Got the 80g quest. Matty#1612
Ty for the 80g =)Tried adding you about 20 minutes ago and got no response.
Yeah, discover burn mage is really strong, been playing it a lot lately.
Tempo rogue seems pretty good against the current meta if you ever get back to rogue ravishing.
Still using auctioneers for card draw, but sprint is an option in tempo based decks. Its basically miracle rogue, just a few more early game minions instead of coins/giants.Different from Miracle? I played miracle for like 5 games and went like 1-4 or some crap so quickly abandoned that. I just suck with Miracle. Auctioneers always at the bottom or I just use resources inefficiently. Seems like they always have the answer when I'm vs them though... I think because I typically play control. However, with the more aggressive styles I've been adopting, it's been much more favorable for me.
Yeah, glyphs and shadow vision are stronger than I think most people anticipated.
Played that secret deck just once yesterday and lost to pirate warrior, it was pretty close and I may have pulled it off if one of the secrets, spell bender, wasn't totally fucking useless in that matchup. For that reason I dropped it for a second mirror entity for the next time I run it. Spell bender is pretty good in arena now because of all the paladins w/ bok, spikeridged, and dinosize, but I'm not so sure about it on ladder. As already mentioned its completely dead in one of the most popular matchups, and its not much better against another cancer matchup in aggro druid, you can hope to steal a +2/+2.
If potion of polymorph fucks with the rogue quest why not just run that instead? I've run into about 20 pirate warriors/aggro druids the past two days and 1 questing rogue. Or run a second counterspell, which would also help with living mana. Its not just pirate warrior, its pretty poor against aggro druid and those two decks are what you run into 40% of the time.
I actually thought about swapping in potion of polymorph, but it kinda stinks running in a secret deck because someone is always going to check for mirror entity first with a shitty minion when they can, the two cards have anti-synergy.