I finally got around to buying the 5 dollar starter pack. The guaranteed legendary was a dupe, which was to be expected since I'm only missing King Krush and Al'akir. I then proceeded to get 2 more legendaries in my 10 packs, along with enough epics and rares that I essentially just paid 5 bucks for the legendary of my choice with some dust left over. Ain't bad.
So for all the complaining of the stagnant metagame for the last few months, I think the new meta is shaping up to be even worse than Whispers was. Kinda funny since Whispers was the worst metagame the game had ever seen, which means I'm proclaiming 'worst metagame ever' two expansions in a row. That being said I think it's a well reasoned proclamation, despite how early it is. They released several tools to support balls to the wall face aggro, while at the same time the mere existence of jade druid is enough to push slow control decks out of the meta entirely. Playing slow control right now is the equivalent of playing freeze mage in a heavy control warrior meta.
I don't see Renolock getting pushed out of the meta this time because aggro war/sham lack the sustained pressure of decks like zoo, and zoo itself gained nothing from Gadgetzan while Renolock gained multiple new options. Midrange shaman could make a resurgence once people get over their boredom of the deck and start tuning it again, since it should be favored against face aggro. Dragonpriest and Zoo will stay ladder viable due to being lightly favored against face aggro, but the presumably increasing popularity of Renolock will keep them from being optimal ladder choices. Tempo mage and anyfin are both capable of being viable (but suboptimal) ladder decks with some adjustment to their lists, although anyfin faces a crippling weakness to dragon priest courtesy of drakonid operative discovering an anyfin. Speaking from experience playing against thoughtsteal/shifting shade, a non-retarded priest getting anyfin is basically an autoloss unless you have a backup win condition because there is absolutely no way to play around it. A N'zoth package may be viable for anyfin now since dragon priests generally aren't running entomb.
Freeze mage is still favored against Renolock despite the possibility of armor gain from Kazakus, but without mad scientists the deck is simply too slow to answer face aggro, and will not be a meta presence. Control warrior is fucked by the twin pressures of face aggro and jade druid. A super greedy control warrior list can beat jade druid by running tons of bombs, but then you have almost no chance of beating face aggro. If you put in the tools you need to not get run over by face aggro, you have no chance at all of beating jade druid. Unless something happens to drive either face aggro or jade druid out of the meta entirely (not going to happen) control warrior is done until standard rotates, and then will still face the jade druid challenge for another year since the core of the deck is built around classic and Gadgetzan cards. Hunter is done too, midrange has no place in the meta and they don't have the cheap weapons needed to make pirates work.
So yeah even though the set hasn't even been out two weeks yet, I'm predicting that the meta will crystallize around aggro war, aggro shaman, renolock, and jade druid, with a few ladder viable decks that can take matches from some of the top tier decks but are still generally worse than just playing a top tier deck instead.