

Trakanon Raider
You were the one who instigated last time you complete fucking loser. I pretty much NEVER start shit, like ever. Only when fucking retards like yourself say some retarded ass shit like you can't seem to help yourself from doing is when I talk like I do. It's you that should be rickshawed since you're the one who instigates shit. I never fucking do. Please fucking die in a car crash.
You are absolutely crazy. Even on adderall you make me look normal.


Vyemm Raider
You are absolutely crazy. Even on adderall you make me look normal.
I'm crazy? I didn't even come at you at all verbally in my post whatsofuckingever and you went ape shit on me for literally no fucking reason even when I was basically agreeing with you. So please take a whole bottle of adderall and fucking kill yourself.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So far the most annoying thing in this game is swapping out cards in the beginning only to get re-dealt that same exact card (1 copy) on the opening draw. Is there any point to the golden cards you get after lvl 10?


Blackwing Lair Raider
So far the most annoying thing in this game is swapping out cards in the beginning only to get re-dealt that same exact card (1 copy) on the opening draw. Is there any point to the golden cards you get after lvl 10?
Yeah, it seems way too often. I should keep track of my own, people say its "only because those are the ones you remember" but some guy kept track and like 70% of the time he got the same card first draw which is mathematically nowhere near where it should be. I'll even throw cards back I'm thinking about keeping because I know I'll get it right back and I usually do.

And nope, just they are shiny.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ireallywish there was some neutral creature that removed secrets.
There's a few effects that need to go to neutral.

1) Twisting Nether should be a neutral spell, and if you're worried about Warlocks bitching, either give them a cheaper version or just tell them to sit on it.

2) A neutral secret remover is a great idea

3) Neutral single target removal. Veeeery difficult to balance without it either being worthless or too good for heroes that already have good single target removal. I think Naturalize is a good example of very powerful removal with an incredibly powerful drawback. But naturalize would be obscene in something like hunter aggro, where they dont care about the card draw because of the ridiculous tempo advantage they just got.

I'm sure there are others.

Some classes could use better class specific stuff. Like priests could really use a solid creature, and maybe bump either pain or death (probably death) to hit 4 power creatures. Hunters would be interesting with some options that allowed you to play more of a control style, as long as those new options didn't really fit into their aggro decks.


Golden Squire
Magic Online is a gigantic festering pile of monkey sweat and I say that as someone who only plays Magic Online. A pack of digital cards costs 100% of retail. That is 3.99 for fifteen cards. If you want to play in a draft you have to buy 3 packs and pay at least two additional dollars. If you assemble a full set of any particular expansion you can redeem them for physical cards but other than that having to pay full retail is horseshit and has been horseshit the entire time MTGO has existed. The interface looks like it's 15 years old. It's unintuitive and figuring out all of the settings so you can exactly replicate all of the rules for physical magic takes quite a bit of time.

If you don't have a store near you it's functional. If you are a cheap bastard like I am most singles cost considerably less than the real deal. I like how the deck builder operates even if it occasionally forgets what cards are in what sets.

I've played Hearthstone and I haven't had a single bit of enjoyment in any game of it I've ever played so I quit. I like to watch other people play but for me it's just an exercise in getting pissed off. Hearthstone's presentation blows MTGO out of the water. It's friendly and shiny and has pretty graphics and sound effects and all kinds of shit just absent from MTGO. It hurts me physically how much better Hearthstone is put together. If Hasbro just copied their model and relaunched MTGO they could have one of the most amazingly popular digital productsever.But they won't.
This... like X10000. MTGO interface is SO EFFING painful it makes me want to claw my eyes out every time I play. Hex has promise, I pray that it delivers on the depth it has as the interface is infinitely better than MTGO.

There's like DOTP 2012, 13, and 14 on steam
Different (and better put together!) game -- but it is single set gameplay with far weaker community. That said, it is good for some fun if you are itching for magic, but it is pretty limited (at least in my experience)


Yeah, but which version is good for a new person to Magic if I just want to see what's on the other side of the CCG fence


Mr. Poopybutthole
well they're talking about MTGO. Duel of the Planeswalkers is a completely different thing. Just get whatever the newest one of those is.
3) Neutral single target removal. Veeeery difficult to balance without it either being worthless or too good for heroes that already have good single target removal. I think Naturalize is a good example of very powerful removal with an incredibly powerful drawback. But naturalize would be obscene in something like hunter aggro, where they dont care about the card draw because of the ridiculous tempo advantage they just got.
Naturalize is incredibly shitty because of the drawback and why druids are running Millhouse, Black Knight, BGH etc


Golden Squire
well they're talking about MTGO. Duel of the Planeswalkers is a completely different thing. Just get whatever the newest one of those is.
Duels if fine if you want to 'learn about Magic the Gathering', but it is a VERY watered down, simplified version of magic and uses a totally different (and much more user friendly) interface. Sorry should have been more clear.

If you are a new player and want to learn how to play magic, duels is not a bad first step. Just understand that you cannot play Magic the gathering:Online via the game you would be buying on steam.. it is a totally different game (with the same basic rule-set).


Trakanon Raider
There's a few effects that need to go to neutral.

1) Twisting Nether should be a neutral spell, and if you're worried about Warlocks bitching, either give them a cheaper version or just tell them to sit on it.

2) A neutral secret remover is a great idea

3) Neutral single target removal. Veeeery difficult to balance without it either being worthless or too good for heroes that already have good single target removal. I think Naturalize is a good example of very powerful removal with an incredibly powerful drawback. But naturalize would be obscene in something like hunter aggro, where they dont care about the card draw because of the ridiculous tempo advantage they just got.

I'm sure there are others.

Some classes could use better class specific stuff. Like priests could really use a solid creature, and maybe bump either pain or death (probably death) to hit 4 power creatures. Hunters would be interesting with some options that allowed you to play more of a control style, as long as those new options didn't really fit into their aggro decks.
They also could use a "spell taunt" and something for stuff like "freeze"

Still kinda wish they had kept sap's old wording and made it work that way.

So far the most annoying thing in this game is swapping out cards in the beginning only to get re-dealt that same exact card (1 copy) on the opening draw. Is there any point to the golden cards you get after lvl 10?
They look cool......or just turn them into dust


Lord Nagafen Raider
You can silence frozen minions to attack with them, but yea that's about it. Rarely useful but it can be clutch once in a great while.


Trakanon Raider
That's the thing. I wouldn't mind if it was just a powerful card under specific circumstances or fit a specific strategy. Had a rogue aggro deck pop it on me, a priest control deck, and then a borderline mirror match warrior where the only real difference was the guy had Alex. I disliked it in MtG (hi power 9) and I dislike it here. Again, it wouldn't matter to me if it was based around a theme, but having it show up in such disparate deck styles makes me wonder if it shouldn't be toned down so it doesn't end up in decks "because." And I'm well aware that Magic set the precedent, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be the case here.

Admittedly, I posted that last night after literally having 3 games in a row where the -only- deciding factor was that they had Alex, so my instant rage was still high.
Welcome to meta shifts.

You see less of the high end legends when aggro was big, but that is no longer the case since the format slowed down.

You can silence frozen minions to attack with them, but yea that's about it. Rarely useful but it can be clutch once in a great while.
Yea, problem was their was only a handful of silence cards, some tied to class only and many were just bad cards. Game just needs more cards, then they wouldn't have to run around nerfing this and that over QQ.


I know it's hard not to, butpleaserefrain from riling up Lumie too much. I know a lot of you want him banned outright and I sympathize.

The best thing to do is just let him dig his own grave.



This is one set of cards they could easily add imho. This was my idea from about 2 months ago

One card I believe they could add without throwing everything out of wack is a magic shield that absorbs incoming un tauntable damage.

For instance any melee attack must go through a taunt if it is played on the board. Not the same for Spells.

So basically you would play this card, lets just say its a 4/4 Deathknight with the effect Anti Magic shell.
Instead of a normal shield taunt, the graphic on the card would be a glowing green shield, with the effect absorb up to 6 points of spell damage before dieing.

So when your opponent plays a spell against anything on the board that spell shield card will draw up to 6 points of damage then die.
The spell shield taunt also can be killed by any minion.

You can even expand on that with battlecrys. Play a card that give anti magic zone to any card adjacent to it.

Then they could also make a card that puts an effect on a played card such as being unable to be frozen, mind controlled, etc. When an opponent plays one of those spells that effect would expire.


Priest plays Mind control against Paladins Ragnaros

Ragnaros has Lichborne and is unable to be charmed.

Mind control card is lost at that point.

Lets make the stipulation that the effects can always be stripped with a silence.
So if priest sees the Lichborne effect on a card he could play an owl for round 9, and then play mind control for round 10.

Of course he now loses the Ragnaros fireball attack because he silenced it earlier.