

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd rather play against that shit than the old miracle any day. Those fuckers would routinely take the rope on every play, and it was legitimate that they had to think about each turn that much. You would feel like the game was largely in hand forever while they drew a million cards then eventually drop the rest of your health in one turn. Rogue needs serious help and its almost always struggled to be viable, but I don't miss fucking miracle rogues at all.

Loatheb was one of the the ways Blizzard specifically addressed miracle rogue. Also increasing the mana cost of Leeroy and then the Gadgetzan nerf was the final nail.


I do sympathize though. I've been playing this since beta and religiously doing dailies literally almost every day since then. I can't imagine trying to start out NOW with all the new cards plus Naxx and everyone you play has a nicer collection. I'm sure its frustrating. I was frustrated enough starting this game with no CCG experience and going up against seasoned MTG players raping my newb ass.
They need to do something like LoL did where you can buy all the original champions in a bundle at a discounted price. They have a similar situation where catching up now would be utterly impossible without doing that. Hearthstone isn't a game that's particularly awesome when playing catch-up because losing to superior decks is really underwhelming, and while arena does offer a potential alternative that doesn't guarantee facing superior decks, new players aren't really any better off in the arena due to a lack of experience and knowledge. And I for one can't stand playing arena due to the overwhelming RNG.

I would gladly have paid ?100 for all the classic cards and, say, half of the classic legendaries chosen at random. Instead I bought 60 booster packs and I think I got maybe a quarter of the classic cards and two or three legendaries, all of them disenchant garbage. I guess it makes business sense if people really do end up paying several hundred euros for it - although I wonder how many really do so - but it's awful for gameplay and I suspect they'd make just as much money selling a classic set as almost everyone who is willing to invest in the game would get it if they start out now. It seems practically impossible to break into the competitive scene in any other way, there simply is no catch-up feature.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's clear most of you have never played a CCG before, because Hearthstone is far and away the cheapest one I've ever played.


Molten Core Raider
It's not really. In games like Magic, you can at very least sell your cards to buy ones you need for a certain deck. You can "sort" of do that in HS with the disenchant, but the amount of dust you get on non-golden/non legendary cards is pretty lame. At least with Magic you can cash out as well. In Hearthstone, you can't sell any of your cards to recover some of your money.

I do think they'll eventually have to come up with some kind of solution. I just wish they'd give you three daily quests a day instead of just one. You could just farm gold then and get a reasonable amount of cards, but I don't know if Blizzard would be willing to do that.


<Bronze Donator>
It's clear most of you have never played a CCG before, because Hearthstone is far and away the cheapest one I've ever played.
So? That Hearthstone's cost of entry is cheaper(yet still increasing) than other CCGs is irrelevant. The cost of entry exists and it is preventing a non-insignificant portion of players from ponying up money. Don't you think Blizzard would want their money? And that the health of the game would be better with a larger player base with higher turnover?
I would pony up for a set of classic plus X random classic legendary cards. That way you have the base cards but would still need to dust or pack buy for the heavy hitters. They should release a set like that whenever they put out a new xpac. Keeps old players ahead of the curve on power but let's new players try to play some legitimate decks without dumping massive amounts of cash and hoping on rngesus.


With the way current pricing is and the approximate 1 legendary every 20 packs rate, it's the same as your set. $70 for 60 packs should theoretically get you 3 legendaries out of 300 cards, which should let you make a lot of decks.

Unless you're suggesting they make starter bundles with specific ~30 cards and 1-2 legendaries? I could kinda see that working, one class legendary and one random neutral legendary.


Most of the legendaries are pretty bad. At most a quarter of them are worth using in the meta and most of the competitive decks use between four and eight of them. It's not like you can just say "this deck needs five legendaries" and then stick any five in there. The odds of opening even a hundred packs and getting the cards needed for a competition level deck are pretty much nil, with the exception of mech mage as it only really requires two expensive cards (and people complain that everyone plays mech mage; wonder why that is).

I opened 60 packs and got Gruul and Baron Geddon, that gets me nowhere. By my estimation, the investment needed to be able to make, say, three competitive decks is in the neighbourhood of three hundred euros. From then on, the cost of further decks is smaller as some of the legendaries are re-used and you'd have most of the rares and epics from opening 200+ packs, but that's also an absolutely insane cost of entry to a game where the "journey" has essentially no gameplay value.

You can't even get classic cards from the arena anymore. I was lucky to have played a bit the month after launch so I had some of the classic cards already. For players who don't, there's practically no alternative to buying a huge bundle of classic packs as the amount of arena one would have to do in order to get the dust to make the classic collection via disenchanting GvG cards is outrageous, probably in the ballpark of an entire year of grinding arena.

GvG is relatively new, but what it has done to the barrier of entry is bizarre. It has essentially eliminated F2P for anyone who hasn't played all along, and raised the cost of starting Hearthstone by an absurd amount as you can't realistically obtain a classic collection without buying probably hundreds of packs.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else noticing weird bugs today? So far today:

1. Hunter plays a Scavenging hyena with a webspinner and 3 of the snakes from trap. I try to kill hyena with minion and it wont let me attack it. It wouldn't let me attack the snakes or go to the face either, but only the webspinner as though it was a taunt minion even though no spare parts were played.

2. I played a hobgoblin -> Echoing Ooze which gave it +2/2, but it never replicated itself.

3. Paladin killed my Harvest Golem and instead of giving me the 2/1, it gave him that pally gvg 2/2 + divine shield minion

Wtf is going on? Did Blizz jack up some deathrattle code or something?


<Bronze Donator>
I haven't had any problems, other than my shredders shitting out Doomsayers and losing me games I was winning

Edit: Also there is nothing Tempo Storm could put on their site that would make it worth giving them money for it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Tort: They generally try to not shut down the store unless something serious is going on and the store is closed.

Not seen anything like that myself - although in an arena literally three matches in a row I got blown out by Rocketeer/Tauren taunt dude right after a sweeper.


Been playing Shaman. Haven't had a mirror match in ages. Is there a site that keeps track of the most underused classes at the moment? Feels like Shaman is at the bottom of ladder representation right now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone else noticing weird bugs today? So far today:

1. Hunter plays a Scavenging hyena with a webspinner and 3 of the snakes from trap. I try to kill hyena with minion and it wont let me attack it. It wouldn't let me attack the snakes or go to the face either, but only the webspinner as though it was a taunt minion even though no spare parts were played.

2. I played a hobgoblin -> Echoing Ooze which gave it +2/2, but it never replicated itself.

3. Paladin killed my Harvest Golem and instead of giving me the 2/1, it gave him that pally gvg 2/2 + divine shield minion

Wtf is going on? Did Blizz jack up some deathrattle code or something?
I was just playing against an "Unknown" not sure if their servers taking a shit can cause funny bugs.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah it's a completely ridiculous idea that will never catch on. I mean look at how badly Star City Games fell apart.


Poet Warrior
It's not really. In games like Magic, you can at very least sell your cards to buy ones you need for a certain deck. You can "sort" of do that in HS with the disenchant, but the amount of dust you get on non-golden/non legendary cards is pretty lame. At least with Magic you can cash out as well. In Hearthstone, you can't sell any of your cards to recover some of your money.
Also you could gift cards. I would happily just hand some key Rares or Epics to some friends if I could. And I'm sure that is vice versa as well. When I re-entered MTG a few years ago, a guy at the store hooked me up with some cool red and white rares because that is what I was playing. It wasn't anything crazy but it was nice and it helped me get into the game a bit easier. None of that in HS.


Trakanon Raider
Been playing Shaman. Haven't had a mirror match in ages. Is there a site that keeps track of the most underused classes at the moment? Feels like Shaman is at the bottom of ladder representation right now.
I've played 60 games of shaman, seen other shaman about 4 times. Lost to a sea giant/murloc deck -- which could have been a bot -- the shame, and beaten the rest in long drawn out control games.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also you could gift cards. I would happily just hand some key Rares or Epics to some friends if I could. And I'm sure that is vice versa as well. When I re-entered MTG a few years ago, a guy at the store hooked me up with some cool red and white rares because that is what I was playing. It wasn't anything crazy but it was nice and it helped me get into the game a bit easier. None of that in HS.
That would seriously interfere with the drive to buy. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot? As great as trading would be I can understand why it doesn't exist. I play with two accounts and often wished I could move a duplicate to the other one. Hey, why don't they just make it cost a RL transaction fee to do! Five bucks per card moved! Step right up, Blizz has you covered! >)