watch from this point. Then go re watch the whole video.
Exactly. Guy needs to open his fucking mouth while talking. Mumble mumble. I hate people who can't even speak properly. What exactly distinguishes him from an animal?
Never really checked him out, besides his card mechanic videos.Toast speaks fine but he's kinda annoying now. He's turning into Amaz. Goes ape-shit over the dumbest crap. Once the fame starts going to their heads then I gotta tune out.
what renolocks are taking sac pact? lmfao.All I have played this month is renodragonpriest and I hit rank 8 but the best part is three times while playing against warlock I was able to pick sacrifical pack with Dragon OP. In each game i put my efforts into staying above 25 life and killing all their mobs and in each game they played Lord Jaraxxus and I won with a 0 cost card.
Amazing! Spectacular! By the holy light!
Just had about 20 worst case scenarios happen to me in a single game to lose to a renounce darkness warlock. His librarian discarded a mortal coil, then a soulfire into silverware golem, discarded a fist of jarraxus, which then hit the best possible target. Later in the game we're both low on resources, but I have a gadgetzan on board while he has nothing and only two cards in hand, he plays dark peddler and you betcha, gets soulfire. Still through all this bull shit I'm winning late in the game, I have ragnaros on the board and he has imp gang boss, rag gets him to 7, he renounces darkness and gets druid's healing touch to put him back to 13, following turn rag hits imp gang boss. He KILLS ragnaros with fucking moonkin + starfall + the imp. He has no cards left when he top decks lunar visions which gives him mire keeper and draws a defender of argus causing me to lose the game. All the fucking bull shit rng in the beginning and then lose to the game giving him just the right answer for everything. Literally, if he hadn't gotten just any ONE of those EXACT druid cards he would have lost the game.
Alright, maybe it doesn't have to literally be exact, but it may as well have been. The healing touch put him out of leeroy + cold blood range. That was the best answer he could have gotten for ragnaros with moonkin + starfall, although starfire would have been better. Druids only other answers for ragnaros, mulch and naturalize both would have been worse in this scenario. Then top decking lunar visions with zero cards in hand was the real killer, no other card would have saved him there. He wouldn't have had the mana for mire keeper + doa if it was say nourish that he top decked. No other druid minion spawns two minions. Sure he could have gotten like an avatar of war somewhere in there and it would have prolonged the game, but I don't think he wins it in that scenario.Im sure the game could have given him something else to win, too. The "those exact cards" speech isn't very accurate when talking RNG.
If it's a standard meta deck and you know the variables you can reliably say it, but yea... game is bad!
I went from 4 stars in 4 to 1 star in 5 simply because of a bunch of "those exact cards!"