

Potato del Grande
And once again you are talking about there Hand not the Deck...
Read the posts in context before state your opinion.

First poster says they should put in a goon whos battlecry is to remove a random card from your opponents hand, next poster reply's back that is too powerful and would just have to be a random card in the whole deck.

Which I then come back with that would be a card no one would run, then outlined why you wouldn't run that in Heartstone.
I swear people just pick parts of a conversation ,and run with it so they can make another useless comment.
Except the half of the post where I am talking about the deck, I addressed both.

At competitive levels you will know what is in your opponent's deck from the first few cards they play, or even class.

Stopping them from playing a key powerful spell can stop them from winning the game, especially if it is a combo piece. In MTG these exist and are sometimes played against decks which rely on one card to win them the game.

Being able to destroy a card in their hand is rediculously good and is currently played in every Black MTG deck, you can take that one card that is going to wreck your day - probally some kind of AoE or powerful creature. Usually there are conditions on what can be destroyed which make them less playable but not at the moment.

This is assuming you can choose the card to be destroyed.It can still be good if it is a random card from their hand as long as you draw more cards than them,it can also be good if it is a card from their library as long as you can get rid of enough to make them run out of cards.
You can't really make an assertion that it'll be good or bad, it all depends on the mana cost, the conditions on it and what other cards synergise with it.


Unelected Mod
And once again you are talking about there Hand not the Deck...
Read the posts in context before state your opinion.
Actually, everyone but you was talking about hand and so I (along with other people) just assumed you were talking about the same thing. Certainly my mentioning a mindvision that discarded instead of giving you a copy was referring to hand. Random card from deck is essentially worthless outside of mill strategies and isn't worth discussing even.


Actually, everyone but you was talking about hand and so I (along with other people) just assumed you were talking about the same thing.
So basically you admit you can't read...

You can't really make an assertion that it'll be good or bad, it all depends on the mana cost, the conditions on it and what other cards synergise with it.
Do you even play this game? A minion that can force a random card out of a hand at anytime would be chaos.
A spell would be even worse like the dumbass who said they should put in a 1 mana card that removes anything from a hand.

They would have to make it so un attractive i.e. a 10 mana minion that is 1/1 with a battecry that no one would use it anyway. There is no way to balance that type of removal in Heartstone.

Only way they could do it is a Deathrattle because it at least give you time to think about what you can do about it if you are 100% going to lose a card out of your hand.


Tranny Chaser
Original card. Do not steal.



Golden Squire
Nozdormu wouldn't be a bad card to add something like "at the end of your turn a card in your opponent's deck is destroyed". Even keeps the same 'time is running out' theme of the card over the gimmick they have now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Discard in HS is far more powerful because every card in HS is individually more powerful. This is due to the fact that the deck size is already lower then that of MTG (30 cards in HS) and that the max is 2 of any card (except in arena) and that there are no lands (removing and 10 -12 potentially drawable cards)

Forcing an opponent to discard a card even just 1 card would be VERY powerful in this game where topdecking (and holding cards back to combo on another turn) is a massive part of the strategy to winning a match. A mage/priest delay & mill deck in HS would be ultra annoying but very much win if there were viable cards.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The 30-card Hearthstone deck is actually almost as big as a Magic deck if you remove the lands (very few magic decks play with less than 20 lands, most play with more than that). Add in that in say a 36-40 card Magic deck you can have 4 copies of a card, and the Hearthstone card restriction of 2 (or 1 Legendary) is a big part of the randomness. To have the same randomness of card drawing as Magic you'd need to up the card limit to 3 copies but that would throw balance into the blender for a while.

I actually would prefer 3-card limit though, you would feel way more in control of your deck, and clearly you don't HAVE to put 3 copies of everything in so you might see more variety in the long run.


Since open beta I haven't been able to draft anything remotely approaching a not terrible deck.
On the other hand, I just drafted this mage deck:

+1 Pyroblast.

Currently at 6 - 2 with the losses to an even more stupid bullshit mage deck and a paladin with The Heart Of The Cards on his side.


Mr. Poopybutthole
On the other hand, I just drafted this mage deck:
+1 Pyroblast.

Currently at 6 - 2 with the losses to an even more stupid bullshit mage deck and a paladin with The Heart Of The Cards on his side.
I went 6 or 7 wins earlier with zero frostbolts, zero fireballs, and zero flamestrikes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
On the other hand, I just drafted this mage deck:

+1 Pyroblast.

Currently at 6 - 2 with the losses to an even more stupid bullshit mage deck and a paladin with The Heart Of The Cards on his side.
Five fucking frostbolts is some seriously "fuck you" shit. I think AI is generally considered bad in arena FYI, but with that deck who gives a fuck. I usually run only one in constructed and even then it can seem like debatable value.


Poet Warrior
I went 6 or 7 wins earlier with zero frostbolts, zero fireballs, and zero flamestrikes.
I believe it. I don't really play as Mage much but I play against them of course and you can play around their burn deck somewhat but if you do... and they aren't running burn....you fall on your face.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Flamestrike is really the key to me. You can live easily without fireballs, especially with bolts, and without polys too. Flamestrike can really turn your match around in a hurry though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Five fucking frostbolts is some seriously "fuck you" shit. I think AI is generally considered bad in arena FYI, but with that deck who gives a fuck. I usually run only one in constructed and even then it can seem like debatable value.
It's better in arena than it is in constructed.