God I love my "kinda miracle" rogue deck, it's not really that consistent but it's fun to play, you draw tons of cards, you do tons of damage, sometimes you get fucked sometimes it's alright. What's really fun though is seeing opponents play too agressive because you're at like 10health and they're at 20 so they're "safe", then suddenly leeroy cold blood shadowstep leeroy evisc, yep you're dead. I just wish I had a Thalnos really badly, but I think I'll just add a couple of geomancers, that early spellpower is pretty good, and I think I might craft a 2nd blade flurry, it's really fucking good since it lets you unload a deadly poison 2 charges right away while also clearing the board(or at least doing good damage). Also added the Conceal, got it earlier, turn 9 I summoned a questing adventurer, buffed it to 7/7 then concealed it, opponent just conceded(he was dead the turn after but only because I had leeroy in hand).
I just wish Headcrack was 3damage. Considering it costs 3mana, I don't think that's too much, it feels very weak at 2dmg for 3 even though it comes back IF you play it at the end of a turn. Good filler for later turns but most of the early turns it's better to weapon up instead, assuming you do have mana to spare.
On Arena I've just stopped doing arenas, I spend my gold buying decks directly. Shit's just too frustrating, because regardless of what you draft you're still facing the same basic RNG where you don't draw right or your opponent draws a lot better, but you add the fact you can get a shit deck on top of it. It's just not fun anymore. Not that I'm that good, my winrate in arena is only 63% so on average I don't even break even(but with dailies it's ok), but even when I have a good run I don't find it as fun.