

Lord Nagafen Raider
It would have to be a random discard, since the entire game is designed on not having to react on your opponent's turn. It would sort of be equivalent to killshot or something like that, sometimes insanely good, sometimes garbage. Putting it on a goon seems like it'd be too strong unless the stats:mana ratio was serious ass.


Unelected Mod
No one would run that card anyway
I don't see how you can say that without seeing the other attributes of the card. Mindvision is played and it copies someone's card. A card that got rid of an opponent's card would be better and certainly played at 1 mana. The costs and other attributes could weight against it though, depending.


Mindgames/Mind vision at least puts a random card on the battlefield, or in your hand.

This is a blanket removal of a random card in someones deck.

Be only useful imho late game when you can kind of gauge what your opponent is waiting for which means if you catch it early/mid game in your deck it becomes a dead card.
Dead cards are fucking garbage in Hearthstone.

The only other way it could be usefull is if its 0 mana used to combo other cards off it. Which is a retarded idea then because your sole purpose for the card players are not even using it for.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It seems like the greater population has made the move into Arena by now. I drafted a lot over the weekend and we are back to the good ole days where you can count on a nice easy 4-0 or 5-0 start before things get more challenging. Every draft has been 8 or more wins lately.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, I had a 7-3 run (my best ever sadly) and definitely ran into some people making questionable choices with their hands. I also had a couple terrible drafts and draws on other entries and got my ass kicked by people with amazing drafts and draws. Also, I got a King Mukla. Might try running him in hunter. If it was golden I'd probably DE immediately.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And seems like they enabled quest dropping again? Worked fine for me today and traded up to a 60 gold.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Discard is bad in ccgs, you heard it from Column first folks. Someone alert every other ccg in existence.


Discard is bad in ccgs, you heard it from Column first folks. Someone alert every other ccg in existence.
Yes because every other CCG works exactly like Hearthstone..

I already outlined why putting a card in your deck that's only purpose it to discard a random card in anothers person deck is bad.

Now come with some debate on my points ,or shut your fucking trap.


Lord Nagafen Raider
A spell that does nothing but discard one card would be mostly garbage in Hearthstone. A goon that has a discard battlecry would be potentially way too strong. As a deathrattle it'd be more workable actually. I wouldn't be shocked to see it as a battlecry/deathrattle in the future when they look to add more mechanics.

Edit: "Mill" mechanic from MTG might actually be stronger in Hearthstone, although again, really hard to balance because of how tight numbers have to be. Taking the top 2-4 cards off your opponents deck x number of times could really wreck decks. The weakness is that it doesn't net you any immediate advantage, in fact it gets you an immediate card disadvantage.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
1 mana opponent discards a card would be completely viable and likely heavily played. That's the kind of thing that wins a game on turn 7-8. Creatures with deathrattle/battlecry seem fairly unlikely, or if they show up their combat stats are likely to be unplayable. We're more likely to see something like a 2/2 for 4 mana that has a random discard on damaging the opponent etc.


Except my examples cite DECK you tryhard...

There is no way they will make a card that will discard a card out of someones hand for 1 mana. You know how powerful that would fucking be in this game.
Can you imagine a rogue alone with that shit.

Fucking dumbass


Trakanon Raider
1 mana opponent discards a card would be completely viable and likely heavily played. That's the kind of thing that wins a game on turn 7-8. Creatures with deathrattle/battlecry seem fairly unlikely, or if they show up their combat stats are likely to be unplayable. We're more likely to see something like a 2/2 for 4 mana that has a random discard on damaging the opponent etc.
1 Mana for opponent discards a card is not going to happen. It's easy to think, at first glance, that it'd be balanced, you're just trading a card for a card and you're paying 1 mana, but it's simply not for a million indirect reasons. It'd be run in every single deck and Blizzard doesn't like that. Rishadan Port all over again.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I had a 7-3 run (my best ever sadly) and definitely ran into some people making questionable choices with their hands. I also had a couple terrible drafts and draws on other entries and got my ass kicked by people with amazing drafts and draws. Also, I got a King Mukla. Might try running him in hunter. If it was golden I'd probably DE immediately.
Yeah I'm suddenly back to infinite arena ever since about 36 hours into open beta. Yay.


I could kind of see a 4 mana 3/3 with a deathrattle since you could silence it. But it still kinda sounds like something that would be "unfun". It would probably be a Priest card instead of a neutral though.


Potato del Grande
Yes because every other CCG works exactly like Hearthstone..

I already outlined why putting a card in your deck that's only purpose it to discard a random card in anothers person deck is bad.

Now come with some debate on my points ,or shut your fucking trap.
At competitive levels you will know what is in your opponent's deck from the first few cards they play, or even class.

Stopping them from playing a key powerful spell can stop them from winning the game, especially if it is a combo piece. In MTG these exist and are sometimes played against decks which rely on one card to win them the game.

Being able to destroy a card in their hand is rediculously good and is currently played in every Black MTG deck, you can take that one card that is going to wreck your day - probally some kind of AoE or powerful creature. Usually there are conditions on what can be destroyed which make them less playable but not at the moment.

This is assuming you can choose the card to be destroyed. It can still be good if it is a random card from their hand as long as you draw more cards than them, it can also be good if it is a card from their library as long as you can get rid of enough to make them run out of cards.


At competitive levels you will know what is in your opponent's deck from the first few cards they play, or even class.
You don't say, Hey guys did you know at competitive levels you will know what deck your opponent is running?? that is an amazing insight you have right there. You should work for Blizzard.

At competitive levels you will know what is in your opponent's deck from the first few cards they play, or even class.

Stopping them from playing a key powerful spell can stop them from winning the game, especially if it is a combo piece. In MTG these exist and are sometimes played against decks which rely on one card to win them the game.

Being able to destroy a card in their hand is rediculously good and is currently played in every Black MTG deck, you can take that one card that is going to wreck your day - probally some kind of AoE or powerful creature. Usually there are conditions on what can be destroyed which make them less playable but not at the moment.

This is assuming you can choose the card to be destroyed. It can still be good if it is a random card from their hand as long as you draw more cards than them, it can also be good if it is a card from their library as long as you can get rid of enough to make them run out of cards.
And once again you are talking about there Hand not the Deck...
Read the posts in context before state your opinion.

First poster says they should put in a goon whos battlecry is to remove a random card from your opponents hand, next poster reply's back that is too powerful and would just have to be a random card in the whole deck.

Which I then come back with that would be a card no one would run, then outlined why you wouldn't run that in Heartstone.
I swear people just pick parts of a conversation ,and run with it so they can make another useless comment.


<Bronze Donator>
Since open beta I haven't been able to draft anything remotely approaching a not terrible deck. You can still pull 3-4+ with those terrible decks without too much trouble though. I've definitely seen some extremely questionable plays.