I'm surprised he mentioned Dirty Rat and not Loatheb. I agree with him there should always be cards you can tech in that can interact with an opponent hand.
Most of the decks right now don't bother me, even Quest Rogue... you can still build decks (not aggro) that can beat Quest Rogue. Dirty Rat was never a great deterrent... could help, but wasn't the be-all-end-all of Quest Rogue by any means. I actually like playing Quest Rogue, I think the 5 copies nerf is very fair. The deck relies on drawing some key cards early if you want to complete the quest early. Average completion is around turn 6.... rarely have I seen it sooner. In the past Quest Rogue was completing on turn 3-4 a lot of the time.
I think control decks would want a Loatheb effect to help create breathing room against Quest Rogue... prevent a Vanish or delay the quest 1 turn. Paladins have this with the new spell, but Control Paladin just isn't good right now to even try that. Mages could tech in Counterspells & Spellbender, like in the past. Wrecks Quest Rogues pretty hard.
Main issue with the meta bothering me are things he didn't even touch on:
CHEATING effects.
Lackey/Cubelock: Just so sick of this deck. It's the main reason I just don't want to play on ladder anymore. Too much bullshit to deal with. Giants, Voidlords, Doomguard, DK, etc etc... 1000 board clears. Fuck this shit. Can't play anything fun with Cubelock around.
Spiteful Summoner: Retarded high-roll gameplay. Got buffed with rotation and we all said it would be strong. Tired of the power turn 5/6/7s where there is a 4/4 and a 10-drop in play each turn.
Call to Arms: Ridiculous power level. Kripp hit the nail on the head. Even at 6 mana this card would see tons of play. The fact you DRAW 3 & PLAY 3 for 4 mana........ Just the Draw3 is worth over 4 mana, let alone playing them too. This card should be 6-7 mana easily.
I don't care about Baku paladin/Hunter... I think they're fine. Control decks can beat them with decent win rate. Genn/Murloc paladin would see much less play if Call to Arms is nerfed. Spiteful needs a change. Warlock needs something changed, I'd start with hitting Dark Pact. Make it 2 or 3 mana. This way they can't Lackey+Pact or Cube+Pact as easily. Delay the combo or make the mana cost less efficient for these 2 combos would provide a lot of breathing room.