

Trakanon Raider
By the way, here's my Paladin deck (it's not for the faint of heart with all of the Legendary cards in it):

2 Equality x2
2 Argent Protector x2
2 Knife Juggler x2
2 Loot Hoarder x2
2 Nat Pagle
2 Wild Pyromancer x2
3 Aldor Peacekeepr x2
3 Big Game Hunter
3 Tinkmaster Overspark
4 Truesilver Champion x2
4 Consecration x2
4 Hammer of Wrath x2
6 Avenging Wrath x2
6 Sylvanas Windrunner
6 The Black Knight
7 Guardian of Kings
8 Lay on Hands
8 Ragnaros the Firelord
8 Tirion Fordring
9 Alexstrasza

Still tinkering with things a bit. I used Koyuki's Paladin deck as a general guide but was mostly what I had a vision for in my own head. Like I said, it was designed to counter Warlock Giants decks but it seems to be doing well against others. I haven't had a chance to play against a rush deck yet and those concern me a bit. I figure if I get to the mid to late game I can beat them. There's not quite as much healing as I'd like but what healing is there works really well (you normally don't need it in the early game anyway).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I agree, Mind Vision, Thoughsteal and double Mind Controls is about as cheesy as it gets IMO.

an accordion_sl

Mind posting your deck?

I copied the #1 druid deck before reset and replaced the cards that I didn't have. It's really nice because you can play a slow game or super aggressive depending how the match goes.


Trakanon Raider
Yes! Fought the Warlock Giants deck!

- He played Ancient Watcher and Sunfury. I Black Knighted it.
- 4/8 Twilight Drake? Equality and a squire took care of him.
- He played a Mountain Giant, I got lucky and my Rag one shot it with a 50/50 chance.
- I played Alexstrasza and hit him with her ability. He played a Molten which was, promptly, Aldor Peacekeepered.
- He played his Alexstrasza and bumped his health to 15. I played Big Game Hunter. Boom! Head shot!
- He threw down his other Molten Giant. Tinkmaster blasted him with the squirrel gun.
- He conceded

No Jaraxxus but with all of the control I had, I think I could have handled it.

OK, done for the night. I just REALLY hate Warlock Giants decks and was happy as a pig in shit to be able to completely a netdecked one down hard.


Trakanon Raider
I copied the #1 druid deck before reset and replaced the cards that I didn't have. It's really nice because you can play a slow game or super aggressive depending how the match goes.
You probably already know this but you'll want to replace the 2 Ironbarks with the 2 Ancients you're missing. They're a lot better due to the, slightly, lower cost and the fact that they're immune to Big Game Hunter. I love Ancient of Lore's healing ability and I use that 75% of the time (I usually have enough card draw from other sources and I know it frustrates my opponent to heal up after they've worked so hard to do damage).

Next up you'll want the 2nd Keeper of the Grove too. You'll be using them, primarily, for Silence but they're also really good to get rid of all the 3/2 minions out there (particularly Faerie Dragons).

I'm not a big fan of Bite myself. I think there's enough other really good 4 drops instead of Bite. Hell use a 2nd Yeti if nothing else.

Mind you I'm being a bit nitpicky there but hope that this helps. I, intentionally, didn't mention Legendary cards since it looks like you're still trying to flesh out your collection first. When you do start crafting Legendary cards, Blood Mage Thalnos works really well in a deck like this (simply replace a novice engineer with him) for really strong Swipes, Wraths, and even Starfall if you can hold out that long (or combo it with Innervate). Sylvanas and Ragnaros work in this deck as well but, like I said, that's for later after you get the rest fleshed out.

an accordion_sl

You probably already know this but you'll want to replace the 2 Ironbarks with the 2 Ancients you're missing. They're a lot better due to the, slightly, lower cost and the fact that they're immune to Big Game Hunter. I love Ancient of Lore's healing ability and I use that 75% of the time (I usually have enough card draw from other sources and I know it frustrates my opponent to heal up after they've worked so hard to do damage).

Next up you'll want the 2nd Keeper of the Grove too. You'll be using them, primarily, for Silence but they're also really good to get rid of all the 3/2 minions out there (particularly Faerie Dragons).

I'm not a big fan of Bite myself. I think there's enough other really good 4 drops instead of Bite. Hell use a 2nd Yeti if nothing else.

Mind you I'm being a bit nitpicky there but hope that this helps. I, intentionally, didn't mention Legendary cards since it looks like you're still trying to flesh out your collection first. When you do start crafting Legendary cards, Blood Mage Thalnos works really well in a deck like this (simply replace a novice engineer with him) for really strong Swipes, Wraths, and even Starfall if you can hold out that long (or combo it with Innervate). Sylvanas and Ragnaros work in this deck as well but, like I said, that's for later after you get the rest fleshed out.
Yep, missing all that shit.

Think it'd be a lot easier playing half these people if I had a single neutral legendary.

I lost 4 ranks today so far to mostly hunters, that's cool

The Master

Bronze Squire
My Shaman deck counters Warlock giants pretty hard. Running 2x BGG, Tink, 2x Hex, Earth Shocks for the Twilights. I run 2x Dark Iron to make the BGH useful in other match ups (anything with 5-6 health can be BGHed with the Dark Iron battlecry). For a combo finishers I have Leeroy+Windfury+Rockbiter, which is 18 damage (I always save one Rockbiter unless it is really bad), so I can focus almost exclusively on board control and then one round them comfortably from 20 health or below. Depends on having the cards in hand, so I've been running 2x Mana Tide. I just added a Pagle as well, since sometimes I am not getting enough draw.

If you want to counter the Hunter deck, play around it. Defender of Argus, play other taunts, keep a low board count, add healing to your deck. They only have two silences, so if you have three taunts, they have to go through one of them. 2x Healing touch and 2x Ancient of Lore deals with 13 turns of just their hero power.


Trakanon Raider
Yep, missing all that shit.

Think it'd be a lot easier playing half these people if I had a single neutral legendary.

I lost 4 ranks today so far to mostly hunters, that's cool
It'll take some time for you to get all the pieces in place but your deck will, eventually, be able to counter Hunter Rush pretty well. Especially once you get the 2nd Ancient of Lore for heals. Also consider Earthen Ring Farseers for a bit more healing. And as The Master mentioned, Defender of Argus to build your own taunts. Keep in mind that the Hunter will be running Owls to silence taunts so you need to be prepared for that.


I don't see many Tdrakes really anymore but it is a good utility card regardless. Plenty of greedy decks run cards that are "ruined on silence".


Anyone try using the splashtop app to run hearthstone on your tablet/phone? It runs pretty smooth even playing it on my galaxy s3. Although I cant figure out how to cast a spell to buff my minion.


Potato del Grande
I'm surprised that so many cards are "neutral", seems like the same stuff every game at lower levels and in arena?

I also feel like the identity of each class isn't very clear.


Golden Squire
Lower levels you pretty much start a deck with all the good neutrals (ssc, did, yeti, etc) then add 8-10 flavor cards from the class. Outside of mage, at least, which is why a lot of people play it when they start out. Some classes you really need a ton of their rares and epics for them to shine.


Potato del Grande
What do you mean?
What does each class do better than other classes? How are their cards differently themed game mechanics wise?
Like Priests can heal themselves and Warrors can equip armor, is there a mechanical difference between 20 health and 10 health & 10 armor?

A couple have secrets, a couple have weapons? But then those effects are not paticularily distinct from regular spells?
Main mechanical differences seem to be ranged effects and melee effects, with melee effects being much weaker since they are effected by taunt etc.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking strictly of class abilities, priests can also heal minions. Warrior armor is self only. Armor also allows you to go over the health cap.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea, as you see more and more cards, the differences in the class abilities and class cards becomes more obvious I think. I've only been playing like a month and I pretty much feel burned out on the game though, having spent no money on it. I'm not that interested in constructed and my arena skills are apparently shittier than they've ever been for some reason. I had gotten up to 7-8 wins and now I'm lucky to get 4.


Blackwing Lair Raider
4 wins is at or slightly above average, shouldn't expect to go over 4 wins every time.

Made a priest deck to try and counter hunters since there are so many of them. Sometimes it works great and sometimes they get just enough to rush me down and make me rage. It also works pretty well against handlock and just ok against druid depending on if I draw the right cards or not.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Assuming i can consistently go at least 3-3 in arena, is it better to save my daily gold for arena entry, or just buy packs whenever I'm at 100?