

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I ran an inner fire priest deck for a while. It was super fun when it worked, you get ridiculous hits like your screenshot, but I found it just didn't perform consistently enough since you have a lot of dead cards while you hold out for the big play, which is then silenced/removed the next turn if it's not a 1-shot.
Yeah, I'm with you. It can be fun, Lightspawn or Questing Adventurer can get obnoxious as hell, but its so conditional that you end up getting fucked trying to get there more often than not.


Trakanon Raider
Just had the most crazy game against a priest with me on warlock. I had to Jarraxus early, then for the next 12sh turns, with me summoning the 6/6 infernal every round, the priest just had answer after answer after answer. I finally won with 1 card left in deck at 2 life, but man was I on edge hoping he didn't topdeck his second holy nova.


Lord Nagafen Raider
TIL: If you Avenging Wrath, no creature dies until the spell resolves. I fired it into a Warlock board, hit the Blood Imp first shot, zapped like 4 other creatures, then the imp died. So 6 mana to remove 1 annoying minion. Soon, Blood Imp. Soon. I won't miss you.


<Silver Donator>
If you are counting on rocking someone w/ spell damage why wouldn't you just run Malygos?
Because it's extremely slow and you generally can't cast any spell on the same turn either so there's a good chance it's removed before you get any benefit. For a lot of purposes, Leeroy or Ragnaros will give you better value in terms of raw damage output, even in a spell deck. I guess exception is if you keep a bunch of moonfires/innervates in your hand, then Malygos druid can be scary as fuck. Or if you run the underused Conceal in a rogue spellpower deck. Malygos + Conceal, it's almost unremovable(Deadly Shot can but that's a very specific matchup) and the turn after you're shiving people for 5, shit's scary. I've thought of running Conceal already for Questing Adventurer, while you can in theory buff it to 6/6+ on the turn you play it in a spell/miracle rogue deck, it's quite often that you can't afford to be wasting your 0 cost spells on the same turn you'd have the mana to summon it, but conceal fixes that(and give it +1/+1).


<Silver Donator>
I was talking about the priest combo.
Still the same reason, and I'd say you have even less need to run Malygos in a priest deck when you could run Velen which also doubles your healing, in case you're getting hammered.

Saban, there's a maintenance on EU atm. If your account is US, make sure to relog on the launcher and select the US gateway there(not in the options that does nothing, you need to log off and back in re-entering your password etc).


Still the same reason, and I'd say you have even less need to run Malygos in a priest deck when you could run Velen which also doubles your healing, in case you're getting hammered.

Saban, there's a maintenance on EU atm. If your account is US, make sure to relog on the launcher and select the US gateway there(not in the options that does nothing, you need to log off and back in re-entering your password etc).
Success, thanks.

The Ancient_sl

Still the same reason, and I'd say you have even less need to run Malygos in a priest deck when you could run Velen which also doubles your healing, in case you're getting hammered.

Saban, there's a maintenance on EU atm. If your account is US, make sure to relog on the launcher and select the US gateway there(not in the options that does nothing, you need to log off and back in re-entering your password etc).
Oh definitely. He makes more sense than alexstraza then.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I was one mage drawing both ice blocks and both pyroblasts away from getting to rank 8 last night, soon pyroblast, soon. Although, my precious blood imps are getting nerfed too.

I actually saw a priest on ladder last night too, had to do a double take.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So I got into the beta a few weeks back, and just started messing with this last week. I have never played these sort of games, but jesus on some stix, I can see why these games are as popular as they are. This shit is addicting. Spent 70 bucks so far. I mostly did the 1st couple days against the AI, until I was able to whoop on them on expert. Went over to play some real people, and got my ass handed to me like 10 in a row. I have been rolling with a warrior deck for the most part, but it has some pretty huge flaws with the cards I have access to. I even tried that OTK warrior deck, and I can never survive long enough to get that shit off.

Moved to Pally last night, and I am now about 10-3? I am still missing some cards that I would LOVE to have in my deck, but I am doing ok for now. Couple questions though.

This game REALLY seems to rely on a bunch of luck...am I wrong? I mean I can go quite a couple rounds with nothing to play that just won't be a waste.

I see the same decks being played by people. I see Shaman and Warlock. Same old strategy. Are there more cards being introduced?

HOW the fuck do you beat the Shaman? I'm fine against every other class minus them and Warlocks. But I have beat Warlocks.

Any tips on building a warrior deck that isn't that OTK deck? Or is it what warriors do?


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I got into the beta a few weeks back, and just started messing with this last week. I have never played these sort of games, but jesus on some stix, I can see why these games are as popular as they are. This shit is addicting. Spent 70 bucks so far. I mostly did the 1st couple days against the AI, until I was able to whoop on them on expert. Went over to play some real people, and got my ass handed to me like 10 in a row. I have been rolling with a warrior deck for the most part, but it has some pretty huge flaws with the cards I have access to. I even tried that OTK warrior deck, and I can never survive long enough to get that shit off.

Moved to Pally last night, and I am now about 10-3? I am still missing some cards that I would LOVE to have in my deck, but I am doing ok for now. Couple questions though.

This game REALLY seems to rely on a bunch of luck...am I wrong? I mean I can go quite a couple rounds with nothing to play that just won't be a waste.

I see the same decks being played by people. I see Shaman and Warlock. Same old strategy. Are there more cards being introduced?

HOW the fuck do you beat the Shaman? I'm fine against every other class minus them and Warlocks. But I have beat Warlocks.

Any tips on building a warrior deck that isn't that OTK deck? Or is it what warriors do?
Control warrior is the new thing and stronger, but it is not a cheap deck. You need cards like gorehowl, alexstrasza, 2 shield slams. You use the warriors cheap removal like cleave, slam, fiery war axe to take control of the board and cards like shield block and alexstrasza to heal forcing your opponent to have to deal like 50+ damage over the course of the game to kill you. You could make a cheaper enrage deck with things like armorsmith, amani berserkers, raging worgens, frothing berserkers, and whirlwind.

Although nothing has been mentioned yet, obviously new cards will come out, but they haven't even finished balancing this first set, now that this is hopefully the last big adjustment they'll start looking towards new cards.

And there is a good deal of luck involved, every card game has it, but there are more random elements in the game itself making it more luck based, but you can do things to mitigate "bad luck."


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I got into the beta a few weeks back, and just started messing with this last week. I have never played these sort of games, but jesus on some stix, I can see why these games are as popular as they are. This shit is addicting. Spent 70 bucks so far. I mostly did the 1st couple days against the AI, until I was able to whoop on them on expert. Went over to play some real people, and got my ass handed to me like 10 in a row. I have been rolling with a warrior deck for the most part, but it has some pretty huge flaws with the cards I have access to. I even tried that OTK warrior deck, and I can never survive long enough to get that shit off.

Moved to Pally last night, and I am now about 10-3? I am still missing some cards that I would LOVE to have in my deck, but I am doing ok for now. Couple questions though.

This game REALLY seems to rely on a bunch of luck...am I wrong? I mean I can go quite a couple rounds with nothing to play that just won't be a waste.

I see the same decks being played by people. I see Shaman and Warlock. Same old strategy. Are there more cards being introduced?

HOW the fuck do you beat the Shaman? I'm fine against every other class minus them and Warlocks. But I have beat Warlocks.

Any tips on building a warrior deck that isn't that OTK deck? Or is it what warriors do?
I like using warrior agro / rush decks. There is still a lot of decks on the main sites, when I get home I can PM you some of the links I book mark.

Shamans using Leeroy + Windury + RB x2 = my hell, for some reason I run into these shamans nightly

The Ancient_sl

Man fuck this game. I'm running an arena deck with 4 goddamn consecrations in it and I have 3 loses to weenie decks because they never get drawn before turn 10.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Man fuck this game. I'm running an arena deck with 4 goddamn consecrations in it and I have 3 loses to weenie decks because they never get drawn before turn 10.
Im with you. I have a decent Pally draft atm but already have 2 losses from some bad RNG. Played an aggro mage and took me until I was at 8 health to finally get board control. I have 5 cards with a form of healing and didn't get any of them after 1/2 a deck, also have 1 consecration that I never saw and could have desperately used to clear. I lost that game because 8 health is easy for a mage even without board control, although he didn't have Pyro which was surprising. Im sitting at 4-2 right now. I really like my deck though, RNG blows in this game. I can only play 2-3 Hearthstone games a night before I get fed up.

The Master

Bronze Squire
This game REALLY seems to rely on a bunch of luck...am I wrong? I mean I can go quite a couple rounds with nothing to play that just won't be a waste.
If you curve out like that, then either your cards are to specific, or you're overvaluing things. Like Sunfury Protector is a 2 drop, it may be you have nothing on turn 2 to give taunt to.... but you should still drop it if you can't do anything else. Establishing board control is important.

Best advice to build cards is to play arena, best advice for getting good at arena is watch the top arena streamers (Kripp, really). Actively watch. Go to his VODs and start at the beginning of a draft. Think about which card you'd pick, see which one he picks. Then watch each game and think about how you'd have played it (including, and perhaps especially, how he mulligans). See what he does by comparison to what you'd have done.

There is always some luck involved in card games, but you don't get a 70%+ win rate in a game that is entirely luck based.


After the nerfs, Druids will be in a good place. They are already doing very well imho

Stuff like Ramping up for an early Avatar of war is pretty insane.


Lord Nagafen Raider
the big miss in the patch is the defender of argus. 2/3 makes no difference at all. It should have made it taunt +0/+1 or something like that.
^^^ Yep.

Looks like I'll need to open some loot hoarders as well to replace the novice engineers. C'mon RNGesus.