The nerfs were fine for what they were, slight adjustments which don't kill the cards like you mentioned. It just isn't nearly enough to fix the problem with Shamans. Shaman's have been strong for the past year, and been warping the meta since Old Gods. People forget but aggro Shaman is essentially a Wild Deck you play in standard, it's just two cards off since Shamans can use crackle there. Warriorstone a couple months ago was mostly because warriors were one of the two classes which could contest Shaman, and Zoolock was weak vs. warrior. So the meta devolved into differing warrior archetypes, hunters which only really beat warrior, and aggro Shaman.
Karazhan giving Shaman top tier early game board removal, combined with their existing early game board development, basically pushed out any Shaman counters. Ironically, the execute nerf probably was more of a Shaman buff than any of the other cards in the change list.
I don't think Blizzard is going to do anything else to fix them before the next set is released though. Which is a shame. If you look at Undertaker Hunter vs. Face Hunter after the nerf, it was definitely a huge change in power level, where Midrange Shaman pre-nerf and post nerf is practically the same. Too be fair though hunter match-ups didn't change very much back then either (Hunter still beat Miracle Rogue which was the #2 deck at the time). I guarantee that Shaman is still strong after the next set in december, and I have a sneaky suspicion they're still going to be powerful next Standard rotation as well. They retain their Karazhan stuff, and Thing from Below and the 4 mana 7/7, only really losing Trogg and Totem Golem.
But yeah, I'm also quickly losing desire to play the game. You get the feeling your decisions don't really matter when you get blown out by aggro who mulliganed well and play their shit on curve, OR you lose to Barnes grabbing a Ragnaros and other lovely RNG. But the worst thing for me is the lack of variety. What kills it for me is the fact that if you point to a format I can tell you what class 30% of your matches are going to be against.