

Blackwing Lair Raider
Because harvest golem trades with so many 3 drops before its deathrattle goes off? But yeah, I can see how you could potentially really screw yourself if you still have a weak minion in hand and it summons it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuck I just found out it doesn't work. Jaraxus' battlecry never triggers. So it's a 5 card combo for a turn 3 3/15.

The Ancient_sl

It's a terrible card. Warlock demons are cheap because they typically have negative battlecries. Yes you avoid the battlecry by utilizing the deathrattle, but since it requires the demon be in your hand and the best value you can get out of it is a 4+ mana cost demon, it means you've had a dead card for 4 turns.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Felguard or Doomguard would be the only good summons, I think. Though maybe combined with Rivendare it'd be interesting?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I still don't think felguard would be worth running, but succubus might be worth considering, but pit lords, dread infernals, and doomguards(besides illidan) would all provide ridiculous value.
Also consider playing against it, it puts yourself in a hairy situation, if you don't have board control and you don't have silence you absolutely can not afford to use removal on it because you just spent your mana on removal AND you might give them a big demon. Should you choose to ignore it than your opponent can doa it or demon fire it and it is much more formidable.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have Voidcaller in play. You destroy it and I have a few demons in my hand. We are assuming I get to pick which to play? How long do I get to decide? This is the only card that forces a player to make a decision during the opponent's turn right?


Trakanon Raider
The player doesn't get to choose what demon goes into play. It's random. And that's a good thing because we don't want the opposing player holding the game "hostage" on their opponent's turn.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have never gotten a ysera yet, one of the last two legendaries that actually get played that I still need, her and Mukla.


Trakanon Raider
Ysera was my first Legendary. I bought the $10 7 pack deal and got her followed by Antonidas in the next pack.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah the problem of the warlock card isn't so much the card itself, it's the fact warlocks have shit for good demons to begin with. You can put shitty demons in your deck if you want but then you run into the issue where you don't draw this guy and you have like succubi and felguards in your hand and you don't want to play them shit cards. If there's more class cards and one of them is a cool demon I could see it being decent, and otherwise for a fucking around demon deck it'd be nice, with like void beast and sac pact and shit like that, it's at least gonna surprise people lol. Definitely doesn't combo with Jaraxus either, Illidan maybe but Illidan's kinda fucking weird in the sense that he has really low health so he can actually be killed even on turn 4 by a lot of classes. And if you play this, sac pact it, get illidan out and the opponent kills illidan on his turn, you're pretty much well fucked.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Eh, there are quite a few cards even in the current limited card pool that people said were unplayable, but that ended up in top tier decks. Sure it isn't a good idea to stick it into the current Zoo or Handlock decks, but there could be a new mid-range demon Warlock that uses it.


<Silver Donator>
Eh, there are quite a few cards even in the current limited card pool that people said were unplayable, but that ended up in top tier decks. Sure it isn't a good idea to stick it into the current Zoo or Handlock decks, but there could be a new mid-range demon Warlock that uses it.
Well I don't think the card is good enough that you build around it, and the other demon cards are lackluster so making a demon deck is kinda very meh. If they had a few more demon cards, maybe buffing demons(kinda like demonfire but the card's too good for removal) I think you'd get some interesting synergy with sac pact and sense demons. And as you said, it doesn't fit warlock decks atm either.

I'm not sure how the expansion is split as though, is it only one class card per class then rest is neutral, or is it like 2-3class cards then a few neutrals. Something like a spell that does "Deathrattle: When this demon dies, all other demons get +2/+0" or some shit, get some interesting synergy with imp master, violet teacher and just demon deck in general, can self trigger with dark pact and gain health on top, shit like that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I agree you don't want unplayable demons in your deck, but the only demon I'd say for sure is unplayable is felguard.

Doomguard was considered unplayable.

I think succubi are iffey, losing a card isn't the worst thing in the world for warlock if you had to play her with the battlecry and she's big enough to get plenty value from the new card, sense demons could possibly fit into this deck and make up that card loss if you had to play her from hand. Felguard I don't see his unplayable status ever changing just because if you play him turn 3 you aren't really destroying one mana crystal you're destroying 7, or at least 1 + however many turns until the game ends before 10. Pit Lord, his battle cry is playable, although flame imp is better in the grand scheme of things and you can't take the hits from both flame imp and pit lord, that is why you never see pit lord, but pit lord may work granted you circumvent some of the battlecry damage from those two cards with the new card + you have sacrifical pact adding new life. Dread Infernal is absolutely playable, he just doesn't really fit into zoo or handlock.

I don't know if it'll work, but the new card at least brings the unused warlock cards into the equation.


Trakanon Raider
They really need to announce pricing. I'm sitting on 2,000 gold I've been saving up for a while now, and as a free player who doesn't bother with arena, it's very frustrating to be grinding for weeks without ever buying packs due to saving for Naxx. Lot less fun when you don't get to look forward to opening a pack at the end of an evening of games.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, I'm on like 5k gold. It would be nice to know how much of it I need to spend.

That Warlock card would be good in Zoo when you can play it and almost guarantee a Doomguard. Replace Dark Iron Dwarf/Scarlet Crusader.