It's really quite sad how badly the Hearthstone devs fuck up.
Two biggest offenders are Spirit Claws and Small-Time Buccaneer. These should be Rogue Only or not exist, or nerfed.
Shaman have
Rogue have
- Cogmaster's Wrench
- Poisoned Blade
Both of these could be 1 mana and still be weaker than Spirit Claws.
Spirit Claws:
Does upwards of 9 damage for 1 mana (and playing other cards that you would play anyway)
Poisoned Blade:
Would need 6 mana invested into it AFTER it's played to reach that potential, that's 10 mana total. And that 9 mana over Spirit Claws is NOT for things you would already be playing. It's simply to buff your weapon. No minions on board.
Cogmaster's Wrench:
Would be a little more OP since mech is easier to guarantee than Spell Power but still, it requires a specific deck type whereas Shaman have Spell Power built into their class design.
Rogue have
Seriously? Buccaneer should be the neutral card. Small-Time Buccaneer can be comparable with Flame Imp, Mana Wyrm, Tunnel Trogg. It's a card that gets stronger under a certain condition. Most other similar cards are class-specific. Rogue also have no 1 drops with more than 1 health except for Bladed Cultist which isn't a true 1 drop.
Rogue is actually in a decent spot right now but Shaman is just absurd. They get 3 awesome 1-drops and tons of follow up & burn. As well as packing in AoE and taunts. Rogue lacks AoE/Taunt/Healing.
Removing Small-Time Bucc would limit Aggro Warrior as well, freeing up more space for Rogue to shine.
Maybe Rogue would become too cancerous without Warr/Sham around to keep them in check, but I guess we'll never know.