
The Master

Bronze Squire
Assuming i can consistently go at least 3-3 in arena, is it better to save my daily gold for arena entry, or just buy packs whenever I'm at 100?
It is 150g for arena vs 100g for a pack. You are always going to get 1 pack from arena. At 3 wins you get 30g, and then either 30g, 30 dust, or a common card. So at 3-3, which is the average win rate for most people, you're essentially coming very close to breaking even on the pure gold value. Since I value the experience of drafting a deck and playing with it to be extremely valuable for learning the game, there is zero reason to ever buy packs with gold. I actually just spent 1k on packs to try and get the last tiny bit of dust I need for my last card to finish the set, I figured with so many changed cards I'd get enough dust, and now I regret it.


Trakanon Raider
You would come close to breaking even around that ratio, maybe slightly ahead doing arena. Basically all you need is to earn 50 gold from arena to break even, more to come out ahead vs just buying the pack. 3 wins usually gives around 50 gold as well as some bonus dust.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Plus you get to play arena. You know, the game mode that isn't boring as shit.


Trakanon Raider
Today is Shaman day. I'm guessing they counter Hunter decks hard because I'm seeing a ton of them. They're annoying as fuck because I can be at 22 health and still get bursted to death in one round.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Today is Shaman day. I'm guessing they counter Hunter decks hard because I'm seeing a ton of them. They're annoying as fuck because I can be at 22 health and still get bursted to death in one round.
You can play around them as Shaman... don't summon totems (makes UTH stronger), you have board clear, the double-taunts from Feral Spirit, but you don't have any healing, so you need to get a lot of damage in your hand fast to beat out their damage. Earth Elemental would be a big help actually (bait silences with other taunts) except no one runs them because of the Black Knight being so common.


Trakanon Raider
Drafted Hunter. Wanted to do a test. Got x4 UTH. Drew 1 of them each game for 8 games. Drawing a 2nd would have prevented the 3 losses. Just. fuck. this game.

Been theorycrafting Pyrohounds. Think it'd be pretty good. Requires a bit, but with the card draw Hunter has and Tracking it shouldn't be a problem. Flesheating Ghoul/Scavenging Hyena. Unleash the Hounds + Pyromancer killing the hounds after you hit with them, buffing the ghoul/hyena and even potentially a Tundra Rhino for an OTK.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Drafted Hunter. Wanted to do a test. Got x4 UTH. Drew 1 of them each game for 8 games. Drawing a 2nd would have prevented the 3 losses. Just. fuck. this game.

Been theorycrafting Pyrohounds. Think it'd be pretty good. Requires a bit, but with the card draw Hunter has and Tracking it shouldn't be a problem. Flesheating Ghoul/Scavenging Hyena. Unleash the Hounds + Pyromancer killing the hounds after you hit with them, buffing the ghoul/hyena and even potentially a Tundra Rhino for an OTK.
costs too much mana

pyro kills hounds before they can do anything

completely reliant on enemy board state

you are bad at theorycrafting


<Silver Donator>
In theory, the combo is possible, assuming your opponent has a sizeable amount of creatures but even then it's weak as shit. Assuming opponent has 6 or 7 mobs, you need 11mana(so you need the coin) and 4 specific cards:
Play Hyena (2), play Unleash the Hounds(2), attack for 6damage(can't have more than 7mobs and hyena has to be on board), play Pyromancer, use the Coin, play Rhino and attack with Rhino for 2 and Hyena for 2+12=14damage. Total damage 22. That's extremely weak considering the requirements.

Probably not worth it to use Pyromancer, in most matches you can just throw the hounds at random shit to get them killed if you want to, and it doesn't require you to cast a spell or hurt your hyena/other shit/kill your buzzard for free.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
costs too much mana

pyro kills hounds before they can do anything

completely reliant on enemy board state

you are bad at theorycrafting
You do realize his plan includes planning for the dogs to instantly die, right? Thus all the "gets benefits from the dogs dying" critters he mentioned...

It seems really janky and subject to failure, but the combo was intended to kill the dogs.


<Silver Donator>
You do realize his plan includes planning for the dogs to instantly die, right? Thus all the "gets benefits from the dogs dying" critters he mentioned...

It seems really janky and subject to failure, but the combo was intended to kill the dogs.
No he said "after you hit with them", which implies you don't proc the pyro with unleash. In the first place, it's terrible to not hit with them, you lose a third of the damage of the combo. It's generally much easier to run them into something, which will kill them regardless but will also clear the board, and if you do it this way, you don't need the coin since you only need 9mana(unleash+tundra+hyena). It's incredibly unreliable though and if you don't hit face with the dogs, the damage is fairly unimpressive and you could get similar result with leeroy+another charger.

I think Unleash is alright but while you want to combo it, you definitely don't want to keep cards in your hand aiming for a potential 20dmg turn, especially since an Argus at any point completely ruins the combo. It requires way too much to setup as a combo really, both the fact you need to go second AND keep the coin and that your opponent needs to play 6minions but somehow not play any taunters and for some reason you're still alive on turn 10 with that overwhelming board advantage.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ah, yea I missed that part...

But yea, it's goofy as crap to add Pyro to it - since there's always 1 critter per dog to kill them unless they're running lots of 0/X's.


<Silver Donator>
Ah, yea I missed that part...

But yea, it's goofy as crap to add Pyro to it - since there's always 1 critter per dog to kill them unless they're running lots of 0/X's.
Well the point is you go face with the hounds, which adds a lot of damage to the combo, but the mana costs don't add up, you simply can't rely on a combo that requires the coin or you to play a card on the board the turn before and hope it survives. And even when everything lines up, the damage is very unimpressive, it's not an OTK it's only 22dmg. Granted you probably spent 4turns using your hero power to soften up the target, but it's still too situational, my rogue routinely does 16-20damage turns off blank or almost blank board(hero power weapon equipped from turn prior) just because, and warriors still have many combos that do over 20dmg in a turn with the same amount of cards and 10 or less mana(worgen+charge+inner rage+faceless for example is 32dmg iirc, that's 4cards and 10mana, even without faceless it's still 16 which is fairly close).


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Been playing arena a lot lately. Finally had an AWESOME draft for a Warrior Deck (Black Knight, the better warrior spells, Ysera). Just to go 0-3 with the absolute worst draws I could possibly have.


Trakanon Raider
I said "after you hit with them" merely because they have charge, so there's no reason not to. Then you instantly kill them using Pyro and get a huge buff on the Hyena. It's not as hard as some other combos I've heard of. But yeah it can be situational. Still, these are cards a lot of hunters would usually run anyways, having a Pyro in as well isn't that much more. You just have a few low cost spells to trigger, or run traps for selective control to allow for a favorable board state.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You can't just 'use pyro' to kill them is the problem, there has to be a trigger. Which in this case would mean either casting Pyro and ANOTHER spell AFTER Unleash, or not getting to swing with the hounds because unleash itself triggers pyro after they're summoned but before they can charge. There's maybe 1-2 situations of board states ever that this would be more useful than a different play.