

Molten Core Raider
Yeah, I do wish they'd make it a bit easier to farm gold. This game is nearly impossible to play without dumping money into it.


Molten Core Raider
You're powerful stupid son.
I can be powerful stupid sometimes, yes.

I'm not dropping money on their site, though. Already dropped enough money on this damned game.

So what exactly are they putting behind the pay wall?


Mr. Poopybutthole
The original site had premium articles. I assumed that was always the plan for the new site, they just didn't have it set up immediately.


Blackwing Lair Raider
After my struggles I went back to good ole face hunter, its so much better being on the winning side of games people have no business winning.


Am I missing something or am I really looking at many months of grinding arena to get a good collection of cards? It seems to be either that or put several hundred euros into it. I bought 60 packs and got fuck-all, literally not enough to put togetheranyof the good decks, and arena is so fucking RNG that it makes me want to quit the game every twenty minutes because I might as well sit there and flip a coin.


Lord Nagafen Raider
At this point you may benefit most from making a fast deck (or decks) and just focusing on getting your dailies done, it will take a non trivial amount of time either way to build up a good collection if you aren't "buying in" as it were. Naxx is worth the purchase if you haven't already, lots of good and relevant cards there.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
definitely buy Naxx and maximize the daily quests as much as possible


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Naxx is completely mandatory. I don't like to hear "pay to win" so much since they have to make money off the fucking thing somehow. Having a reasonably polished playable game with a fuckton of other players is worth tossing them the coin here and there. But they did kind of fuck up with the adventure pack mode and it sounds like they are going to do it again. I mean, they fucked up in being able to call the game free to play, when in reality you can't play this thing and ignore Naxx. For the goal of having steady income stream, yeah the adventure packs are money hats.

Its not reasonable to expect people to save gold for Naxx when its far more efficient to just buy it and you are guaranteed to unlock the cards. Those of us playing a while had the gold saved to buy it that way, but most of us paid the RL cash since it was more efficient. With random card packs its more reasonable to spend money once a year or something then roll the dice with your gold and arenas.


I don't even really have a problem with the fact that the free to play is a bit of a carrot on a stick, but yeah, it barely qualifies as F2P. It's the kind of F2P where you're allowed to play the game for free but you're never realistically going to reach the top unless you just grind arena for two months to assemble a mech mage deck and then play that to legend and consider it having reached the top.

My concern is more with the insane investment it takes to get somewhere even when willing to pay a reasonable amount of money. After a ?100 investment (and yes I did buy Naxx), I've only just become able to put together the very cheapest of the top decks, and then only by disenchanting virtually every card I have that isn't used in the meta. Unlike games with leveling and a gearing-up process, this isn't a game where the journey is particularly great, there's no inherent value in playing shitty budget decks until you can afford the good cards. As such, requiring such a long, mindless grind to get anywhere is silly unless the alternative is reasonably priced.

Hearthstone clearly has a severe mismatch between the time it takes to learn the game and the time it takes to obtain the cards to make advanced decks -- unless one is willing to throw several hundred euros at the game, of course, but that's objectively ridiculous. If you don't do this, it takes way longer to obtain a good deck than it takes to become a good enough player to warrant playing a top deck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You've got some pretty bad luck I guess, anytime me or my kids have bought a chunk of packs at once its come up with a ton of good cards and dust. Even if you get three King Muklas, as has happened to me, at least that's a big pile of dust. After that you just have to prioritize what you want to play, or better yet what epics and legends will fit in the widest range of decks.

I do sympathize though. I've been playing this since beta and religiously doing dailies literally almost every day since then. I can't imagine trying to start out NOW with all the new cards plus Naxx and everyone you play has a nicer collection. I'm sure its frustrating. I was frustrated enough starting this game with no CCG experience and going up against seasoned MTG players raping my newb ass.


Does the term "miracle rogue" refer to a rogue playing a Malygos -> Sinister Strike combo for the finish?


<Bronze Donator>
I don't think so. Miracle rogue, I think, more refers to chaining together combos and card draws to put together some ridiculous plays on one turn. Almost always requires auctioneer. Used to be centered around putting out leeroy twice on one turn. Note how both of those have been nerfed.

I'd rather deal with the RNG of arena than the slog of slowly collecting cards to get better ladder ranks. I do wish arena runs were easier to chain together, bullshit losses and drafts would be much easier to eat if it didn't mean I couldn't play again for a day or two. But, that's me being greedy. From a "they have to make money off this", it's understandable.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Does the term "miracle rogue" refer to a rogue playing a Malygos -> Sinister Strike combo for the finish?
Malygos rogue is a niche version of Miracle rogue. Miracle rogue refers to spell heavy rogue decks that rely on quickly cycling through your deck and then bursting your opponent down over a turn or two. They used to revolve around Gadgetzan Auctioneer as a draw engine, but after the nerf most miracle decks cut one or both in favor of alternate gameplans. Generally the idea is to keep the board as clear as you can and chip away at your opponent so you can finish him off with a big sharpsword flurry.

Malygos is pretty much dead as a Miracle rogue variant because that version is even more reliant on Gadgetzan than any other.


I don't even really have a problem with the fact that the free to play is a bit of a carrot on a stick, but yeah, it barely qualifies as F2P. It's the kind of F2P where you're allowed to play the game for free but you're never realistically going to reach the top unless you just grind arena for two months to assemble a mech mage deck and then play that to legend and consider it having reached the top.

My concern is more with the insane investment it takes to get somewhere even when willing to pay a reasonable amount of money. After a ?100 investment (and yes I did buy Naxx), I've only just become able to put together the very cheapest of the top decks, and then only by disenchanting virtually every card I have that isn't used in the meta. Unlike games with leveling and a gearing-up process, this isn't a game where the journey is particularly great, there's no inherent value in playing shitty budget decks until you can afford the good cards. As such, requiring such a long, mindless grind to get anywhere is silly unless the alternative is reasonably priced.

Hearthstone clearly has a severe mismatch between the time it takes to learn the game and the time it takes to obtain the cards to make advanced decks -- unless one is willing to throw several hundred euros at the game, of course, but that's objectively ridiculous. If you don't do this, it takes way longer to obtain a good deck than it takes to become a good enough player to warrant playing a top deck.
The mismatch between learning the game and wanting to make specific decks is what drives people to buy packs and subsequently lines Blizzard's pockets. It's not even something you can blame them for as it's just how CCGs work. They just (digitally) packaged it really well.


Ah, thanks for the responses. I just ran into it for the first time in a ladder match at rank 12. He had a dagger with deadly poison on it, used prep, then sprint to draw. Following turn - malygos, sinister strike, plus dagger to burst down my last 11 health. Auctioneer was never played... just sprint, plus things like fan of knives and azure drakes to help draw.