Alright, theorycraft fun begins. The most fun time of Hearthstone!
Lists for most classes with a focus on new cards.
No Warlock cause seems boring. Standard Reno with a few swaps, snore.
First up is my version of Jade Druid which is NOT focused on milling.
A lot of draw power with Auctioneer and Nourish. Low cost spells to pull off some "Miracles". Kun for the 17 mana turn, or Armor if necessary. Feral Rage and Portals for the 28 health gain. Mulch to remove anything.
Lots of ramp to get to your Miracle quicker.
Hunter deck that I'm not too fond of. I want 2 more secrets. Explosive is likely. Might be best removing Secrets entirely and making this more mid-range. Hunter will need to be more aggro oriented to counter all the slow decks that'll be tried though. The curve is pretty low but draw power is too weak to have too many dead draws.
A version of Reno Mage. I still need to get 100 wins for Golden. Will need something to work. Does anyone know if Medivh summons a 0 cost if a spell costs 0 by Solia?
Flame Lance & Cabalist Tome are in here for that chance at White Eyes. We can dream, right?
An "aggro" paladin. Ten 1-cost minions and the draw card that draws 3x 1-cost minions.
Lots of buffing shit. Fight Promoter for the 6/6 +draw 2 cards if it receives 2 buffs, which shouldn't be too hard.
Weasel Tunneler for the fuck-your-top-deck. With all the buffers, he should be a 2/2 or better in most cases.
More draw with Marshal. 1 tick makes his rattle draw a card, also Abusive can trigger it.
A reno priest which will probably suck. I'm not sold on Reno Priest but I gotta try the Priest Legendary somehow. Only Paletress takes advantage, had Nexus Saraad but too many 5 drops. Maybe can lose an AoE or Drakonid Operative or something for that sweet Free Card. Also Saraad is same turn as Raza so kinda conflicts.
Even though I already have Golden Priest, I wanted to explore a "Steal Everything" deck.
Pint-Size Potions allow you to steal any 5-attack minion...which is a TON.
If you do 2x Pint-Size Potions then you could even steal up to an 8-attack minion.
As there are only 2x Potions, I have 1x Potion of Madness/1x Shadow Madness/1x Cabal.
I did NOT add the card that "discover a random potion", but perhaps it deserves to be added for that chance at a 3rd Pint-Size.
That said, there's the other typical Steal cards and an Elise for late game. Also 2x Greater Healing for the delay.
Dirty Rat is in simply because you can pull a minion and steal all in the same turn with the correct cards.
I think this could be a very fun deck.
Kinda boring but went with a Jade Rogue with super-aggressive curve. 20 cards are 1-2 mana.
I think Rogue is going to suck sweaty balls but why the fuck not? I need about 400 wins with Rogue for Golden so I'll be trying some things.
Only healing is the Mistress of Mixtures. Better than Farseer imo.
Taunt warrior with super-aggressive curve. Again, 20 cards with 1-2 mana. Huge Taunt bodies that absorb the hand-buffs. Gromm to finish. Hobart gets your Brass Knuckles to a 3/4 which is kinda crazy imo. That's +4/+4 in buffs as well as 12 damage you can deal... per weapon.
Finally, my N'Zoth Shaman that I had already posted earlier, however I removed 1x Maelstrom in lieu of adding back Cairne.
This deck hinges on how well other Control decks have become. This deck is already good enough against faster/aggro decks so it comes down to how well other control decks do. It might even stand a chance against Jade Druid due to the insane board clears available and your 10/10 taunt(s).