Trump was playing a warrior too last night, he switched from druid near the end of his streaming, so I guess warrior is the new meta now and everyone will play that. At least it looks fairly interesting and isn't quite as cheesy as some of the other stuff, I really like the addition of the auctioneer to cycle all your shit nukes and get the right cards or simply spam stuff to clear the board every turn, it looks very fun to play.
I'm trying to put together a shaman deck with some of the underused cards like Ancestral Spirit(minion returns to battlefield when it dies) and Windfury. Still not sure on windfury vs the 3/3 that gives windfury, mostly the 3/3 is more expensive but it does put something on the board too, if you count windfury as 2mana, that makes the 3/3 only 2mana too, so pretty nice but tougher to fit it in combos. So far it relies a bit too heavily on drawing Leeroy though, which is godlike with either of these, and rockbiter. With ancestral you can run leeroy into a mob, then run him into another, 2x 6dmg "nuke" to clear big guys, can also run it into the face for the 2nd one, and with windfury it's 12dmg to the face, potentially 18 if you have rockbiter too. Rest of the deck is fairly standard stuff.
I'm thinking I might want to get rocketeer maybe in the deck too or maybe scarlet commanders is good enough not sure. Need more card draws though most likely, thinking of putting 2 mana totems instead of the 2 earthen farseer, mana totems act like a pseudo 3 hp heal(since people will spend the 3damage to take them out asap) and draw you a card too, for the same cost, plus if the opponent doesn't have an answer right away it draws 2. Really would like a Thalnos.
Also uses 2 earth shock to remove taunts, great card for that so you can get the chargers/windfury shit through. But still need to craft a few cards for now.