable winrate with it, it's biggest flaws are flaws with the druid class, and not the deck: that being board clears and hard removals. Kudos Slippery