

<Silver Donator>
I don't know about "fake" miracle rogue, but aggro rogue is growing popular as it counters miracle rogue. I ran into it once last night and was able to win by destroying 3 charges of an assassin's blade with harrison jones.
Ah! that's exactly how I won against the agro rogue I faced last night.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just started playing this at the end of this past season, so about two weeks. I made it to rank ten with just the basic cards and packs I got through arena. This season is a bit different tho. I find myself getting out spent by powerful expensive deck list. Not only that but it seems there's not a creative player in this game. Everyone runs net decks which is annoying.

Anyway it's fun. I have 4 decks I can win in ranked with and I have very cheap cards.


Game doesn't really allow for too much creativity because of the 30 card limit, and the limited card pool. That's why you are seeing all these old decks from season 1 and 2 come back into our current season over a year later.

As far as beating expensive decks, that is the pitfalls of any F2P game in a constructed setting. The cheapest most solid deck is still zoo because it requires no legendaries, and is always powerful.
Only bad thing about zoo for a new player is you really don't learn the game because of it being retard friendly.

Arena puts you on even playing field with everyone else.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Game doesn't really allow for too much creativity because of the 30 card limit, and the limited card pool. That's why you are seeing all these old decks from season 1 and 2 come back into our current season over a year later.

As far as beating expensive decks, that is the pitfalls of any F2P game in a constructed setting. The cheapest most solid deck is still zoo because it requires no legendaries, and is always powerful.

Arena puts you on even playing field with everyone else.
I do play a control warlock deck which is similar to the zoo deck list. It works alright but only against average decks or players. When I'm against good decks it's pretty much am auto loss. Can these cheap decks make it to legend?

As to your arena point, I don't have a whole lot of experience but I've played out three times now. Never got a legendary and always bad rare selection. I got stomped by far superior deck list. I decided to stop wasting the coins I earned on arena.


Zoo can definately make it to legend ,but you have to grind. Legend isn't skill based its grind based.

It's knowing what decks to play at what times of the day. With multiple decks you are going to have less of a grind. With one solid deck like Zoo you are going to have a much longer grind.
That's exactly how you have to think about it

Arena is really good for multiple reasons for learning the game ,but can be tough on new players.

Playing all the metas in constructed prepares you for what people will play. Your greatest advantage is knowing what every card does, and how each deck uses them in constructed.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Are there any decent Mage secret decks? I refuse to use a pre-made/competition deck-- half the fun I get from this game is trying to create something on my own to effectively climb the ladder, constantly fine-tuning as I go. The best this has gotten me though is to rank 10. Currently running a few spellbenders, ice barriers, kirin-tor mages, ethereal arcanists, blizzards, fireballs, a flamestrike, ragnaros, and pyroblast as highlights. The general idea is to use tons of removal to get to turn 8 where you drop ragnaros and then lethal them with Pyro on turn 10. A starting hand of coin, spellbender, Kirin tor mage, and ethereal arcanist almost always guarantees me a win, but a lot of the time you either draw secrets but no mage/arcanist, or you draw mage/arcanist and no secrets. Deck seems to fail hard against zoo and shaman decks as they just seem to be able to re-fill the board so quickly even after I wipe it clear, but it seems to do very well against pallys, rogues, and other mages. Anyways, was wondering if making a "secret oriented" deck is viable, as I'm having problems with consistency.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Why talk about creating something and then ask people for decks?
Not looking to plagiarize a deck wholesale, just want to know if making one around secrets is even viable, and if so am curious what type of combos/interactions work best. My deck might mostly be random jank, but I'd be lying if ideas/components haven't been inspired by existing decks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are there any decent Mage secret decks? I refuse to use a pre-made/competition deck-- half the fun I get from this game is trying to create something on my own to effectively climb the ladder, constantly fine-tuning as I go. The best this has gotten me though is to rank 10. Currently running a few spellbenders, ice barriers, kirin-tor mages, ethereal arcanists, blizzards, fireballs, a flamestrike, ragnaros, and pyroblast as highlights. The general idea is to use tons of removal to get to turn 8 where you drop ragnaros and then lethal them with Pyro on turn 10. A starting hand of coin, spellbender, Kirin tor mage, and ethereal arcanist almost always guarantees me a win, but a lot of the time you either draw secrets but no mage/arcanist, or you draw mage/arcanist and no secrets. Deck seems to fail hard against zoo and shaman decks as they just seem to be able to re-fill the board so quickly even after I wipe it clear, but it seems to do very well against pallys, rogues, and other mages. Anyways, was wondering if making a "secret oriented" deck is viable, as I'm having problems with consistency.
Bottom line is, no, secret mage isn't really viable. Mage and Pally secrets are too easy to play around. Vaporize or Mirror Entity on a big creature is fantastic. Vaporize or Mirror Entity on a chump creature is terrible. Also, secrets make terrible draws if you end up behind.

The cardpool is too small to create something on your own. For example, Miracle Rogue isn't even a new deck, it just got popular because it was a great answer to where the meta was shifting, and now it's staying popular because most of the decks people come up with to try and counter it are awful.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just started playing this at the end of this past season, so about two weeks. I made it to rank ten with just the basic cards and packs I got through arena. This season is a bit different tho. I find myself getting out spent by powerful expensive deck list. Not only that but it seems there's not a creative player in this game. Everyone runs net decks which is annoying.

Anyway it's fun. I have 4 decks I can win in ranked with and I have very cheap cards.
Its because you were playing at the end of last season so the ladder was very much settled in, in that people with complete decks are going to be in ranks 10-L. Right now rank 10 still has a lot of people in it that were legendary last season.

I do play a control warlock deck which is similar to the zoo deck list. It works alright but only against average decks or players. When I'm against good decks it's pretty much am auto loss. Can these cheap decks make it to legend?

As to your arena point, I don't have a whole lot of experience but I've played out three times now. Never got a legendary and always bad rare selection. I got stomped by far superior deck list. I decided to stop wasting the coins I earned on arena.
Its not unusual to go 3 arena entries without a legendary, at all. You don't start playing people with good decks until 7+ wins so I doubt you were getting stomped by far superior deck lists, more than likely just getting outplayed and that probably has a lot to do with you just don't know all the cards yet so you don't know what to play around.
Zoo can definately make it to legend ,but you have to grind. Legend isn't skill based its grind based.

It's knowing what decks to play at what times of the day. With multiple decks you are going to have less of a grind. With one solid deck like Zoo you are going to have a much longer grind.
That's exactly how you have to think about it

Arena is really good for multiple reasons for learning the game ,but can be tough on new players.

Playing all the metas in constructed prepares you for what people will play. Your greatest advantage is knowing what every card does, and how each deck uses them in constructed.
I think a big mistake I made last season was trying to play different decks, I think its better to play one consistent deck and fine tune in and out cards based on what you see.


If you only play at one time of the day everyday, then one deck is fine.
If you are trying to take advantage of when certain metas will be played, then multiple decks are the key.

The kids coming out of school tend to play the most popular metas so that's primetime. The grandpas that play in the morning play much different decks, and are very weak to the strong meta decks.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Bottom line is, no, secret mage isn't really viable. Mage and Pally secrets are too easy to play around. Vaporize or Mirror Entity on a big creature is fantastic. Vaporize or Mirror Entity on a chump creature is terrible. Also, secrets make terrible draws if you end up behind.

The cardpool is too small to create something on your own. For example, Miracle Rogue isn't even a new deck, it just got popular because it was a great answer to where the meta was shifting, and now it's staying popular because most of the decks people come up with to try and counter it are awful.
Thanks, that's too bad, as the cardpool is too small to have entirely dead mechanics out there. Seeing the same 5 decks over and over in ranked is getting old. It seems to be all zoo or annoying as fuck priest decks. The game needs more cards, but at the same time I almost feel that the small card pool is part of what makes it great. I used to play MtG a lot, but the gazillion cards and mechanics eventually restricted ranked play to only the most hardcore players.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The difference here though is the most valuable card ever will still only cost 1600 dust, whereas in M:TG you might have several $20-100+ cards and you need 4 of them. It is way more accessible to get every card needed to be competitive.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Never did I ever consider that I would one day regret dusting Harrison.

He's still not great, but I'll probably run him until miracle rogue isn't a thing anymore because I like to think every dped weapon or assassin's blade I destroy kills a miracle rogue.


<Silver Donator>
I think they'll just change the ressource to craft them, like next expansion(not naxx) will require cosmical dusts or whatever so no need for them to add more expensive shit. Then when the next expansion hits again, they'll have a new type of dust and your cosmical and normal dusts will be merged, as well as the prices. Repeat forever like this. Prevents you from stockpiling and buying an entire expansion for free right away, but lets you buy everything over time at a constant price.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you only play at one time of the day everyday, then one deck is fine.
If you are trying to take advantage of when certain metas will be played, then multiple decks are the key.

The kids coming out of school tend to play the most popular metas so that's primetime. The grandpas that play in the morning play much different decks, and are very weak to the strong meta decks.
Cool thanks. Not that I want to dodge good competition, but how do I dodge good competition?