I wonder if you play that druid card at 10 mana if you can draw a card like wild growth. that stuff is inconsistent
Probably not because I was sure that Darnassus Aspirant would work that way and it doesn't, for no apparent reason except that Blizz didn't want it to...
This is a spell though, so who knows. It "should" but the wording is exactly the same on all three so who the fuck knows.
EDIT: Apparently their reasoning was that they wanted WG to still be able to "do something" if played on turn 10, and since Aspirant gives you a body they didn't let it summon the excess mana card. So I'd assume this won't work either since you get the Golem.
This still makes no fucking sense to me though, they designed this mechanic and then arbitrarily change it so the card isn't as powerful. Aspirant is barely played and tends to be pretty shit in the late game anyway, I don't think it would be too broken to allow the card draw.
Conversely, how about taking it away from WG, why does it "need" to be useful on turn ten? The card is pretty damn strong in the opener, that should be the drawback for running it...you risk drawing it late.
Honestly though, any card with the mechanic should allow excess mana IMO. Draw power isn't exactly druid's strong suit since they nerfed the classic set, although current archetypes make up for it by generating cards in other ways.