

Trakanon Raider
Closest thing to a God pack that I've gotten:

The Pack

The Master

Bronze Squire
Been playing my variant of the Warrior control deck all morning. Going to miss Charge the way it is. Charging a Sylvanas is usually strong value, but it is the only card I'm running that is being substantially changed so won't be to big a deal.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I am, but of the games that I just played that took me from rank 14 to rank 9, Charge on an Alex was used as a finisher in 2. One was vs a Warlock who had already lifetapped himself to 8 (so no Gorehowl, I healed myeslf with the Battlecry) and the other the combo just happened to line up perfectly (Gorehowl on turn 7, coin Alex+Charge on turn 8).

Nightmare on Ysera was what finished the game in more cases. My deck is a little different though. I'm not running Novice Engineers, I run two Acolytes of Pain and two Whirlwinds, one Pyromancer, then the standard removal kit. Alex does get used a lot to put their health down, but most of the time it is Alex to get their health down, use something already on the board for lethal (double Nightmare Ysera, Rag, whatever).


Trakanon Raider
Haha holy fuck. You can drop Baron Geddon and then summon a Healing Totem, and Geddon will trigger first and then the Healing Totem will heal up and survive. It allows you to do some really, really cool tricks to keep minions with 2 life alive while still having a Geddon out. I also dropped a Stormwind Champion after the next turn when the totem was down to 1 life, and kept it up again. I never thought Geddon would be good with Shaman because of the life of totems, but the combo with Healing totem is hilarious and quite good. Even if a minion is only at 1 life and Geddon does damage, the Healing Totem will STILL trigger and keep things alive.


I just want them to fix the Argus bug, its worse after Tuesdays maintenance IMHO.

I'm never pissed off when playing this game ,but that shit pisses me off.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah this game definitely seems to just get more and more frustrating the longer you play. I'm about to go 4-3 in a draft with 2 Argent Commanders, Molten Giant, Mountain Giant, Geddon etc. A really, really good deck with lots of control (Lightning Bolt, Forked Lightning, Lightning Storm) and yet RNG just seems to always fuck me. And it's not about getting better at arena and watching top streamers. I've DONE ALL of that and I was getting 12 wins and doing infinite arena, but over the past 2 weeks? Not at all. It's just too annoying, there's way too much luck and RNG. I had several games just now where all I needed was 1 spellpower totem, and didn't get it in 6 different turns, despite at one point it being a 75% chance for 2 turns.

Like I've said before. The fun you have when things actually go "normal" and the range of RNG isn't too high does not outweigh the sheer anger and frustration you feel the other 3/4 of the time. I rarely, rarely play anymore. I just do my daily and draft once or twice and I'm out, and still skip days. It's far too frustrating. If I enjoyed constructed more, maybe, but drafting is my thing. I do very well in MTG drafts/sealed and any other card game, but not this random piece of shit. For fucksake just search "random" in the card database and see what turns up. lazy, sloppy, shit.


<Silver Donator>
God I love my "kinda miracle" rogue deck, it's not really that consistent but it's fun to play, you draw tons of cards, you do tons of damage, sometimes you get fucked sometimes it's alright. What's really fun though is seeing opponents play too agressive because you're at like 10health and they're at 20 so they're "safe", then suddenly leeroy cold blood shadowstep leeroy evisc, yep you're dead. I just wish I had a Thalnos really badly, but I think I'll just add a couple of geomancers, that early spellpower is pretty good, and I think I might craft a 2nd blade flurry, it's really fucking good since it lets you unload a deadly poison 2 charges right away while also clearing the board(or at least doing good damage). Also added the Conceal, got it earlier, turn 9 I summoned a questing adventurer, buffed it to 7/7 then concealed it, opponent just conceded(he was dead the turn after but only because I had leeroy in hand).

I just wish Headcrack was 3damage. Considering it costs 3mana, I don't think that's too much, it feels very weak at 2dmg for 3 even though it comes back IF you play it at the end of a turn. Good filler for later turns but most of the early turns it's better to weapon up instead, assuming you do have mana to spare.

On Arena I've just stopped doing arenas, I spend my gold buying decks directly. Shit's just too frustrating, because regardless of what you draft you're still facing the same basic RNG where you don't draw right or your opponent draws a lot better, but you add the fact you can get a shit deck on top of it. It's just not fun anymore. Not that I'm that good, my winrate in arena is only 63% so on average I don't even break even(but with dailies it's ok), but even when I have a good run I don't find it as fun.


Trakanon Raider
An issue with Arena is that all of the "bads" quit doing it. It gets really frustrating to constantly get less than 3 wins so if you are one of those people who can't get more, you will eventually quit.

I tend to do my daily and grind some extra wins. Up until now I've been averaging a pack a day but classes just started so my play time is shot. Even so a pack every other day (with more possible on lighter days or better daily quests) isn't too bad for me.

I'm also done spending money on the game. I put in about $100 give or take which is a lot more than I planned at first. I, kind of, regret doing that with the latest round of "balancing" and getting a more clear indication that Blizzard wants to see the game go.


Knows nothing.
On Arena I've just stopped doing arenas, I spend my gold buying decks directly. Shit's just too frustrating, because regardless of what you draft you're still facing the same basic RNG where you don't draw right or your opponent draws a lot better, but you add the fact you can get a shit deck on top of it. It's just not fun anymore. Not that I'm that good, my winrate in arena is only 63% so on average I don't even break even(but with dailies it's ok), but even when I have a good run I don't find it as fun.
Glad I'm not the only one. I usually finish around 4-5 wins, but it was just super frustrating hitting the wall of legendaries and epics I seem to consistently face after 3+ wins. I did 3 mages yesterday and saw 1 fireball the entire time, and no pyros or flamestrikes. Also, last night I faced 7 rogues in a row in arenas...

I spent my last 800 gold on packs and they too were all disappointing and disenchanted. Back to the grind I guess...need more legendaries.


I think most people practice in constructed because that is where the potential tournament scene is along with the ranking system.

I agree with Kripp tho. You can't be elitist about constructed, its as retarded as arena.

They should allow sealed deck arena out into the population as casual play.You just get no rewards from it.
That way people can practice arena, and also they would be able to host tournaments with that type of Arena deck building.

That way you have real arena, and casual arena.

It would also help new people earn gold, and cards for constructed without the worries of being on a very uneven playing field.


Lord Nagafen Raider
An issue with Arena is that all of the "bads" quit doing it. It gets really frustrating to constantly get less than 3 wins so if you are one of those people who can't get more, you will eventually quit.
Could still be worth playing an occasional arena (or watching streams) to stay sharp for open beta. That should be good times.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah I guess thats also part of why it's not as fun anymore, a lot of people who do arena are much better at drafting than it used to be, so it's a lot harder to win with a sub average deck. I know I was winning more when I started playing than I have recently, and obviously I haven't gotten worse at playing so my only guess is that everyone simply got better too. I guess Open Beta might bring a bunch of new players, maybe, but then again they invited everyone that applied already. I guess some people haven't heard about the game or haven't bothered so open beta should still bring a large amount of new players, will be a good time to grind arenas for like a week or whatever I guess, should probably save some gold until then.

For now though I'm having a lot more fun doing constructed, even though I am missing many cards I'd like to use and by playing constructed you actually can't really improve your cards a whole lot(which is fucking retarded in my opinion but whatever). It's more fun because I know exactly what's going in my deck, I can build around combos and a specific playstyle and while some decks I face are better than mine, the difference is much smaller(I do have a few legendaries myself, leeroy rag and sylvanas, so I'm not at as big of a disadvantage as when I draft a no aoe no epics no legendary deck in arena and play 3mages in a row that pyro me on 8-9). I ran the shaman windfury I talked about for a bit, but I'm missing Ancestral Spirit so it wasn't perfect and I'd like some other cards too but anyway, it was pretty fun, even though the rogue version is a lot better in almost all situations(better removal, more flexibility on win conditions, much stronger overall).


Trakanon Raider
I think there is a lot of people like me who would play casual arena, but I'm not interested in grinding dailies to play a card game in ways that I don't find fun. I don't want to play mage or druid or paladin those decks don't interest me, just like I didn't play red or black or green constructed in MTG. Constructed offers me little enjoyment in hearthstone, and Arena is just that - its random - sometimes you get a little luck sometimes you get shit on by the RNG before the matches start. I'm likely to go 3/3 or 5/3 or 8/3 just because I'm not going to invest my time to be any better than that but I'd draft a hearthstone arena 2-3 nights a week. And my shitty play would populate the pool, but I'm not spending real money for the experience as it is and I'm not grinding games to get that experience for free. Now I might be an outlier, and bitching about my own preferences. But at least one of me exists, I'm sure there is more.


Trakanon Raider
My own opinion on the state of hearthstone is the longer it's out, the harder it gets because losing sucks, and if you aren't very good, you lose often. Keep losing, and a casual player will simply walk away from the game. That means as time goes by, the majority remaining are the upper skilled elite, which is maybe why there's comments recently about how much harder matches have become.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like the game would do well to add in some more randomized reinforcement to hook the casual crowd that I'm sure they want to snag. Say, instead of 10 gold every three wins, give both the winner and loser a prize package to open after each game. Use a similar formula to however XP works. If you get your ass kicked you get like one gold or one dust. If the game goes on a long time and both of you end up with under ten health, then its two prizes each, with a greater value and a wild chance that one of them might be a common card, winner chance at a rare card in those matches. Average it out so three wins bring in like 6-15 gold. I realize they want people to spend money but I think they will make more if there's some good old cognitive behavioral hooks to keep people logging in and pulling the lever on one more game after another. Right now dailies and buying packs isn't going to achieve that, and dailies/arena entries certainly won't in the arena's current form.

That and some arena tweaks and built in support for tournaments and team tournaments.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh, and fix the random bugs like hovering minons and ghosted card backs and bouncing swapping Argus targets.

Or....spend all your time counting how many decks run two novice engineers, I'm sure that's a better use of resources.
Just started got into this last week, enjoying it so far. Druid/Priest/Mage are the only classes I got to 10 with so far, and do well enough with them in matches.
Would you guys recommend I save up my gold for when I start feeling more confident, or jump into Arena now? I'm sitting at 360 from wins/quests. You get a pack minimum from arena, so even if I get my ass kicked all the way through I'm not out too much gold.

The Master

Bronze Squire
If Priests had one heal that wasn't Holy Fire they'd be so good vs Mages. Practicing a Priest deck I plan on playing after patch and I am like 50/50 with it at rank 10... vs (so far) only Mages. After patch it'll probably be pretty one-sided though, waiting for Pyro means the Priest has a couple more turns to hero power, so it'll come down to how well the early game went. Games at rank 10 are so much longer, no matter what deck I'm playing people manage to just drag it out with solid play.